Ed's replies are pretty spot on. DKSII doesn't have that exact "feel" that Dark Souls 1 had in terms of its overall cohesion but let's not kid ourselves it had some bullshit loaded in some areas of the game. I think it's important to frame the game as more Demons Souls 2 than Dark Soul 2. Combat is looser and faster, not as fluid as Demon's but pretty much there. I'd even say level design is closer to Demon's than Dark in terms of overall setup. Thank god for the lack of too many narrow edges.
I also think there was a shift in overall progression/level design. Enemies are harder overall where as bosses range from piss easy to maybe one of two coming to O&S and Manus. If there's one thing that can be said though, regular enemies do way more damage than they did in DS1. The fact even with +10 in full heavy you can get murdered in three or four hits from "tough" regulars places more emphasis on skill. DS1 you could bullshit tank even some of the harder bosses with the right gear. I like the fact dodging/rolling became more viable/necessary as opposed to just taking a big ass shield and standing there.
But poise is still bullshit, the fact a fucking dagger can stunlock you up to a point is fucking hilarious.
I also think there was a shift in overall progression/level design. Enemies are harder overall where as bosses range from piss easy to maybe one of two coming to O&S and Manus. If there's one thing that can be said though, regular enemies do way more damage than they did in DS1. The fact even with +10 in full heavy you can get murdered in three or four hits from "tough" regulars places more emphasis on skill. DS1 you could bullshit tank even some of the harder bosses with the right gear. I like the fact dodging/rolling became more viable/necessary as opposed to just taking a big ass shield and standing there.
But poise is still bullshit, the fact a fucking dagger can stunlock you up to a point is fucking hilarious.