I gotta say, it is quite amusing to see the same people who called me a no-nothing cocksucker, come around to my side after experiencing the game first hand.
1. I really don't get the complaint about enemy hordes, groups of enemies require skill to defeat, I don't know why people think they are cheap.
2. Also, Demon's Souls was exactly the same
3. As for bosses with adds, like the Flexile Sentry, it's the same thing. The adds take skill to beat.
4. I actually liked that the game offers more fights against groups of enemies as they're more fun and challenging.
5. I dislike some things about the game, like the sense of geography (which is utter crap), and some level design decisions, but I don't see how any of the above is a problem.
6. I also found the bosses in general to be very fun. All of them
7. I'd say that both Dark Souls games are better than Demon's Souls in terms of bosses.
8. The only reason people do not find some bosses to be as memorable in this game is because they already have a lot of Souls experience.
I want to preface that every bit of the game that i've played, I did so at a friends house, and at the same house, I was able to beat the game in its entirety, as well as get extensive PvP time.
1. Mob spams as bosses just show the lack of creativity/motivation to create a challenging boss fight, and no, hordes aren't hard to beat; "Oh no, rat spam! Just ignore all of the rats save 1, and then 1 shot/1combo the hair rat to death, how hard!!" They aren't cheap, they're just shit.
2. No, it wasn't, stupid.
3. No they don't. Just buff off/def before the fog gate and rape the underlings without fear of negative trades, all the while ignoring the main boss as if he were a nobody. Again, FROM's new boss design philosophy is no longer about adding difficulty via making hard enemies with feigns, combo chains etc, it's just about mob spam. Do you know how fucking lazy that is?
4. You'll just swallow anything FROM shovels at you wont you? My friend and I both agreed that mob spam is shit.
5. "I think the theme of the game is shit, but it's not a problem." Stuff like this is why I put Dark Souls fans on the same level as bronies, they're fucking retards.
6. Of course. FROM needs more people like you, since the negative voices are starting to outweigh the positive ones.
7. And i'd say you have no taste. Demon's Soul's is infinitely better than DS2 in every way possible. Better theme, bosses, voice acting, lore, weapons, soundtrack etc.
8. Shouldn't the developers understand that as they're making a
SEQUEL? Team Ninja [Ninja Gaiden] and Capcom [Monster Hunter] seem to understand that as they're making some of the most memorable, hard, boss-oriented games on the market. I never heard anybody complaining that NG2 was too easy, I wonder why that is?
They already completely ruined the Armored Core franchise, are you sycophants aware that the exact same fate is happening to the Soul's series as we speak?
Just as a side note so I don't forget, I think one of the problems with the Dark Souls community is their infantile mindset: most other forums that host Dark Souls 2 related content have thread after thread whining about people using Estus in PvP, or people not bowing etc, while the real arguments like the game being too easy, the covenants being counter-intuitive, a majority of the weapons being unviable in PvP or PvE etc., get swept under the rug by the horde of these simpletons.