Finally got around to this one. Nothing buildable yet, but I found the info incredibly helpful the first time I unlocked it.
I'm like 90% sure this is required to make nun outfits. But I'm not 100% sure because I didn't fucking unlock them yet. Argh. I think we need the Romanica contact, and for that I'm now certain we need a bejeweled cross. Like the one we left behind on that ghost island.
More fungus! Honestly this is rather annoying. I hope this leads to something more useful than ~15 mushrooms a month at the cost of 25k monthly upkeep per outbreak.
So this thing is the result of researching necroplane tech. This is what you'e SUPPOSED to unlock early on, by finding a crashed pirate wreck on a distress call, researching it, and building one of these fuckers. We're a bit late to that party so this thing is worthless.
Honestly can't imagine when you'd want to use these. -50 morale isn't just a death sentence, it's a deathsentence for every ally nearby as well. And -8 freshness will leave you pretty fucked even if you do have a way to recover the morale. AND it's self only. These suck!
Ah, finally something that will unlock those 30mm cannons I've been waiting for-
Oh come on!
Well okay that's something at least. We still need one more gauss cannon part to make one though.
Look, it's basically like our turtle except with a way better layout! Okay to be fair it's way slower, has less range and no weapons. But still.
Might never actually use these. On the other hand- Rambo.
Well, we've finally crossed the 1 million mark for our protection money. Balance seems fairly stable right now, which is impressive considering the amount of shit we're supporting and how little loot we sold this month.
Mmmm. Methlabs.
'Fire Pit' sounds like a social room to roast marshmellows in. It is not. It is a security corridor that sets off ~20 radius firebombs every time a unit enters it. Potentially multiple times per round. That means if you put one next to an access lift, one the first turn when they send out a guard dog to scout, it'll roast alive the 9 guys inside the lift. It even reaches down and scorches people trying to crawl through the sewer as well. Just don't get too close yourself, and don't rely on it to stop imps.
Sadistic urges? No idea what this is referring to. *Resumes whipping civilians to train throwing skills*
Well, more maids is always a good thing.
While the concept of uber gal sized guns is a good one...
The ones initially unlocked are pretty crap. They basically just massively overkill people with light armour. We want stuff with long range, accuracy, and high ammo capacity.
So, on a lark I researched Chakrams, which I knew to be basically useless. Then upon reading the funny description I realized that it was, in fact, an incredibly important tech unlock I'd forgotten about. Should have written that one down.
Civilizing Beastmen ahoy!
Finally did this one as well. These things add +200 TUs, basically the male equivalent of a hyena rider. Have yet to actually use one since an armour that generates it's own lights sounds terrible, but I could imagine it being really good in certain missions, like maybe that burning city one.
The shitty early game craft weaponry meant to be used alongside stuff like the buckaroo to take down blimps and the like. It's reload time is actually so long it's probably viable to fly into range, fire, and then fly out of range until it finishes reloading. Also, how the fuck are these more accurate than machineguns?
Oh, and that unlocks a bunch of other stuff. Of course. Very logical.
This got finished quickly, because it was a very high priority. Why so important?
Well, first we find another blimp, so roving hordes of werewolves will have to wait for another day.
...and we just lost a gal in chainmail. How the fuck did this happen?
Well, two things. First, I forgot that the blimp turrets have sniper (Master) which means that they can see where you are multiple turns after having initially seen you. So the fucking thing might have seen her exit the craft and psychically known where she moved to through the darkness. Seems legit. Second, that tile near the headlight appears to not even qualify as dark, because she got shot by a LOT of enemies on that turn from a lot further than 9 tiles away. Fucking suicide lights. I'm putting the blimps back into 'really fucking sketchy' pile of missions. If we do any more of these, we're not leaving hard cover until those turrets have been annihilated.
Oh, and I forgot to mention it, but we also almost lost Echidna here on the first turn as well, because a troublemaker with a shotgun reaction fired at a gal who tried taking potshots from the door. Have I mentioned I don't like this layout?
Okay, this one was just straight up bullshit.
Look at that fucking angle. No way in hell this thing should have been able to make that shot, firing through multiple wall tiles.
Luckily Echidna was nearby on her mission to capture a turret with a cattle prod.
A mission which turned out to be entirely pointless. Despite the 'ignore stun immunity' tag, it just kills the turrets anyways. So much for getting improved loot that way. Makes me wonder if armored cars are the same way. At least we've got proof of concept; the cattle prod does indeed work much better for this.
RIP Gandalfina.