Let's recap our previous choices:
1: Ork head, officer and killed quartermaster.
- Now, killing the quartermaster was accordign to root pretty goddamn dumb. We might've gotten away with it if we weren't an officer, since being made quartermaster then would effectively be a promition. It still got us blown up though.
- Nob head as our war trophy means we're likely fighting orks. This is A Good Thing. Of all the possible enemies, Orks are the ones guardmen are most likely to survive against.
- Officer is kind of neutral at this point. If we were an officer we shouldn't have killed the quartermaster though.
1/3 here. Bad decision overall.
2: Armageddon steel legion
They have valuable experience against orks, who we are likely to face due to choice #1. they also don't do trench warfare at all, which is what we're doing atm.
1/2 here. Could be better, could be worse.
3: Male, Adeptus Kitchenus
Right, here's where the ball is finally and irrevocably dropped.
1) We know the Commissar is a SoB, which by extension means she's a giant Rugmuncher. she's also described as petty and vain.
2) We know someone - presumably Derp Korps - is coming, so we're under a time limit to Get Shit Done
3) We're an officer, so we are likely to end up leading troops at some point
- If we want to have any chance of getting anything out of the commissar, we have 2 options. We can either throw her a bone (not a boner) by picking option 3, or we can appeal to her bond of Estrogen by picking a.
- If we want to have any chance of salvaging shit before derp korps shows up, we must avoid option 1 at all costs, since it'll fast-forward and all we'll gain is a reputation for being a sissy, limp-wristed faggot
- Option 2 is probably better than option 3 with the men, since we can take full credit for any success.
Looking at the above, female+2 is optimal (respect with men, respect with commissar). If we go male, we should pick option 3 to keep the commissar - who is obviously a recurring character - mollified by throwing her a bone. Picking option 1 is dumb as it loses us respect with everyone. If we MUST be retards and pick adeptus kitchenus, we should go female for sympathy points with commissar.
0/3 - Major catastrophe.
4: Browwnose Commissar Holt
Yeah. that's totally going to work. Way to gigglesquee cockdex.
At this point we're destined for the suicide mission regardless. The difference is what the options would give us:
1) Would've let us get in good with the commander. the paper shield of "we were following orders" wouldn't have protected us from Holt, but he'd be less "karma's a bitch, huh?" about it.
2) Isn't going to work against a walking plot device. As an added bonus, we earn a reputation of being a backstabbing weasel on top of the respect we lost from adeptus kitchenus. Even if we survive, our new commander is likely to hold a grudge.
3) would get us BLAM!'d. Reset button.
And now we're at 5.
We have 2 options. We can either
1) Get our men killed in a charge for glory. Shoot SoB commissar. Have desperate, unfulfilling sex with her corpse. run off and join a rogue trader. 50/50 split between odds of soft reset and getting BLAM!'d.
2) Go on a suicide mission, with a commissar that hates us and men that don't respect us. Even if we somehow survive, we're going back to a Holt that is entirely unimpressed and a commanding officer who also hates us. Worst of all worlds. Way to fuck up codex.
So there you have it. You can choose to suddenly decide for glory, even though you're Weasel McLimpdick the faggot who failed every choice so far, or you can stay in-character and see just how far into depravity we can sink. Trying for glory will inevitably result in your dismal failure and everyone laughing at you and telling you how much you suck. then you get BLAM'd. Because you picked EVERY SINGLE CHOICE that would make the suicide mission fail so far.