I'm trying to make my own balance patches foir MM3-4-5, but with my non-existent reverse-engineering skills, all I'm good at is trying to find hardcoded constants hidden in the executables. Over the years I did that with some success in older PC games as well as a few NES and SNES roms.
In MM3, I'm using Jeff Ludwig's decompressed EXE and bug fix patch (but NOT his spawn mod)
I was looking for the offsets for the # of levels needed to get 1 extra attacks, for all classes.
I found the offsets by looking for the values, 0x0506060708, suspecting the classes
were ordered the same way they are in the character creation screen.
offset 0x1A328
Knight Paladin Archer Cleric Sorcerer Robber Ninja Barbarian Druid Ranger
5 6 6 7 8 6 5 4 7 6
I tried the same for World of Xeen, with no success.
I used Cedric Busch' Xeen utilities to decompress the CC files.
I looked for that sequence in the executable files, in the XEEN.dat file, and in the individual files inside the decompressed DARK.CC, with no success either in finding the same sequence or even just the first few numbers, 5 6 6 7
Cedric Busch' Xeen utilities:
I will likely have to learn to use the Dosbox debugger to find the file and data offset I'm looking for.
Unless someone here more skilled than me finds them first?