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So, anyone playing League of Legends?

Darth Roxor

Rattus Iratus
Staff Member
May 29, 2008
Darth Roxor how do I Quinn? I bought her, so I am interested in your expert opinion on building stuff on her and general tactics.

grow massive balls, skill q>w>e, kill people

igf you aingt got balls, dont play quinn. needs massive balls

also, dont use ult like a dumbfuck ,es only good for escaping/chasing/execute. most ppl use itl ike a mid combo burst or sth and wonder why it does no dmg.


Apr 22, 2007
Danzig, Potato-Hitman Commonwealth
grow massive balls, skill q>w>e, kill people

igf you aingt got balls, dont play quinn. needs massive balls

also, dont use ult like a dumbfuck ,es only good for escaping/chasing/execute. most ppl use itl ike a mid combo burst or sth and wonder why it does no dmg.

Does towerdiving irelia and killing her over and over again count as massive balls? Also I find the ult good to duel bruisers with since it gets more AS from W. That and its good to catch up with he team as you split push. But I agree that you should kit with her as much as possible first since E is so good.

Also no item recommendations? Surely you know of some stealth OP core item nobody else does.

Darth Roxor

Rattus Iratus
Staff Member
May 29, 2008
Also no item recommendations? Surely you know of some stealth OP core item nobody else does.

hardly, im still using the thang renegen told me aboot long ago, aka cutlass + brutalizer into bork + ghostblehd. Es hialriosuyl effecive on qwinn. You follow up with either IE if you're stompin or Hexdrinker if ur dyinh to spike dmg, then LW and GA. Sth was inbetween but hell if I know hwat.

Does towerdiving irelia and killing her over and over again count as massive balls?

bro who cares about irelia

you can dive her with sion or sth


not cool bro

not cool


Jun 5, 2011
I'd gladly play some 'one for all' games but the issue with invisible particles I (and many other PBE users) experience still hasn't been fixed. I don't mind the lag I have on American server but playing while not seeing spells and attacks is a bit too much for me. I played one such game today and it was really frustrating.
Well so far my One for All games I've played as Teemo vs Heimer (tiny range op) and as Veigar vs Kassadin, so my luck isn't any better.
Dec 19, 2007
Wow what the hell I gain 22 lp per win in gold 1, man, the pressure! The final shot for plat!

As long as I face these derpwads who feed GP as Singed or something, it seems entirely possible.


da Blitz master
Dec 31, 2002
Sthlm, Swe
Serpent in the Staglands Codex USB, 2014 Shadorwun: Hong Kong
Wow what the hell I gain 22 lp per win in gold 1, man, the pressure! The final shot for plat!

As long as I face these derpwads who feed GP as Singed or something, it seems entirely possible.
Think my MMR is way lower than yours, thats why I get to grind. Good luck bro.

I aborted the marathon yesterday after a 5 game losing streak. Was way too pissed to continue.


Jul 16, 2007
Man, so I'm playing again after an 8 month deployment.

Guess what?

I suck.

I fell from Silver 5 to Bronze 1 but honestly it shouldbe lower.


Oct 12, 2006
Failed two promo series to platinum on EUW. Both deciding matches I got two different feeder trolls who specifically said they didnt want me to succeed because they hadnt, so noone else should either. :smug: Thanks Lolnexus!
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Jun 5, 2011
Well, I just did my last game for the season. Got invited by some randoms in my friend list I'm not even sure how I met them. Played Nocturne and carried the fuck out of that game 7-0-17, 2nd most cs in the game. What a way to go, pretty much the perfect game. I'll be seeing you next season Nocturne...


A life wasted
Sep 2, 2009
Failed two promo series to platinum on EUW. Both deciding matches I got two different feeder trolls who specifically said they didnt want me to succeed because they hadnt, so noone else should either. :smug: Thanks Lolnexus!

I'm sorry bro. I don't know who the fuck in LoLNexus thought it was a good idea to put right there who was in a promo series.
Dec 19, 2007
Ok, our bot trist leona is getting murdered by cait blitz. Time for a lane swithc, a low gold GP can probably contribute more than a low gold irelia and we absolutely need ADC. That's what I thought anyway.

They just feed Irelia immediately as they get there, like that was my first b WHAT THE FUCK GUYS

Our team had 3 players who would just walk into the enemy team to die over and over and over again. At one point Cassio didn't apparently want to help me kill Cait because busy autoing minions, then, when I leave she goes on Cait and Irelia alone and blames me when she gets 100-0:ed.

The sad thing is we still had chances, we got damage and tankiness etc. But nope. Leona just complained, called surrender and walked into enemy team.


Apr 22, 2007
Danzig, Potato-Hitman Commonwealth
Played Quinn top a bit over the weekend. Well technically it is still the weekend since it is a potato holiday today, celebrating the fact all of the former occupiers managed to lose the first world war despite being on two different sides, r00fles!

Back to Quinn top, ridiculously good duelist, annoying to lane against, snowballs well, difficult to gank due to her disengage but a bit squishy. Also her passive and W can reveal people camping in the brush (like Riven, Garen, Lee). Basically in top lane she's like a teemo that requires brains, kills shit in teamfights without morons walking into shrooms and isn't a gigantic rodent faggot. ALSO REQUIRES MASSIVE BALLS OF STEEL WHILE TEEMO REQUIRES YOU TO LIKE IT UP THE ASS. Because unlike with teemo you are living on the razor's edge with Quinn, not sitting behind shrooms all day or in a bush.

Anyway match-ups I faced so far:

Renekton - can't kill this guy unless he's dumb and tower dives you. I could harass him to low HP but not enough to kill him before he gets his silly ult. It saves his ass every time or manages to outdamage you despite your massive HP advantage during an all-in. His dash and disengage harassment is too strong, however Quinn can disengage and harass even better. Despite his damage being ability-based and thus Q's blind not being that good against him, Quinn can still "win" trades. Don't expect to kill this guy without a gank, but you can play fairly safely against him as Quinn and just farm unlike with most top laners vs rene match-ups.

Shen - He can't do shit to Quinn. However his innate tankiness and sustain make it difficult to murder him alone. However if their jungler is not lee sin, skarner or some other asshole Quinn has a problem getting away from or if the jungler simply ignores top, you can just push like a retard since shen sucks at pushing and he will eat bolts or Q if he tries to last hit. Take his tower ASAP by forcing him to base or if he ults away (and his tele is on CD). Only problem with this match-up is jungler interference really. Quinn easily dodges his taunts.

Riven - Quinn wins if you don't dive her when she has her ult+ignite up, her tower farming is also annoying. Pelt her with AAs when her E is on CD, throw in a Q or vault if desirable. Disengage with E+R if she tries to all-in, kill her when her ult is on cooldown. Unless you suck at Quinn or make bad calls this match-up is fairly easy.

Nasus - big dog ends up feeding and/or with no Q farm period. Although I will note that the one I played against started ruby crystal and rushed a phage (as in didn't even get boots before it), when he was 0/4 and after he gave me first blood. So he had no idea how to play Nasus top. Still since I played Nasus a lot I can tell you it is impossible for Nasus to do shit against Quinn, he simply sucks against people with disengages and range.

Lee Sin - annoying since he pushes like a retard and has a billion escapes, but if you don't duel this guy in melee but just focus on kiting him and go all-in when you have 3 or 4 times as much HP as him he's not a problem. Stand behind creeps, don't let him make much use of his gapclosers, quickly disengage with Vault. Quinn doesn't need to kill him since his scaling is ass anyway, but it doesn't hurt to try.

Irelia - If she uses Q+E to engage Quinn you disengage with E, blind and AA her. Poke her with AAs while her Q is on its very long cooldown afterwards, she can't do much. If she farms pelt her with AAs. Pretty easy overall.

Vi - hard match-up, you can't kill her or zone her away from farm, Quinn's Q is not all that great against her damage which comes mostly from her Q in lane. You can disengage but if she starts with a morans shield you go at best equal in a trade as Q triggers her passive which soaks your part of the trade. She can also farm with E besides Q not giving you much room to use AAs, Q or even E especially if her shield is triggered. But still she can't all-in Quinn. Not expecting to win against Vi as Quinn without a jungler gank.

Heimer - the one game where I was mid as Quinn. With a morans blade>null-magic>vamp scepter build I could stalemate it and possibly kill him or take his tower if he goes OOM. Dodging his shit is fairly easy, you can pick off his turrets one by one since you have similar range (just dodge their charged shots). Of course that plan failed because Udyr pinged to gank and only landed a punch on him after I died in a ten second engagement, because apparently he found some pretty flower in the mid brush or something and it took him so long to actually get to heimer. That and everybody thinks that if you gank heimer you should dive him in the middle of his three turrets. His ult+rockets combo is very ridiculous though. You can dodge regular microrockets most of the time though, at least with Quinn.

I played against some other champions but forgot who they were. It seems like there's a shen or lee sin in every damn game though. Pretty much all loses so far top are my mistakes, usually getting ganked by Lee Sin or bad dives. Well that and going into teamfights the wrong way. Pretty solid pick, do recommend if you need a top laner.
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Dr Tomo

May 31, 2013
In a library near you
So apparently I missed the news that riot wants to make it possible to queue for a role and match you with other laners to form a coherent team. Seems like a good idea.

Took them long enough. I guess getting into a game will be quicker since most people don't enjoy support.

Elder Lizard and that item is getting buffed like crazy.

How so? I am interested to know as I enjoy playing Eve and I think that the invisible ward changes might benefit her.


Jun 5, 2011
How so? I am interested to know as I enjoy playing Eve and I think that the invisible ward changes might benefit her.
The passive true damage burn is getting increased, and you now get gold for shit. Expect to get 500-1000 gold every game from it, that's huge.

But they also nerfed it in a way, the passive burn only applies to physical damage, so it might not be usable on Eve anymore.


Dec 31, 2007
Copenhagen, Denmark
I think they'll have to change a lot of champs with these vision changes and Eve is probably first in line. Otherwise she'd be insane in the jungle, since true sight wards are visible and easily removed.
Teemo next, since shrooms can't really be cleared properly and can be extended to last even longer with the new masteries.


Jul 16, 2007
Alright, basically relearning champs at this point and I'm figuring to reinvent myself as a mid/jungle player. Doing a bit of Nasus and Zed jungle and maybe working in Elise. How is Diana nowadays? I know she's not jungled as often as often as she was at release but I'm good at the kit so I'm wondering if I can just make it work. Waiting for Skarner reworks since he was my main for so long.

As for mid All I got is Lux, Brand, and Viktor which is all rather samey. (To me all the mages just feel so similar, I realize Brand and Lux play WAY differently, I just like mages that don't waste an ability on mobility.) Kinda blew dick playing as Talon lately but that used to work well for me. Might switch in Zed too.


Dec 31, 2007
Copenhagen, Denmark
I can imagine the talks at Riot went like
Riot Employee #2 said:
Riot Employee #1 said:
Oops, I think we're gonna make Teemo shrooms OP when we remove Oracle's. They can't be cleared properly and last for 10 minutes.
10 minutes you say? Then how about we...
( •_•)>⌐■-■
...turn it up to 11?


Apr 22, 2007
Danzig, Potato-Hitman Commonwealth
Can you guess which of these fine champions was top and fed me like hell?


Also Ali jungled without smite and as usual I had to explain to people that Quinn is not an ADC, at least not if she's played in a solo lane.

Still I fear that she's going to be FotM sooner or later and they'll nerf or rework her into poppy levels of obscurity. She just feels too damn good now, even more than release Riven was :(

Here's hoping season IV starts before that.


da Blitz master
Dec 31, 2002
Sthlm, Swe
Serpent in the Staglands Codex USB, 2014 Shadorwun: Hong Kong
Well, shes annoying but she's squishy too. Im looking at this from junglers perspective and I dont see killing her harder than the regular mid/top laner.

Problem is if you have a even lane and they have a tank instead of Quinn then you'll be gimping your team by being an easy kill late game, much like support Nidalee.
I think theres a reason why people go for tanky top, you already got the damage from AP and AD carry and top's job late game is usually creating a focus point on himself and thus keeping those carrys(carries?) alive.

Try her solo top ranked, I'd like to see results from there.


Jun 5, 2011
I guess GP. Damn, is top Quinn really that good?

I don't think anything will happen to her, although that Youmoo's build is too OP, I never see anyone build it on ADC Quinn and even in my opinion, she's the worst ADC of them all. She has the knack to throw games, even when fed. When built as a counter to bruisers though, she might be much better.


Apr 22, 2007
Danzig, Potato-Hitman Commonwealth
I can't tell you how she fares in ranked but based on like three dozen games of blinds I have yet to lose a lane to simply getting out-picked. I may do a dumb dive, I may vault away into their tower range by accident, I may get greedy and not go back or I may go all-in on an invading lee sin and waste both my summoners and die to elise feeding her. But never have I felt with her so far that I couldn't at least stalemate the lane (shen, lee early one, rene, vi) if I did things properly with Quinn. I do consistently good up top with her bar my derping, which is very unusual, she's ridiculously safe in lane. She's practically immune to bush campers due to her W reveal and the mark revealing enemies as well. Diving her is suicide, I had GP and Olaf try to dive me during a gank, I got a kill off olaf and would have killed GP as well if I Q'd a split second earlier before I died. You can push with her like retarded and harass the enemy under their tower safely unless they pick something like Lee, Skarner, Mao or some other hard CC jungler.

She's not just a counter bruiser but also an excellent assassin (which is why she's superior to teemo as a pick to troll melees top with), lone ADCs are guaranteed to drop dead unless they're too fed. Fed mages not so much unless you invest in significant mres first (and SV, MoM is not tanky enough for her and the CDR+heal helps in bird form). This is what you do beyond laning phase, you kill people that roam alone, you split-push (you're hard to gank after all, just pick up a ward or two), you pick off enemy split-pushers (nobody can outrun the bird). Late-game the CD on her ult is so low you practically have it available every time you need it, you can easily push one lane to appear in the next ASAP if you see an enemy there alone.

Her main problem is the same as with nearly every assassin, she has no built-in tankiness and you shouldn't go in first into a 5v5 unless you got very fed/farmed and have some major tankyness like a randuins or a belt+SV against fed mages. But god forbid you catch their carry out of position before a fight. Not as easy as with old zed to murder the adc with her, but holy fuck she's good at it. Just get a jarman in the jungle or somebody else to initiate and dodge their CC. I either win games now by killing shit myself and pushing or by killing or nearly killing the ADC and tanking all the damage/CC with my team murdering them with dps while they waste shit on chasing and killing me.
Dec 19, 2007
I was thinking of learning Shaco for next season, unsure of what the vision changes mean to him but I guess there's always an angle he can come from. So of course I tried him in ranked for the first time, got everybody butthurt of course, Shaco useless I troll wah wah wah... Funny how stabbing some Ahri in the ass changes everybody's mind. I built a split push build but in the end I just went into teamfights anyway and killed a squishy or two, the nice thing is that in teamfight confusion some people can't tell that it's a clone and you're stealthed elsewhere, ready to buttfuck Lucian or something. Funny champion. I guess we only won because they trolled an ap kat instead of support tho so no wards makes Shaco a happy camper.

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