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Elder Scrolls The appeal of Skyrim

Do you like Skyrim?

  • Yes, one of the best games ever made

  • Yes, it was alright, but i got bored with it.

  • Meh, not my type of RPG

  • It was a bad RPG, didn't like it

  • I am a sperg, i don't consider Skyrim to be an RPG, you fucking popamoler

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Jan 6, 2015
This thread is full of complete Cuckdex retards. This is like trying to teach a jellyfish to screw a lightbulb levels of stupid. I can't believe there are people here that take their neckbeard ass so seriously and probably say "nailed it" after their posts. It's quite hilarious, actually.


Apr 8, 2015
Excuse me? What did I do to deserve such a blatant insult?

For a moment I confused you with that dude involved in JarlFrank's drama. So my bad.

This thread is full of complete Cuckdex retards ... It's quite hilarious, actually.


It really is...
Dec 24, 2018
I liked the atmosphere in Skyrim, I guess. Jeremy Soule did a pretty good job with the ambient music, and it looks reasonably nice with some fixes applied.

Can't mod it into a good game though because the faction questlines are trash and they voice acted all the regular NPC dialogue (making it impossible to substitute quests and such), so even if you find a decent assortment of gameplay fixing mods you're still left with an effectively story-less and faction-less experience.

Honestly the best way to experience Skyrim is probably just to listen to "Skyrim Atmospheres", that gets you 95% of what's good about the game and saves you dealing with all the crappy parts.

Wayward Son

Fails to keep valuable team members alive
Aug 23, 2015
Anytown, USA
I hate to break it to Harvey there... 100-110 is literally defined as an average IQ.

Black Angel

Jun 23, 2016
- The best handcrafted open world in history, period. Roads clearly lead you where you need to go, while also presenting nigh infinite temptations to explore the wildnerness. Succumbing to that temptation is worthwhile, as hidden environmental storytelling never fails to deliver an experience worth having. Locations and enemies are spaced out perfectly to make exploration feel at once comfy, awe inspiring, surprising, and tense.
Gothic 2 disagrees with you. Heck, Gothic 1's world is significantly smaller, and it's much better handcrafted than whatever Bethshitda made with Skyrim.

Also, I want to object the notion that Skyrim is an 'open world' game. Yeah, the main gameworld is continuous, but you need to go through a loading screen to enter cities, caves (even smaller ones) and I vaguely remembered some small shack in the middle of fucking nowhere. Meanwhile, with the exception of Old Mine/New Mine/final dungeon, the whole gameworld of Gothic 1 is truly continuous with no loading screen separating the camps with the wilderness. Not to mention the fast-traveling method of the Gothic games that you can acquire via teleportation scroll or a fixed teleporter does NOT have any loading screen whatsoever.


Dec 15, 2018
Skyrim is a great gateway rpg. My 10 year old daughter loved it and so did all her friends, so in this regard it’s a great “rpg” for a buncha fuckin’ babies to get into as an introduction to the genre. Grown ass men playing and enjoying it ‘aughta be some kinda anomaly like “bronies”.

Deleted Member 16721

Thing about all games, Skyrim included, is that you ultimately want them all to exist. We need options of different experiences to have. Nobody should be set just playing one type of game, or in this case RPG. Enjoy all flavors, because that's what they are; flavors to experience. Play a Gold Box game one day and the next play Arcanum, then some Skyrim, and hell, even Oblivion or some Temple of Elemental Evil. Try and broaden your horizons and just accept what each RPG is, just a flavor to try and sample. Some you'll like more than others but no reason to hate on one type of flavor or another. Just my 2.


Mar 28, 2018
Gothic 2 disagrees with you. Heck, Gothic 1's world is significantly smaller, and it's much better handcrafted than whatever Bethshitda made with Skyrim.

Also, I want to object the notion that Skyrim is an 'open world' game. Yeah, the main gameworld is continuous, but you need to go through a loading screen to enter cities, caves (even smaller ones) and I vaguely remembered some small shack in the middle of fucking nowhere. Meanwhile, with the exception of Old Mine/New Mine/final dungeon, the whole gameworld of Gothic 1 is truly continuous with no loading screen separating the camps with the wilderness. Not to mention the fast-traveling method of the Gothic games that you can acquire via teleportation scroll or a fixed teleporter does NOT have any loading screen whatsoever.

Gothic 2 has only a handful of unique locations to discover ( except for those part of factions/main story) and even those are subpar in comparison to most open world games. ( That "great" dungeon behind Onar farm, where it spawns skeletons behind your back). Enemy placement is all over the place ( small army of skeletons right next to Onar's mercenaries). There are practically no world events and interesting encounters ( except for killing/monsters).
Same goes for unique quests in the world ( go kill that monster over the hill!). Encounters are copy paste of same few trash mobs types( wolves equals boars equals worgs), with only difference in how much HP's are bloated in comparison. There is almost no lore to find in the world ( through exploration) and itemization is the most retarded in entire genre.
It only hides it's flaws a bit better, since it's world is a lot smaller next to what we see in modern games.
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May 24, 2017
Who uses the word dope unironically anymore?

Oh, someone who enjoyed Skyrim.

I was enticed by the hype, bought it on-sale and finished the game in like 6 hours. I waited that entire time for something to click, something that would resonate and illuminate my darkened mind to the glory of Skyrim.



May 24, 2017
Well, I smoke my dope. I use dope to weld things. I fire dopey kids.

Dope is an object. A thing. A tool.

I have to say, you're right about everything.


uooh afficionado
Feb 6, 2016
Skyrim is a great gateway rpg. My 10 year old daughter loved it and so did all her friends, so in this regard it’s a great “rpg” for a buncha fuckin’ babies to get into as an introduction to the genre. Grown ass men playing and enjoying it ‘aughta be some kinda anomaly like “bronies”.

Skyrim was my first western RPG and I found it to be overwhelming at the beginning. But it was easy to pick up eventually. People really underestimate the advantage a lifetime of cRPGs gives you.

Nowadays I look back and say "how could I possibly find this so overwhelming?". But it's easy to say with some cRPGs under my belt.
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Dec 15, 2018
Skyrim is a great gateway rpg. My 10 year old daughter loved it and so did all her friends, so in this regard it’s a great “rpg” for a buncha fuckin’ babies to get into as an introduction to the genre. Grown ass men playing and enjoying it ‘aughta be some kinda anomaly like “bronies”.

Skyrim was my first western RPG and I found it to be overwhelming at the beginning. But it was easy to pick up eventually. People really underestimate the advantage a lifetime of cRPGs gives you.

Nowadays I look back and say "how could I possibly find this so overwhelming?". But it's easy to say with some cRPGs under my belt.

Me and my friends first western rpg was Morrowind. At first we all tried to play it like a jrpg: talk to EVERYONE in town, pick up EVERY item, but quickly realized that’s not what you’re ‘sposed to do. To be honest I’m still learning to play western RPG’s correctly. Stat / skill point allocation is still trial and error for me. From finally getting around to Diablo 2 a few years ago and whiffing 4 outta 5 attacks ‘cause I put zero points in Dex to failing to complete the tutorial mission in Underrail ‘cause I put zero points in lockpick... I’m still retard. :(

Skyrim is a fine game, the only legit problem I have with it is the setting. I missed Morrowind’s mushroom forests, stilt striders and pitch black dungeons is all.


Oct 3, 2012
A new appeal of Skyrim may be the "Skyrim Together" mod. A mod which allegedly allows to play the whole game together with up to 8 friends (and seems to be close to beta release). Perfect for a soulless game with soulless quests, and where everything in the gameworld is modularly isolated from each other. That's probably the only way to get some enjoyment out of the game. A shame that Bethesda did not implement this themselves.


Oct 1, 2018
A new appeal of Skyrim may be the "Skyrim Together" mod. A mod which allegedly allows to play the whole game together with up to 8 friends (and seems to be close to beta release). Perfect for a soulless game with soulless quests, and where everything in the gameworld is modularly isolated from each other. That's probably the only way to get some enjoyment out of the game. A shame that Bethesda did not implement this themselves.
We've seen what happens when Bethesda try to make a multi-player game. For all of its problems, Skyrim is the better for Bethesda making it single-player.


Oct 3, 2012
They just do the wrong approach. I see no problem when the multiplayer is restricted in a way that it allows only cooperative multiplayer. This way the whole game stays the same and as it was intended to be played (just like replacing Lydia with a real player). This mod even shows that Skyrim's shallow gameworld and quest design is layed out for multiplayer anyways. So I don't see the game becoming worse if they had built in coop from the beginning. Bethesda's problem with multiplayer is, that they try the typical MMO approach with designing it around monetization, loot, constant flow of money, fortress wars, player economy, capture the flag, conquer points, respawning enemies, tedious levelling, etc. that's where the whole game becomes different (and messed up).
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uooh afficionado
Feb 6, 2016
Skyrim was my first western RPG and I found it to be overwhelming at the beginning.
Skyrim was my first western RPG and I found it to be overwhelming
I found it to be overwhelming


Name 10 cRPGs that have the scale and freedom of Skyrim. You will find only Bethesda games and a few obscure "experimental" cRPGs (e.g. Fate: Gates of Dawn) are like these, because cRPGs usually focus on smaller, more focused experiences. In case I need to state the obvious: complexity =/= scale and freedom.
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Big Wrangle

Name 10 cRPGs that have the scale and freedom of Skyrim.
Skyrim 2, Skyrim 2, Skyrim 2, Skyrim 2, Skyrim 2, then Skyrim 2, Skyrim 2, Skyrim 2, Skyrim 2, and finally, Skyrim 2.

Just kidding, #1 is actually Skyrim 2.


May 2, 2018
Codex Year of the Donut
A new appeal of Skyrim may be the "Skyrim Together" mod. A mod which allegedly allows to play the whole game together with up to 8 friends (and seems to be close to beta release). Perfect for a soulless game with soulless quests, and where everything in the gameworld is modularly isolated from each other. That's probably the only way to get some enjoyment out of the game. A shame that Bethesda did not implement this themselves.

Inventories and containers aren't synchronized though. So when you enter a dungeon, and there's money or items there, everyone gets to loot it. The contents of the chest exists only on the client, not the server. This means no unique loot, everyone has everything, and you can imagine the balance which is already on the faceroll side going even worse.

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