Name at least two.Brutal doom>>Vanilla Doom , simply as that. If BD is the definitive FPS experience i don't know, what i do know is that there is plenty of better FPS than Doom out there.
Name at least two.Brutal doom>>Vanilla Doom , simply as that. If BD is the definitive FPS experience i don't know, what i do know is that there is plenty of better FPS than Doom out there.
Name at least two.Brutal doom>>Vanilla Doom , simply as that. If BD is the definitive FPS experience i don't know, what i do know is that there is plenty of better FPS than Doom out there.
What's with this constant search for external validation? Just play the games you like to play. It may be dumb or embarrassing, but the point of playing games is to have pleasure, end of story. Also, AlexOfSpades and his friend are just retarded children/edgy teenagers.The example hinged on whether you'd feel comfortable showing the game to someone other than a brodude looking for totally high-larious zombie shooting actions, not the gameplay. Aesthetics, feel, and pacing do, in fact, matter.First they frowned at the shitty graphics, wondering why i was playing that, but when they saw me telling an agonizing, bleeding zombie to go fuck itself everyone was laughing and asking "dude what game is this". Besides, you can also finish Brutal Doom without shooting them all, the maps are the same, what kind of argument is this?
I'd feel comfortable showing my fucking grandma Doom (she'd probably think what the fuck is this satanic bullshit, of course, but I'd still show her). On the other hand, I would feel like a dumb child showing her Brutal Doom and claiming it's the definitive version of a classic action game. Possibly because it's not the definitive version of a classic action game.
Name at least two.Brutal doom>>Vanilla Doom , simply as that. If BD is the definitive FPS experience i don't know, what i do know is that there is plenty of better FPS than Doom out there.
Unreal and Half Life.
Man that was easy.
Doom also caused the decline of RPGs
Name at least two.Brutal doom>>Vanilla Doom , simply as that. If BD is the definitive FPS experience i don't know, what i do know is that there is plenty of better FPS than Doom out there.
Also, AlexOfSpades and his friend are just retarded children/edgy teenagers.
Name at least two.Brutal doom>>Vanilla Doom , simply as that. If BD is the definitive FPS experience i don't know, what i do know is that there is plenty of better FPS than Doom out there.
Any game that has aiming with all three axis, so the game doesn't have to "aim for you" when shooting at enemies above, you have to do it yourself, you know, since you're not a fucking fag that depends of auto-aim
Any game that has jumping, so you must jump to avoid incoming projectiles (as well as strafing), and also jump between platforms while fighting (requiring reflexes and notion of space). Bonus: wall-dodging, wall-running or double jumping for extreme, lightning-fast air maneuvers
Any game that has localized damage/headshots so high precision/mouse coordination is necessary
Any game whose entire singleplayer mode has more than three fucking hours
DooM was good, one of my favorite games. I grew up playing it, when i was 5, using DOS. I really fucking love the game, but saying it's above all other shooters evurr is a bit of a stretch. It's a pretty old game, and several games ahead of it introduced great features (like the ones listed above) that contributed a lot to the fast-paced gameplay. (Although i don't think all of the above would fit with Doom or a doom-like gameplay.)
Also, AlexOfSpades and his friend are just retarded children/edgy teenagers.
Maybe we are, but pretending Doom was the epitome of maturity and artistic value and Brutal Doom somehow ruins that is a bit silly. Doom was always "retarded", in a fun way. Seriously, Romero's head on a stick as the last boss? NiN as soundtrack? Pentagrams everywhere, even nazi flags as easter egg? It was like, Edgyness: The Game.
lolName at least two.Brutal doom>>Vanilla Doom , simply as that. If BD is the definitive FPS experience i don't know, what i do know is that there is plenty of better FPS than Doom out there.
Any game that has aiming with all three axis, so the game doesn't have to "aim for you" when shooting at enemies above, you have to do it yourself, you know, since you're not a fucking fag that depends of auto-aim
localized damage, in particular headshots, ruined shooters
If what you say is in fact true, then why does BD not remove any monsters from the game?
They throw everything and the kitchen sink at something that was created with thought and care. Don't expect rationality or foresight.
Spoken like a true BD neophyte.
If the creator of BD (just one guy btw) was just blindly batting design decisions then he mysteriously hit a homerun nearly every pitch. Everything works together very well.
If the creator of BD (just one guy btw) was just blindly batting design decisions then he mysteriously hit a homerun nearly every pitch. Everything works together very well.
I never denied that BD has an audience. It is an audience of ADHD teenagers on uppers, but it is an audience. He's doing what he loves, and people who are like him are gravitating toward the project. The Universe works like that.