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- Apr 10, 2013
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Well I was obviously talking about the current match feature. Lolnexus links to player pages on lolking anyway, youre meant to use them together.Yes but neither lolnexus nor summoning.net have proper detailedNSA filesdata on player match history, their current and past MMR, or their winrates, average CS and KDA per champion in all seasons available. Nor can you check shit on it when a player is not in the game. Ergo LOLking wins by the virtue of being jack of all trade and master of none.![]()
Anybody else finding the games recently are really diluted and stupidly samey lately? I don't know if it's just me noticing them now or what, but they are playing out exactly the same way every. Single. Time. Doesn't matter how the early game goes and doesn't matter how the mid-game starts, my team will constantly start barraging into their jungle (or our jungle if we're pushed back and losing) without any vision whatsoever, and never a plan to get any vision, and proceed to go into 1v2, 1v3, 2v3, 2v4, 2v5, 3v5 and 4v5 situations. Constantly. Never learning. Forever unceasing, no matter how many times they fall into a trap. It's basically a coin flip as to whether or not they're fed enough to handle the situations, or the other team are derpy enough to do the same thing (which, admittedly, they are a fair bit of the time).
The enemy jungler could easily plug the 3rd entrance, and that's nothing to say of what the support brings. Lanes will become ungankable past 12 minutes, if the laning phase goes that long. I see it as a real boost to 2 types of champions, early aggressive junglers that can snowball lanes before 12 minutes, and sustain heavy champions. Once someone stays in lane with a permanently refreshing ward in their inventory and some type of sustain, there's not much you can do to drive them out.
Contrary to what Riot is trying to accomplish, the new jungle will more than ever penalize farming junglers and reward ganking machines. It will be interesting to see how the meta changes, but so far the trinkets seem really powerful and I feel things will change dramatically, it may be unannounced but it will change. I could see trinkets being nerfed to only refreshing at fountain.
Skarner is always good and fast jungler, build him bit AP, bit AD and a shitload of defensives.And its always about the summoner, not the champ they play. If you suck, you will suck no matter what champ you play.
Only problem for these LV6 junglers is about minute delay to get to 6. You have more gold but keeping the levels in line with the solo lane is a bit hard. You need a bit of luck/skill to get off a succesefull gank or have more luck by having one of your solo lanes dying with tower pushed so you can soak up all XP.
Going Blue then Red doesnt give level 3 anymore, you need to clear another camp and that delays the early gank and allows the solo lane to get even in levels so its harder to gank it.
Wraith gives alot of gold but little XP so its stupid to bypass it and delays the ganking even more. Doing Blue-Wraith(smite)-wolves-wraiths-Red(smite) still leaves you at lv3 and takes shitload of time. For lv4 you need to do golems but it steals another 30-45 sec of your time till you get to the lane for gank.
In S3 I could get to 6 by 6 minute mark with 1 good gank that opens for another instant gank(like with Malph, Skarner, Warwick etc). Getting 6 at the blue respawn is IMO also good but it gives the ults to the solo lanes too.
Kills early give shitload of XP so it actually forces you to gank and to play dash/stun type of jungler(like Jarvan,Naut,Mao,Xin).
I dont have a clear opinion of it yet after 5 games, but the feeling is junglers got fucked over this time.
They killed traditional supports right now, someone on Reddit did some math.
It's mandatory now getting a lot of AP on your support to act the way it was before, only it's more efficient getting a support Zyra or Annie with a shitload of AP than a Soraka with a full AP build.
- Janna needs 200ap to get her old zephyr movement speed buff back.
- Janna needs ~140ap to get her old slow value back on zephyr.
- Lulu needs 167ap to let pix do the same damage as before.
- Sona needs 100ap to get the same movement speed bonus on celerity.
- Soraka got the passive they removed from Mikael's Crucible which was deemed as choosing between 2 bads, either healing more when a target is lower health, or healing less when he's at higher health.
- Soraka needs 600ap to shred the same magic resist as she did before.
- Soraka's ally needs to be at 33% life or less to heal just as much with Astral blessing.
- Soraka's allies need to be at 58% life or less (Not considering AP scaling) to have the same amount healed from her wish.