So i played through the 2 Egypt regions and i am very impressed.
This is a very unique mmorpg. It is like they allowed their artists to create the maps exactly as they see fit without any interferences.
This means that you get an amazing world design and great maps that will make you eager to keep playing to reach and check out all the "Points of Interest" that you see from a distance.
On the other hand though, it feels to me that some of the areas were not designed with the "mmo" part so much in the designer's mind.
For example, in the 2nd Egypt area, you will be guided from quest giver to quest giver in a circular way around the map, and there is no "area hub" where the players will hang out between missions.
Also there is a great canyon that if you fall in, you have to run through the half fucking map to get back to your previous location.
next stop: transylvania and pvp
The main goals of this phase of the Beta:
- To introduce the Dragon Faction to the Beta.
- To introduce two of the adventure zones in the Transylvania region.
- To introduce the dungeon The Darkness War.
- To introduce two pvp battlefields.
- To introduce parts of the lore, achivement and crafting systems.
- To introduce the abilities for Fist Weapons, Shotgun and Chaos .
- Introduce fixes to bugs and issues reported in the previous Beta phases.
Also i still did not manage to play any 5man dungeon.