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So, anyone playing League of Legends?


Dec 16, 2011
Codex 2012

The dog is back in the town, but he looks... um... yeah. +M


Jun 5, 2011
I played like 8 games on the PBE with every conceivable champion I might want to play top next season (Brand, Aatrox, Shen, Karma, Quinn, Kha'Zix, Shyvana). Quinn is pretty nice, I was maxing E and outrading a Nidalee extremely easily, sustain changes nothing and I even got a double kill when ganked but I don't know, she didn't feel outstanding compared to the others.

The real stand out? Kha'Zix. I was playing against a Shen and I just murdered him at lvl 1, he snowballs extremely easily and zones hard. If you outtrade someone and they fight you, you quickly turn it into an all-in and if they run from you, you get your isolation bonus and use your 4 (arguably 5) mobility skills to stick to them and kill them anyway. And you outrade almost everyone right from lvl 1. He even harasses under tower pretty well and has decent escape.

His teamfighting isn't even bad either, people right now actually build defensive items on him after a budget assassination build because his Q has so much free damage on a 3 second cooldown. It's true with his W nerf he is more than ever a one-dimensional champ, probably the second most likely champion to KS everything after Katarina and you look pretty dumb in teamfights just standing there doing nothing waiting for resets. If you're fed you can dive the carry and pretend you're Zed. And if the teamfighting is truly grim you can just stick to splitpushing, he's not too bad at it.

I don't know, overall I feel like even though Riot wanted to exterminate this bug from competitive play, he's not as useless as people make him out to be. The reason is that his kit is still just too damn good for a melee champion, I kinda regret not playing him when he was maxing W because just from my understanding of champions I have right now, he had one of the most broken OP kits of all time.
And if you get countered in lane really hard? Well the jungle is always there I guess...

Btw, anyone else excited over the new "fighter" Riot has planned for us? It's about time we got some ham in the Summoner's Rift again. Sure, he's probably going to incorporate all of the derp philosophies Riot has these days, but it turned out pretty good last time (Aatrox).
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Jul 16, 2007
I picked up Kha'Zix shortly after they buffed him. He was awesome back then, the only 'traditional' top laner I could play. Was so sad to hear he gopt nerfed, have not played him since.

As for the new champ, I bet they do a Japan server release or some bullcrap with it. It's just so hardcore blatantly weeaboo.

The good kind of weeaboo though. The tough kind of Samurai with a moral code kind. Not the cutesy bullshit kind.


da Blitz master
Dec 31, 2002
Sthlm, Swe
Serpent in the Staglands Codex USB, 2014 Shadorwun: Hong Kong
Derping on EuW server till S4 starts and theres pretty much no noobs, only smurfs in the game. But people are trolling like theres no tomorrow, AD Annie, double jungle, ragequits galore etc.
Warwick OP vs derp teams, almost cheezy playing him like this. And fucking Riven invasion, always one on each team, its good being FoTM in bronze.
MarkmanCDX is the nickname on EuW, couldn't pick Elboo cause it was taken and pass reset doesnt lead to any of my emails. Lv 10 now overthere in the derp zone.
Feel free to add me if you wanna derp together, dont know if theres anyone left in this thread that plays on EuW.


Apr 22, 2007
Danzig, Potato-Hitman Commonwealth
Renegen, don't max E on Quinn bro. Like Roxor said go Q>W>E, but of course get the first level in E before W at level 2 (possibly at lvl 1 if there is a high early gank or all-in potential from the enemy team). You only use E in harass to mark them, interrupt them and slow them, you don't need the extra damage from E for that. Also maxing W before E allows you to get multiple AAs off on the enemy laner with each E, really increasing how well you trade/harass both for chasing and for kiting them if they don't run after you proc the mark.

If you go E+AA(s)+Q you can take out a significant chunk of their HP with Q maxed first. It is what gives her the most of her burst damage apart from hitting marks, not E. The issue is hitting the Q, so overall I either try to hit them with it after I go in with E and we both move behind the creep wave or if they expose themselves. Also Q is used for pushing, so you need to max it first as well.

First ranked game with Quinn top after riot finally fixed its fucking servers yesterday:


Of course at the moment I got demoted to silver III due to LP decay so take that score with a grain of salt. Even if most of these people were in gold (my MMR is higher than silver since it did decay me all the way from gold IV).

I got first blood when we invaded their jungle. Lee Shit however was not happy with stealing their red and proceeded to feed mid wukong a kill and then he got butthurt and fed intentionally. I was stomping Zed top, only to die to zac during ganks but not without killing zed in those anyway. Zac only ganked me successfully twice, he tried more but got bored eventually (Zed+Zac can't gank a full hp Quinn), luckily I only gave one kill to Zed where we went one for one

Wukong was 6/0, lee shit was 0/5, gragas had a tough time mid, bot was doing well alone but enemy zac ganked them a lot which made them start lose the lane. I got fed off Zed a bit, got his tower started to fix this mess via roaming. Double kill, tripple kill. Every teamfight looked like this, is ashe near I asked myself? If yes I circled around them in bird form and murder her attacking from the flank, while zac+zed+wukong try killing my team. Then I pick off Zed or Wukong who both have no ults and can't duel me without them while hopefully Lucien is still kiting them thanks to leona's peel. If ashe was nowhere near I just went for wukong or Zed and killed them.

Biggest fuck up was letting zed splitpush until our inhib tower and neglected farm for roaming. Also surprisingly Zed is hard to chase down even with Quinn in bird form. But we got drake, some kills and sometimes their towers in exchange though and he never got the last top tower. Also they made it easy by being AD heavy. Didn't have to buy MRes and could get LW for more damage.
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Dec 19, 2007
Ok I updated my opinion on new Olaf : HE'S FUCKING CRAZY. Mad dps, can't be stopped, good early game great scaling, split push monster. I tried building him BT-SV-Fratmas with distortion upgrade so I get 52 s off ghost cd. I'm not very good with him but man, he just destroys people, like he's a scary ass melee carry that can probably kill even Jax 1v1. I tried him against Rene and Volibear and neither could do dick against me, I'm not even sure what Voli was thinking like lol imma execute him, when he can't even get me that low due to the insane lifesteal steroids. 2v1 Voli Vi when they dive me under tower, I got like 100 health left when Vi died and Volibear couldn't finish me off. Man, what a rush playing him, it's like unnerfed Darius vs. some random poor melee champion.

I also got to play against the best LB I have ever seen, like I just quit trying to kill her I got so confused as to where she went and which one was the real LB so I just went fine, I'll just kill the damn tanks with Vayne. Se got like 20 kills or something and was the only reason their team didn't lose 20 mins earlier. Three times I was convinced I'm chasing the real LB, but nope.
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Jun 5, 2011
You know who discovered the power of nu Olaf before everyone else? Bronze 5. Watching that stream yesterday taught me a lot of what it takes to be the very best: rush Statikk Shiv on everyone, unless you're ranged in which case rush Hydra, then get an Infinity Edge and go mid to fight one long endless battle. DONT buy any boots at all unless they are mobility 5 boots, they are for the playmakers. DO buy a giant belt if you're losing, that includes everyone even the Caitlyn. There is no kiting to speak of there, just throw the heaviest melee carry at the enemy, stand still and exchange blows until someone dies. The team with the most of Master Yi/Fiora/Olaf/Jax always wins.


da Blitz master
Dec 31, 2002
Sthlm, Swe
Serpent in the Staglands Codex USB, 2014 Shadorwun: Hong Kong
Im watching that stream right now. Pretty funny shit.

Now watching people with 261 ELO. Epic

Btw, does anyone know the percentage of people in Bronze, Silver, Gold and so on?
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da Blitz master
Dec 31, 2002
Sthlm, Swe
Serpent in the Staglands Codex USB, 2014 Shadorwun: Hong Kong
So if Im reading this right so give or take % here and there there's only 11% of playerbase in Gold and up and a whopping 49% in Bronze. Holy shit.
And Im Gold 1 now so that means Im in top 5%. I call bullshit. And Plat V can kiss my ass with the pro plays. And our Mystary! is top 1%. Well, he's always been a better player. :)

So to sum this up, in general level of "pro" gameplay is pretty low till you hit higher Plat and Diamond levels. Thx for pic, bro.


Jun 5, 2011
The chart has changed a bit by the end of the season, there was much elo inflation and gold is like top 20% now, the amount of people in diamond 1 tripled and so forth. Still, it probably includes more smurfs and even some elo boosters and the old chart is pretty close to the truth.
Dec 19, 2007
Crit dmg is a late game stat that's only worth gold with high crit chance, and probably will lose to armor penetration, flat ad or scaling ad at every point. I feel like crit damage runes are pretty weak (and expensive), just think about it, with ad you always deal more damage, with crit dmg you deal more damage when you crit but almost never that much more than what you'd have done with ad. Crit dmg makes your statikk shiv procs stronger I guess but you have to fight your opponent a lot before you get that item.

Crit chance however is your only shot at winning most lanes with a cheesy level 1-2 all-in. Oh I'm against Jax? CRIT RUNES MOTHERFUCKER FIRST BLOOD. In most matchups I run crit marks and quints for 14% starting crit chance. If you're really cheesy stat with brawlers and you got 22% which means that roughly every fifth Q/auto crits. It goes like this, you show up in lane, you start pushing it to get level 2 first while you're Q'ing them and depending on how fast their HP runs out you all-in them at some point, possibly even level 1. This works against heroes such as platinum riven, lols. Every point of crit% your chances of a lucky crit streak increases.

Crit chance also makes your statikk shiv stronger because it's magic damage will crit more often and I feel like having 14% crit means you don't need to build crit immediately if you say want a glacial or something first.

Your last shotting will be somewhat weaker but GP has a fairly high AD early on and he gets more from his E so it's not an issue usually.

Both tankplank and damageplank are critplank builds imo. Most games I have to go tanky so I go statikk shiv mullet wit's end atmas or something like that, usually I have always shiv because it increases your Q damage the most and usually always mullet because the slow is so powerful on his Q. Critplank like with Infinity Edge is pretty funny and is a good option when your team somehow manages to have a lack of damage in favour of survivability.


da Blitz master
Dec 31, 2002
Sthlm, Swe
Serpent in the Staglands Codex USB, 2014 Shadorwun: Hong Kong
Man, I cant stop watching that Saltyteemo stream, plays so good and that epic music just makes it even better.
It only needs a shoutcaster or two to comment those flash into death plays,singlemanning the tower without minions(think thats backdoor play in bronze), those epic builds like 2 boots, Sona with Gunblade, dat Nasus with 90 cs at 40 min etc etc etc...
Best stream evah


Apr 22, 2007
Danzig, Potato-Hitman Commonwealth
No, always look on lolkings winrate chart. Rammus has been top 10 for several months now.

Yeah and so is Wukong and Teemo. Doesn't mean much, except where these people are getting the idea to pick ramus from of course.

In other news Riot's servers decided to fuck themselves in my last series match. Oh well, at least it is not a problem on my end so I'll just redo the game another time.
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Apr 22, 2007
Danzig, Potato-Hitman Commonwealth
I have to say what I am most surprised by is Varus having such an abysmal winrate. The purple pederast is one of the scariest ADCs at the moment IMO, apart from reworked (again) Sivir and Vayne. He's also a very solid laner.


Oct 12, 2006
50% isnt abysmal when you consider that 55% is the highest winrate atm :M
I do like Varus, he's my most played ADC but he's sitting duck without flash or peel, moreso than other carrys. Kog'Maw is the only one worse off but he has higher dmg output.


Jul 16, 2007
A lot of high complexity champions have shitty winrates. Old Olaf had a pretty terrible winrate while he was carrying teams to World championships.

(Not saying his kit was complex but his itemization was.)


Apr 22, 2007
Danzig, Potato-Hitman Commonwealth
Played my last match. Snowballed bot as vayne up to 10/0, got called a smurf because my MMR is obviously above the Silver III I decayed to. Lost because kha'zix who complained about everything and everyone starting from the lobby built shit (no wonder he wanted to ban vayne, he has no fucking clue how to kill her with kha if he's building ghostblade and lizard ffs). Also vi ult+malz ult too stong against fed vayne and our fizz and shen could have been better but at least they didn't whine all the time like some kind of HHR. The enemy malz regreted carrying their bad ez though.

SoloQQ never changes.


Apr 22, 2007
Danzig, Potato-Hitman Commonwealth
EUNE servers shat themselves again, at least just as I lost a qualification series game. Anyway I'm watching the saltyteemo stream, IE on Zed is the way to challenger tier bros!

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