If we are discussing the crime system as such, I agree it's superfluous. However I was talking about "wanted system" above. And what's been the common normie complaint has been "cops don't chase me like in GTA", not much more than that.
So if we are now talking about the game's general reactivity to actions tagged as "crime", that's a bit of a goalpost moving
Anyway, how would you design crime reactivity in a way that doesn't involve redesigning a huge amount of the open world gameplay (as far as such exists in C77)? What would be the crimes, and what would be the reactivity?
Well, we're talking process changes and persistent effects on a sliding scale. So, okay, you commit a murder. Step one, like your mod does, someone has to call it in - if there's an officer on-site, they respond immediately, or a surviving witness reports it and the NCPD arrive "soon", no more teleporting "stop right there, criminal scum!" At this point, the cops respond (mostly) like they do now, but no Wanted Stars and the pursuit area should be much smaller, so you don't waste a lot of time in play.
If you get away, the reputation thing kicks in, as if they got a partial description and depending on the identity of the victims - e.g. NCPD wouldn't care about gangers getting wasted, 1 point, they'd care about civvies to some degree, 5 points, and they'd really be pissed if you wasted their own, 10 points. The higher your infamy, the worse the effects, maybe they spend more time looking for you around the area of the crime, maybe they send a patrol vehicle after you, maybe you gotta start "stealthing" around random cops through NC if it gets bad. You max out hostility, they call MaxTac on your ass whenever they see it. There's a lot of room for development here.
And then we go into the consequences, at a certain level, maybe they should try to take you in alive. The fines and the bribes come into play, maybe a jail mechanic. Conversely, you start doing jobs for them or helping them out in firefights, maybe your reputation improves. And, of course, you can extend the same system to the gangs as well, pit gangs against one another and the NCPD with systemic reputational consequences and even use that reputation to open up quests. But at this point, I'm describing a different game. A
better one.
My point is that at this time, developing the existing, pointless crime system is just lipstick on a pig or, at worst, making you spend more time with said pig. I'd rather have the response time nerfed so I can act out my road rage (seriously, even after the patches, the traffic still sucks) and go about my merry way if I hurry.
P.S. Shooting from behind the wheel is/will be incline though, at least you'll be able to clear traffic without bothering to get out of the car.