in a way, yes. it does sound harsh (and it is), but when you think about it, it makes sense. Oblivion, compared to Morrowind, completely fucked up the lore and setting, among other things, which is not far from what DaS2 did with the "vague on purpose" references to DaS1, and very lazy, cheap, and shitty level design (and world design that's actually worse than oblivion. yeah, i went there). except, as i said, DaS2 also improved upon shitloads of (only) mechanical stuff. again, still a great game, better than 99% of games out there, but the more i play it, the less it is a "worthy" sequel (fuck, i just noticed that Souls Marketing Plant #1 Vaati commented on that video and... he pretty much agrees with most of it?! did i cross a parallel dimension at some point? i guess now our very own meanwhileInPotatoland is the #1 DaS2 Marketing Plant)