Yeah, the amount of throws in games now is crazy.
I found one way to go cheap on wards and not go lax on your vision duties, Wriggles Master Yi. I was queuing up late and the opponent jungler was Eve, fuck looks like either Diamond wannabes or a real hard game so I went teleport/smite Master Yi because I didn't feel like tryharding. Half expected my team to dodge but the duos were too strong. I rushed a Wriggles and bought the vision trinket, lanes lost naturally. But you see, when your lanes are losing and all you do is farm, you don't really need a lot of vision. All you need to do is a ward by the wraiths and a ward by your blue and you've got plenty. So I just did that and funnily enough I applied.... pressure. You could feel Eve was feeling the pressure to make plays and she just buckled under the pressure. They got the first two dragons, Eve snowballed naturally and hit her core items faster while Ziggs mid was having a free farm lane, but the hard part was pushing us in.
They never got past our tier 2 turrets, having a Master Yi with a BotRK, Homeguards, Teleport and no fear of dying does that I guess. Before they'd just pink all of my jungle and I would facecheck something and die, here we had wards everywhere and we could pick small skirmishes to our advantage. We just kept fighting and fighting until we slowly pulled through. We got the 3rd dragon and just pushed their towers instantly, teamfought and won. I think the real reason behind our victory was our really good pushing and the fact they had no real duelist, and little hard cc helped but Master Yi felt good in a weird sort of way. It felt good to carry yet another imbalanced normals game where they had 2 diamonds and all we had was a plat and silver 5.
The new season seems to encourage throwing and just games that go on forever. You can't pink everything and slowly choke the enemy, they will keep farming. Champions that scale well with farm or can farm fast do well and those that can push really fast are at a premium, because any victory can be converted into several objectives. He even slices the baron up really quickly. As for the Wriggles? I only got around 700 gold from it and didn't even tax lanes that hard. The item is very bad as you know but it offers enough to Master Yi to potentially make it viable, the ward really shines defensively and the lack of sustain isn't that big of a deal since you're more of an assassin than a sustained damage bruiser.
I'll keep trying to spam teleport Master Yi, half the reason it's fun to see people instantly dodge but if he's freelo I'll sure take his fun playstyle. Fuck trying to be perfect in the first 10 minutes.