You know what I think is more idiotic? Soul Level 1 characters that invade other Soul Level 1 characters with +5 Lightning Claymores and +15 PyroGlove with Great Combustion.
I ask you to explain it, you cop out, good job at convincing me that there is no issue.
even more idiotic is getting invaded at SL1 by SL 800+ havel mages MM with full cast speed, spamming GRS, mundane powerstanced avelyns or whatever they fucking want. or getting the same SL800+ (MM or not) at some point when you hit a certain SM, regardless of your own SL. but sure, go ahead, ignore the blatant issues of an idiotic system that
everyone hates. go ahead and be a retard for the sake of being a contrarian hipster
The red invasion issue is complex, because as a BoB member, my invasions are always instant. Every time I use the damn orb, I get an invasion. The problem is that people do not get invaded, because the BoB invaders are so few compared to the invadee pool, that they get spread too thin.
This is an issue that came with the orb restrictions and the fact that now you can invade hollows and people who have beaten the boss. As a red invader, you don't realize this issue exists, because like I said you get instant invasions (which would lead you to believe it is all working perfectly) but when you play through the game normally and without sin, invasions are extremely rare, which is a problem. This does fuck up a covenant (the Way of Blue) and part of the Blue Sentinels, which right now work as a better version of the Darkmoons but lack that interesting angle of being summoned to help Way of Blue players. It's a shame, but I don't think it's as big of an issue as the Dark Souls 1 covenant system, where several covenants were broken or useless.
hey, i didn't argue it was worse, i agreed there were improvements, just not that it was such a "vast improvement". especially considering the issues with SM and the ones you mentioned now and earlier that really exacerbate those problems with the otherwise finely working blue and reds. but here, for fun, have a cheeky, partly unfair example:
Abyss is another one of those covenants that do not really influence the game in any way apart from a couple of rewards. You got 3 an annoying areas, a boss, and a couple of spells (2 of which you can buy almost at the beginning of the game). You did not play as a Pilgrim of the Abyss, you joined the covenant, dumped some human effigies, killed some crappily designed enemies and moved on. Maybe it's unfair to group it with Way of Blue (which is 100% useless) but it's still badly designed. It's just only there so you pay a toll to open those damn areas and done, completely meaningless as a covenant.
Dragon Eyes used to be common? I always found them to be terribly buggy compared to the Red Soapstone, mostly because you can only see the Eye sign if the game is not trying to connect you to anyone else, which was rare because the moment you entered a PvP area you usually got either an invasion or that stupid bug where the fog gate comes up but no invader appears, thanks to the shitty matchmaking. And when you did see a sign, it was usually a Summoning Failed.
again, i don't know if it's a PC issue or something they fucked up in a patch later on. early on PS3 blues were
very common, particularly in AL where, if you were indicted, you could barely walk 10m without getting invaded (i'm exaggerating a bit, but still..). and i dunno about other areas, but the Kiln was chock-full of dragon eyes. i don't think i've ever been there and didn't see one, even later on when it wasn't the primary PvP hotspot (i guess every dragonbro was there since everybody else moved to the burg and township.... speaking of which, i don't think i ever saw a dragon eye there. only reds and gravelords). btw, "that stupid bug where the fog gate comes up but no invader appears, thanks to the shitty matchmaking" is still in DaS2 and very much alive... thanks to the shitty matchmaking
P.S.: Obsidian paired with Biowhore and Bethesda? You're being really unfair. Obsidian is so much better.
actually, considering i've lumped them together on a technical basis, Biowhore is the unfair comparison here. Dungeon Siege (haven't tried SP) was the only technically solid Obsidian game, while Biowhore usually releases pretty solid, polished, working games. they're shit, but technically they're good. is From the Japanese Obsidian? excellent games marred by shitty technical execution... (although the western press is often unfairly harsh on the amount and gravity of bugs in Obsidian games compared to a lot of other companies. particularly Beth)