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So, anyone playing League of Legends?


da Blitz master
Dec 31, 2002
Sthlm, Swe
Serpent in the Staglands Codex USB, 2014 Shadorwun: Hong Kong
Rofl, I got a warning from Riot, got reported several times for negative attitude on EUW.
IMO, not even smurfs should get a free pass for going full retard and I reacted a bit with witty comments. Not that appreciated from the team members.


Apr 22, 2007
Danzig, Potato-Hitman Commonwealth
I also got one of those two weeks back, not sure who got butthurt over what since I usually avoid the chat. Possibly somebody got butthurt over "please buy wards" or "stop roaming solo" repeated for the 4th time with a FFS added.

Jim Cojones

Nov 2, 2008
Przenajswietsza Rzeczpospolita
I played a bit on the PBE server after my issues with it had finally been fixed. It's a bit difficult to get a good grasp of what's strong and what's not when a freshly created account starts with a shitty Elo and the level of play I experience so far is quite low. Nevertheless I posted some impressions in response to a thread about supports on Riot forum and decided to share my thoughts with you guys as well:

The supports get significantly more gold and spend more of it on items instead of wards, but that only make their late-game presence a bit better, and it works both ways - gold income is higher if you did well in the lane and if you did so-so. I think that the difference winning a lane make for a support in terms of gold gain is actually lesser now, although I can't be sure. New actives on the items that are build of gp10 items are nice too.

In terms of mid- and late-game ward pre person limit won't affect supports in the professional scene, with highly coordinated teams, but for a solo queue it's a huge nerf. Supports were spamming wards there because that was the most optimal way to play. Forcing new rules that prevent you from doing that won't make supports stronger just like limiting number of AP items to 3 per champion (so you can build more defence!) wouldn't make AP carries any stronger.

As for the fact that other people will have to ward too - well, maybe, but that actually makes your presence weaker in soloqueue and take huge chunk of map control out of your hands and force you to share it with random strangers.

But the biggest issue for me as a support main is that in season 4 I expect to lose a lot from what made supports so strong in solooqueue - their laning phase. Currently it's easy to win the games with support because your performance is a deciding factor for winning bot lane. A good support with a mediocre AD carry will win the lane much, much more often than the opposite setup. Getting an AD carry fed and then having tools to keep him alive during fights is pretty fucking great.

And bot tend to be quite a snowbally lane for many reasons; having two targets to kill and getting gold for both kill and assist to the laners, having a partner means that one person can concentrate on zoning while the other farms, it's much more difficult for junglers to intervene and prevent snowballing because that lane gets the most ward coverage, it's easy to deny vision from opponents that are behind, duo lane will have an easier time diving with two guys to tank tower aggro etc.

New season changes seem to have a huge impact on all of this, promoting less aggression in bot lane and lowering rewards for succeeding.

Going aggressive in bot lane becomes much less effective, especially early (when the potential to snowball is highest) because of the vision changes. It becomes much more probable to get caught overextended and get killed in a gank - especially since gp10 start will only give you 150 gold for consumables (less if you invest in defensive tree) and it's difficult to choose any other option now that regen items don't build into anything useful in short term and maximum numbers of wards in inventory is limited to 3 - so it's better to play passively.

And even if you succeed in your aggression, there's much less reward for that: you get less gold for early kills and getting that gold is becoming less important, because as of now, even a support from lane that is behind, has an easy path to get some gold (as opposed to becoming completely useless :D) and with pink ward nerfs, it doesn't seem possible to use your gold advantage to attain similar degree of vision dominance as it is during laning phase with season 3 rules.

Dr Tomo

May 31, 2013
In a library near you
Rofl, I got a warning from Riot, got reported several times for negative attitude on EUW.
IMO, not even smurfs should get a free pass for going full retard and I reacted a bit with witty comments. Not that appreciated from the team members.

Is it one of those automated warning? If so you really have nothing to be worried about as it doesn't matter. If you dropped $ into the game the likely hood of you getting banned is remote.
Dec 19, 2007
Yeah, I've gotten plenty of warnings of getting reported, but it's not like it does anything, there should be an option of "Talking back to stupid teenagers" so I could be reported accurately.

Ranked is so bad now, I'm seeing shit like people missing Ahri's both skillshots in different directions, a train of "1v1!" guys coming to Olaf one by one (yeah if the Fizz just exploded I don't think your ADC is gonna fare any better), 20 stack Mejais and such. Every single game is so onesided, one team loses every lane + jungle massively.

Getting outplayed by Nasus as Teemo was pretty funny though, dude ran around me with ghost, guessing my shroom locations and entered brushes from pretty much between my shrooms. I still denied him a lot of farm but since our jungle Jax decided to also go glass we ran into some problems. Lol, gets oneshot, "report Teemo". Shoulda picked Olaf, I bet he beats Nasus in a brawl.

AND AGAIN. My Trynda opponent went 0/6/0 and was having all 32 CS (I had 90) against my shitty Olaf. The first CS he took cost him half his HP, after he had died twice I just froze the lane forever and he couldn't do shit. What the hell. And again Olaf triple kill just by having everybody come after you, just run from dude to dude killing them one at a time. Trynda bought Giant's Belt as first item, he was so screwed. And he had legendary skin too.

Our Caitlyn was 8/1 when I was 3/0 though too. Their Draven was crying something about wards and sona killstealing with ultimate, good times. Only their Malzahar seemed to understand anything, he never wasted ult against me for example, unlike their WW who thought he's badass, he's gonna come earn money from proxying Olaf, yeah, that's not gonna work out very well. I smell eloboosting, we even had a silver 3 and a silver 5 while they had all gold.

Fucking Olaf is tons of fun right now, he gets mad powerful at low health and that's why he's so good at turning 1v2 situations, just kill the weaker guy first and the other probably still isn't as strong. Just remember to ban J4. Yeah, I thought I'm gonna play Garen or Renekton or something in addition to GP but fuck it. My new rule of champion picks is gonna be "must have beard".
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Jul 16, 2007
Just heard the quote of the day, thanks to a 'Support Yi.'

"Death can be CC too."

Too bad...he died a lot...so he CC'd himself?
Dec 19, 2007
Okay, so I got my S4 champion pool ready :

TOP : GP, Olaf, Trynda, Yi, Lee Sin, Udyr
JUNLGE : GP, Olaf, Trynda, Yi, Lee Sin, Udyr
MID : Gragas, Twisted Fate, Ryze, Zilean, GP
ADC : Graves, Draven, GP
SUPPORT : Zilean, GP

Yordles obviosly not allowed.


Jul 16, 2007
S4 sounds like a clusterfuck. I'm waiting til the dust settles but I want to try Fid jungle in the preseason.

Right now all I'm certain on is that I use Lux and Viktor mid. Dicking around a lot in Twisted Treeline and Dominion to find other champs I'd like. So far I've found...Malzahar? IDK that guy has never been popular and at times I've seen him called a troll pick. But I like him mainly because I suck balls at farming well. Same reason why I liked to pick Mordekaiser.

I have no idea what situation support is in right now but considering that S4 promises to change everything about supports theres not really much I can do. New supports are either going to be extremely underpowered or maybe a little overpowered.


Apr 22, 2007
Danzig, Potato-Hitman Commonwealth
I am getting better at jungle Vi, much better in fact to the point where my ganks carry games. And then I get invaded at red by WW, he smites it from me (despite me knowing he's there) and both me and taric feed him two kills including FB.

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Dr Tomo

May 31, 2013
In a library near you
Well one thing that I definitely loved about Season 4 was the removal of Oracles. Really retarded item in its current form (you keep it even if you die? I mean, really?) and it completely removes the reward that you should keep by deep warding. As it is now it's just ridiculous, you ward their whole jungle just to see it all being removed like moments later.
But isn't it the same effect with invis wards? Also are they really removing the oracles and are they keeping Teemo the same?

Yeah, I've gotten plenty of warnings of getting reported, but it's not like it does anything, there should be an option of "Talking back to stupid teenagers" so I could be reported accurately.[\quote]

Well it shouldn't it as I am being retardo in my matches typing in all caps "bring me that ass" and making other rape jokes while playing jungle skarner and had entire enemy teams report me.


Jun 5, 2011
About S4, I feel that a lot of the changes Riot has made are really minimal but they should be. They've talked about giving more gold to supports, but are nerfing the early game of every support and through smart itemization also reducing the impact of non-traditional supports. The upshot of course is that supports will indeed have more gold late game, and a lot of them gained new AP ratios where they had none. Junglers are also getting nerfed in the early game since camps give less exp and hit harder while the wight changes nothing but their late game will be better because the addition of the wight camp means when your wraiths and golems are stolen by mid/bot every single game, you can still farm something for yourself.

Basically Riot just doesn't want to upset the delicate balance of power between roles, their power spikes will change but each role will be about the same as before. The most interesting way of exploiting this new system will be to find where Riot has failed to leave this balance and whether you can for example have the same early game as before with your jungler but better late game. Or maybe it will involve the top laner farming wights more, you just never know which role will find the cracks in the system and exploit it to their advantage. I think for example jungle Shyvana is a given, she really doesn't suffer anything in the new jungle compared to everyone else.

The MOST interesting part of S4 though has to be the new vision system. Removing Oracles is awesome, you can still deny vision but it will involve pink wards which are now visible. Pink ward spots will be zones of control that need to be fought over as both sides gather their forces to overtake the position. Smart warding can still carry the game, it will be a little bit like placing spies behind the main battle lines, if you're lucky they won't get spotted and you'll gain valuable information. This will make both comebacks and snowballs possible, at least in theory. This has the potential to cause the greatest disruption and everyone will just have to figure it all out.


Apr 22, 2007
Danzig, Potato-Hitman Commonwealth
What's a good magic-damage based mid, with either strong late game or good mid-game and ganking potential, to send against Lee Sin mid. Ryze? I remember him being decent against Kha, but Kha is not obnoxious as fuck with gap-closers/escapes before level 6 unlike Lee Sin. Also I think he would just get out-pushed and Lee would gank top/bot. If somehow nobody would feed Ryze would out-scale him but that's a bit of a gamble.

Also are there any news of incoming Sivir nerfs or is Riot going to continue turning a blind eye to her obvious pub-stomping for another week or two?


In My Safe Space
Jan 1, 2011
What about Karma. Lee comes in with kick you can shield, followed by R and W. Also random q spam for harass and/or last hit.

As for the build, I'd say tabi, banner of command as early as possible to abuse siege minion, iceborn gauntlet and finally the famous zhonya's. This offers a balance between defence and offence. I tried it in aram and it worked fine :M


Oct 12, 2006
Not sure if serious...
But I also got Karma in ARAM the other day, shes more broken than Nidalee and Lux put together.
With just a chalice and large rod I could stay alive indefinitely, and keep everyone else alive too. With constant kiting you're never in harms way and you can initiate or disengage whenever you want because a Mantra-powered shield is like a Shurelias and Solari combined with practically no cooldown, aslong as you keep it down by hitting spells.
Got inspired and spammed her in Twisted Treeline, where shes considered godtier appearently, won 8 of 10 games :M
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Nov 23, 2002
MCA Divinity: Original Sin Project: Eternity Torment: Tides of Numenera Wasteland 2 Codex USB, 2014 Divinity: Original Sin 2
Karma is a really good lane bully, the problem v Lee Sin or any champ with really good sustain (especially manaless) is a lot of your bullying goes for naught. If they go Hydra + Hexdrinker you're just banging your head against a wall. I think her mantras are a little to far apart even with max cdr and landing your autos and abilities well, but give her a try. Baiting people with e empowered w never gets old.


Jul 16, 2007
Well, the preseason patch is slated to roll out tomorrow. Hopefully I won't be gone for the entirety of this next season too. Only seem to be hear for the damn preseason clusterfucks.

I wonder if we get a League of Cleavers moment this year?

Jim Cojones

Nov 2, 2008
Przenajswietsza Rzeczpospolita
I wonder if double relic shield start will become popular for bot lanes. It seems to work well: gives decent sustain, is cheap enough for carry to get 3 pots, increases early pushing power a bit, allowing to get to level 2 faster and gives quite a lot of additional gold from farming.


Apr 22, 2007
Danzig, Potato-Hitman Commonwealth
Lolking now has a current match page ripping off summoning.net. Which is :incline: since overall summoning.net looks like ass and is a bitch to use.

Also moron first pick lee sin thinks morgana versus annie is bad, that I should start dorans plus not mana but HP pots (on morg lol) and whining about no mres runes (that's actually an oversight which I need to fix). Annie of course fed like hell because black shield makes burst mages near useless while I slowly wittle her down with Q+Pool.
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Oct 12, 2006
Lolnexus.com does the same thing better, and it shows the names of your runepages so you can give them offensive names :M Lolkings version is too cluttered.


Apr 22, 2007
Danzig, Potato-Hitman Commonwealth
Yes but neither lolnexus nor summoning.net have proper detailed NSA files data on player match history, their current and past MMR, or their winrates, average CS and KDA per champion in all seasons available. Nor can you check shit on it when a player is not in the game. Ergo LOLking wins by the virtue of being jack of all trade and master of none. :smug:

In other news the saltyteemo Bronze V matches spectating stream is highly entertaining, Ruunan's Hurricane on Nocturne nearly killed me. :lol:

You could turn it into an epic drinking game. Drink a shot when:

- teemo or yi are banned
- teemo or yi are picked
- teemo or yi get a killing spree
- somebody builds a ruunan's hurricane, two shots if it's built on a melee champ
- somebody buys a mejais
- an adc buys a zephyr's, two shots if that adc is an adc jayce
- warwick builds only lifesteal items, drink two if he is most fed, drink another two if somebody build executioner's calling to counter him
- cait uses her ult at point blank range in a 1v1 duel, drink three if she's dueling lux and they both kill each other with their ults post mortem
- a game gets interrupted and switches to spectating a priority match with GoofPoop, two shots if he's playing pink taric and has a positive K/D ratio

Even russians wouldn't last more than two or three matches.

EDIT: New patch notes are out.

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