That's what I miss most of all. Each room and each angle was a memorable scene in itself. It was the most successful way to make a game "cinematic" without taking an ounce of control away from the player. And like you say the chosen camera angle for a given room could really impact the atmosphere. There were even those certain rooms where upon entering the camera would show some enemies in the foreground, unaware of the player's presence, giving this feeling of inevitable dread from knowing that you'd eventually have to deal with them.I'm recoiling from over the shoulder camera, it's just not the RE experience.
Remember those wierd angles, like on the floor looking up, or from a cubard, makes you feel like you're watching through the eyes of zombies etc. and the lack of peripheral vision only aided the atmosphere.
Marvin scene was offputing, playing through both A+B scenarios is gone, moving is slow and I can already tell this game just won't be for the old fans.
Or like in this area, Nemesis could spawn by the door in the background, and you as a player would be running towards the foreground to try and escape as Nemesis is rushing up from the background.
Or these long, one point perspective corridors, used in all three games, that were so unsettling.