Hey all,
We're in that busy campaign prep time and have been thinking about the topic of stretch goals. If we are so fortunate as to over-fund, it only makes sense that we are thinking on the same wavelength as the community when it comes to possible added goals.
While we have no shortage of our own ideas for the game, we want to hear what you want to see in the game. Could be specific ideas, could just be a general "I'd like you to focus on this aspect". Even if it's a little crazy, that's okay. Who knows, we may have already been thinking along the same lines, but that's good to know too!
Just so we're clear, we aren't looking for specific funding levels for the goals, or a specific order - just a spitballing of what kinds of things you would want to see added, beyond what we've already described, in a game bearing the name Wasteland 3.