I prefer Thief 2, if only because the limitations of the Dark Engine aren't as obvious. For one, the Thief games don't do movement over weird geometry very well, and for another, mantling kinda sucks when you're trying to scale moving, curved or weirdly edged brushes (and this is even more noticeable after playing The Dark Mod and going back to Thief 1/2).
That being said, I still prefer T1/2 to most of the new-age stealth games--even Dishonored, which I liked a lot. Thief 1 and 2's atmosphere, story and maps more than make up for their shortcomings. Strangely, the map that disappointed me most from T1/Gold was Return to the Cathedral
thanks to Brother Murus' endless errands. Otherwise the mission started off fantastically.
Do you play fan missions? If not, you should.