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In Progress X-Piratez! Ironman! No spoilers! Oldschool X-COM Total Conversion with mutant amazon pirates. Death to the star gods!

Jan 7, 2012
Heads up for anyone who downloaded the mod in the past few weeks

- Fix: 'I accidentally deleted the whole thing' critical mission spawning bugs (Pogroms, Ninjas and more) (thanks to Magic Skeleton, Torchwood and Solarius Scorch for the help with fixing it)

I think this affected me. I definitely have Pogroms but Ninja activity seems really low and missions suddenly jumped right from the usual starter crap to all spoiler impossible dudes.

Oh well, figure I can restart. Gonna go back and compile a list of all the research things I've learned that I think I want to beeline for. Think I'll go Red codex this time, melee berserker is kind of the way I'm playing the game anyway.


I was wondering why DamnedRegistrations has zero ninjas flying around. Could it be it?

Think I'll go Red codex this time, melee berserker is kind of the way I'm playing the game anyway.
the best part about red is not the melee stuff kek
have you seen the siberian base?
a breeze with lo wang ^^


Sep 21, 2018
where the best is like the worst
Heads up for anyone who downloaded the mod in the past few weeks

- Fix: 'I accidentally deleted the whole thing' critical mission spawning bugs (Pogroms, Ninjas and more) (thanks to Magic Skeleton, Torchwood and Solarius Scorch for the help with fixing it)

I think this affected me. I definitely have Pogroms but Ninja activity seems really low and missions suddenly jumped right from the usual starter crap to all spoiler impossible dudes.

Oh well, figure I can restart. Gonna go back and compile a list of all the research things I've learned that I think I want to beeline for. Think I'll go Red codex this time, melee berserker is kind of the way I'm playing the game anyway.
Which version is that
Jan 7, 2012
I was wondering why DamnedRegistrations has zero ninjas flying around. Could it be it?
the best part about red is not the melee stuff kek
have you seen the siberian base?
a breeze with lo wang ^^

He started playing before the main Catgirls 4 lyfe update which is the major release that I assume had the problem that these updates fix. But I dunno.

No idea what you're talking about here, I'm just going by what the wiki says that red codex gives TUs refill on melee hits weapons

Which version is that


In the changelog.


v.N6.0.6 - All armors can now be produced from scratch (Streamlined Armor Production mod by Ivan Dogovich no longer needed)
its like the most valuable feature in 3 years löl


Aug 5, 2009
Project: Eternity Shadorwun: Hong Kong Divinity: Original Sin 2 Pathfinder: Kingmaker
He started playing before the main Catgirls 4 lyfe update which is the major release that I assume had the problem that these updates fix. But I dunno.
It's a bit annoying it doesn't say which versions are affected. I'm on v.N5.2.1, so I think I'm safe but I also have only seen sky ninjas on a single mission so idk. I've been dodging all save lokk'narr missions as well though (same as the lp), which might be related?
No idea what you're talking about here, I'm just going by what the wiki says that red codex gives TUs refill on melee hits weapons
I think it's just for a single armor, and it does not appear to be a great armor?

If I end up restarting (and I'm feeling the urge but that way lies never ever completing the game in a million years. If the version I'm on is bugged I guess I will though), I'll go drill-less peasant revolution. Not liking gray codex so far, from looking at it the others don't look much more fun (although green is looking kinda cool if not necessarily good based on lp/spoilers).


Dec 27, 2008
Finally caught up with this thread. Man, the updates are FAST. Still, this might take an entire RL year to complete the game, if not more, as the game is bloated with content. IIRC there's at least one new way to end the game besides the Martian mission.
I tried playing that kind of mods, but nowadays I'm a bit fed-up with the OG XCOM system, especially Piratez where micro-managing is mandatory (good to know that streamlined armor production is finally part of the main mod!), and it was daunting back when I played this like 4 years ago.

In any case, recruit me as a Bugeye if possible, please. I'll keep an eye on this.

BTW, some advice which I'm not sure if it's relevant for this version, but better to be safe than sorry as it's kind of a weird bug: One of the reasons to have a hangar, is that it has enemy spawn points where enemies show up. If you don't have that, and there more enemies than spawn points (such as in high difficulty levels), then enemies will appear in YOUR spawn points, sometimes at the expense of replacing some of your soldiers! No idea if said soldiers are considered gone or what happens to them. So now you know.

Lastly, regarding the Codex choice, I liked to do Grey, but it's hard-mode of sorts, no idea which color I should do if I do a new playthrough.
Also, apparently Codexes have a preferred "personality type" regarding them. FUN things happen if you choose opposites.


Aug 5, 2009
Project: Eternity Shadorwun: Hong Kong Divinity: Original Sin 2 Pathfinder: Kingmaker
: One of the reasons to have a hangar, is that it has enemy spawn points where enemies show up. If you don't have that, and there more enemies than spawn points (such as in high difficulty levels), then enemies will appear in YOUR spawn points
Damn. I am currently constructing a science base and decided to skip hangar for security. Not sure how the fuck im gonna fit a hangar in safely now. Although I'm not on a high difficulty so maybe it won't matter.
Jan 7, 2012
Since I'm restarting, I took a bit of time to compile some notes on early game optimization. Its mostly a kind of cheat sheet of things to progress towards so you don't end up a year and a half in missing out on something that would have helped a ton and was easily obtainable after 6 months (for me this was sickbays). Also some random tips to keep in mind on equipment. Nothing too groundbreaking but probably at least something for everyone (has anyone noticed coconuts before? Literally revolutionized my gameplay when I found them), and good for a quick read through if/when I replay in a year and need to remember things. Especially considering with how the tech tree works if you can't remember WHAT something is called you can't search for and find it.


EDIT: Seems to load fine for me?
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Aug 5, 2009
Project: Eternity Shadorwun: Hong Kong Divinity: Original Sin 2 Pathfinder: Kingmaker
Since I'm restarting, I took a bit of time to compile some notes on early game optimization
I think this is missing how to beeline personal labs, and seems a bit pessimistic on how hard it is to get workshops (I had both workshop and pers labs by august). Seems like good advice though.


Dec 27, 2008
EDIT: Seems to load fine for me?
Got it now: You appear to be Russian or using a Ruskie IP, which to my loleuropean address means you're uber-satan and I can't access your shit, lest I help Putin invade Poland or something.
Can be circumvented with Brave.
Jan 7, 2012
Since I'm restarting, I took a bit of time to compile some notes on early game optimization
I think this is missing how to beeline personal labs, and seems a bit pessimistic on how hard it is to get workshops (I had both workshop and pers labs by august). Seems like good advice though.
Superconductive wire/What do? are what you need for personal labs. Only listed superconductive because its easy to miss if you don't have it, what do? is already required for recruiting brainers from castaways.

Yeah maybe a little pessimistic on workshops. My first game I was hard locked by guild stapler forever but this time I found it in my first warehouse wars mission in feb. Aside from the first two months (which I think is pretty well laid out) you've got plenty of brainer time to spend, the goals are just things to work towards rather than just dumping 1 brainer on everything. My current game I think I'll start building Sickbay and Personal labs by Apr 1st so my research will be blazing fast.

EDIT: should have listed, need 10 medical supplies stockpiled for sickbay. Updated.


Sep 21, 2018
where the best is like the worst
Since I'm restarting, I took a bit of time to compile some notes on early game optimization. Its mostly a kind of cheat sheet of things to progress towards so you don't end up a year and a half in missing out on something that would have helped a ton and was easily obtainable after 6 months (for me this was sickbays). Also some random tips to keep in mind on equipment. Nothing too groundbreaking but probably at least something for everyone (has anyone noticed coconuts before? Literally revolutionized my gameplay when I found them), and good for a quick read through if/when I replay in a year and need to remember things. Especially considering with how the tech tree works if you can't remember WHAT something is called you can't search for and find it.


EDIT: Seems to load fine for me?
I disagree with camouflage on gals part. Camo bonus combined with gals' night vision is a huge boost. It works for me to the point that I'm not going to research any armor except scale mail for now.
Jan 7, 2012
If you're not starting in california I'd agree it can be good, camo on ubers is still great for fully night missions. But if you have catgirls they can basically solo night missions in camo (and just the scouting bonus alone means you can have everyone bring rubber slug shotguns and line up at the appropriate distance to practice reactions with next to no risk), while your ubers are in shielded barbarian/scale armor in case its a night mission with a lot of shitty light sources that turn it into a mostly non-night mission (e.g. warehouse wars that happen in cities with streetlights everywhere). In situations like that you often have to charge in to their "base" to finish the mission and camo isn't going to help you. And you have to make your armor decisions before you send out your craft, can't undo them once you reach destination and see that its awful for your setup.

Technically you *can* knock out those streetlights but it seems kinda wonky until you get stronger ranged weapons. Not sure why, I think its because the streetlight itself is off center so you need to actually miss slightly to not hit the much harder post.
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Aug 5, 2009
Project: Eternity Shadorwun: Hong Kong Divinity: Original Sin 2 Pathfinder: Kingmaker
EDIT: should have listed, need 10 medical supplies stockpiled for sickbay. Updated.
Getting 10 medical supplies seems pretty RNG dependent, until you gain the ability to buy/craft them(but you'd really prefer to have built your first one way before that).
Jan 7, 2012
EDIT: should have listed, need 10 medical supplies stockpiled for sickbay. Updated.
Getting 10 medical supplies seems pretty RNG dependent, until you gain the ability to buy/craft them(but you'd really prefer to have built your first one way before that).
Robbing (or enslaving) medics gives you 2/3 of them. Can find them in academy outposts which are a common mission. Added that to my list.


Aug 5, 2009
Project: Eternity Shadorwun: Hong Kong Divinity: Original Sin 2 Pathfinder: Kingmaker
EDIT: should have listed, need 10 medical supplies stockpiled for sickbay. Updated.
Getting 10 medical supplies seems pretty RNG dependent, until you gain the ability to buy/craft them(but you'd really prefer to have built your first one way before that).
Robbing (or enslaving) medics gives you 2/3 of them. Can find them in academy outposts which are a common mission. Added that to my list.
Oh, that's a good source. I think I always interrogated them, but it makes sense to save that for later then.
Jan 7, 2012
They aren't confirmed captives until they have the ghost icon. zzz's just means sleeping and liable to stand back up and fight any turn, which means still an active combatant.

Seriously stunned units standing back up probably makes up a third of the deaths/injuries I take.


Dec 27, 2008
hey aren't confirmed captives until they have the ghost icon. zzz's just means sleeping and liable to stand back up and fight any turn, which means still an active combatant.
Short of. The ghost means they're taking damage from overstun, which sure, it means they won't fight back anymore, but they'll die if you don't heal them/finish the mission ASAP. The latter is a tricky option, as due to how the game mechanics work, wounded units that aren't yours take damage one last time from wounds once combat is over, which means they can die if you're unlucky.
I'm not sure whether to like or not the fact you have to metagame and do weird stuff to get the right titles, rather than playing normally. Back when I played the game, titles meant nothing! *old man rambling*
Jan 7, 2012
The overstun damage is 1 per turn so usually it isn't a problem if you're not damaging their health first. In any case it's almost always better to kill a few than get shot in the back. At least until you have platemail.

Personally I don't really go for specific titles except the monster slayer stuff

Damned Registrations

Furry Weeaboo Nazi Nihilist
Feb 24, 2007
The overstun damage is 1 per turn so usually it isn't a problem if you're not damaging their health first. In any case it's almost always better to kill a few than get shot in the back. At least until you have platemail.

Personally I don't really go for specific titles except the monster slayer stuff
The overstun damage depends on the stun/health ratio. 1 is the minimum. If you had a target at say, 10 health and 35 stun, then you whip them and they go to 8 health and 55 stun, they'll take 1 damage, 1 damage, then 2, then 3 then they die. That's not a lot of turns to wrap things up for an early captive in a long mission.

Shackles are a thing but they don't seem to be a good solution, as they break out eventually, and even before then they can be obnoxious.

I think spraying bodies with a fire extinguisher might be one of the better options, but I've never really tested it out.

. Not sure why, I think its because the streetlight itself is off center so you need to actually miss slightly to not hit the much harder post.
I think the light is just the same durability as the post. The posts go down pretty easily as well honestly. Terrain destruction with bullets is just very unreliable because of the 0-200% damage range. If I'm wrong then shotguns should be great at taking out lights. Never tried that. Totally worth it though once you get some decent weapons, being in the only shadows on a lit map is a massive advantage.

I was wondering why DamnedRegistrations has zero ninjas flying around. Could it be it?
Pretty sure it's because I haven't touched a Lokknar mission and started the feud. There's a whole series of events and warnings there. Maybe that's a newer thing, dunno.
Real meatgrinder, I was actually expecting you to die.
I kind of was too tbh, but what else to do? Leaving enemy bases around seems to be a REAL BAD THING to do. Aside from Losing funding from the nation, you also get a ton of extra dangerous ships supplying the base and doing missions and shit. Probably a way to exploit that but fuck if I know how. Anyways, we won, and though the rewards were mostly just weaponry, some of that weaponry was really, really good.
This reminds me of my first X-Com base mission when basically everyone died and I just had a guy on escape tiles and another destroying the control room so I could at least get the base destroyed.
I wonder if you can do it in Piratez
It never even occurred to me that such a thing might be an option. Sounds like it might work though. And hey, close counts in horseshoes and hand grenades, but when dealing with a nuclear IED, pretty far away will count as well!

lol and kek... can i have a flintlock instead...?
Ok the damage per hit isn't great, but find me another gun that puts 10 bullets a turn at 30 tiles away with 75% accuracy.
In any case, recruit me as a Bugeye if possible, please. I'll keep an eye on this.
I've got a rough idea of what's needed for that. I've been holding off advancing in that direction for a while now but we might get there pretty soon. Not a lot of reason to hold back if we're getting enemy bases thrown at us to deal with anyways.
Jan 7, 2012
Having a weird issue:

This is turn 6. Most enemies aren't moving. Which is actually kind of a problem considering they have full TUs and therefor react quite violently whenever my troops do much. I can get off a shot or two but good luck piercing those stormrats armor early game outside melee or javs, and javs aren't really usable indoors. Anyone seen this?

Posted it to the xpiratez forums as a bug, maybe they'll have a fix.
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Dec 27, 2008
t never even occurred to me that such a thing might be an option. Sounds like it might work though. And hey, close counts in horseshoes and hand grenades, but when dealing with a nuclear IED, pretty far away will count as well!
Another option, meant for XCFiles but also works in Piratez, is to make a quick and dirty base close to where you suspect to be enemy bases, transfer or build a large but bulky transport (such as the Expedition one, lots of Hands but VERY slow), as transferring always take 1 hour IIRC, then make the slow ship trudge to the combat zone, then redistribute the goods and dismantle the base once it's over.

I've got a rough idea of what's needed for that. I've been holding off advancing in that direction for a while now but we might get there pretty soon. Not a lot of reason to hold back if we're getting enemy bases thrown at us to deal with anyways.
The game is pretty much meant to be played with the tech tree viewer. Otherwise, you'll be stumbling in the dark, as seen in this LP, and risk falling behind and then losing because you didn't activate certain arbitrary flags.
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