The scariness of SS1 is greatly enhanced by the original controls. Meanwhile in SS2 I was doing backflips all of the time to keep the instantly respawning enemies off me. That's a different kind of tension, I guess.
Like in SS2.the original game to me is more like 1970s cold sci-fi (2001, The Andromeda Strain, THX-1138, etc.).
for the people arguing graphics don't matter, I have a game for you
You used the words "revisionist history" in the Prey thread. Here we are once more eh...So tiring.People think about SS2 as a scary game, because it was a scary game
for the people arguing graphics don't matter, I have a game for you
This is ugly because of art direction not graphical fidelity - mostly the devs laziness to even bother inserting decoration in the level, but also choice of color pallete.
Additionally, people said it doesn't matter "much". Which in this thread of all threads (dedicated to a relatively ugly game from 1994) people should understand. But the human race never fails to disappoint.
this is a pre-release trailer for system shock 2. it was always presented as being an action game with horror elements. that kind of action/horror mix, coming off of stuff like Aliens and Predator, was very popular in the 90s. the exaggeration of the horror stuff and people making it out to be a pure horror game all came after the fact (I think a lot of this had to do with articles written about the game often having pictures of the most horror-ish scenes of the game, like the guy who has hanged himself or the ghost, and sans the heavy electronic score it made the game seem far more somber than it really was. people would read that stuff then talk about the game without having played it because the game was borderline impossible to play for a long time on operating systems like XP, which perpetuated the myth that it was some story heavy horror game).
The only games that scared me more than SS2 were some levels of Thief and maybe Silent Hill 2, that I played some years later.
Like in SS2.the original game to me is more like 1970s cold sci-fi (2001, The Andromeda Strain, THX-1138, etc.).
Again focusing on the visual aspect.Like in SS2.the original game to me is more like 1970s cold sci-fi (2001, The Andromeda Strain, THX-1138, etc.).
SS2 is more like 80's scifi -
Again focusing on the visual aspect.Like in SS2.the original game to me is more like 1970s cold sci-fi (2001, The Andromeda Strain, THX-1138, etc.).
SS2 is more like 80's scifi -
The earth needs to be cleansed of all decline enablers!
It's true, nothing is more horrifying than gay annoying checkpoints in shitty dumb places and ‘guess where you should save lol’ minigames.Also gameplay design: notice this is pretty much the only legit horror game with unrestricted saving, so you don't really fear losing your life when you know can just place down a quicksave at any time, namely the moment you start to feel a little scared or apprehensive.
this is a pre-release trailer for system shock 2. it was always presented as being an action game with horror elements.
January 2023 Update
Welcome to a New Year, Hackers
After our return from Gamescom we’ve been hesitant to share anything so as not to spoil any remaining surprises we have in store. However, we’ve picked a few last things to share before our quickly approaching launch window of March, 2023.
As some of you have already pointed out this is not our first time announcing a tentative launch window, but over the past few years much has changed - the scope and scale of the project has evolved dramatically and with Prime Matter joining the project it’s enabled us to focus on quality-of-life improvements, bug fixing, and localization support - the last major steps towards releasing a game we’re all incredibly proud of. This has also given us time to go back and polish various aspects of the game that needed that extra shine.
Variants, Effects, and Features
When accessing a locked area, you’ll now scan the appropriate card to gain entry.
Citadel has gone through a bit of a makeover and is ready for her big finale.
We’ve created some Enemy Variants to provide new challenges to the player in later levels.
This new enemy type is a call-back to an original we initially omitted, but decided to include.
Diego will be making numerous appearances throughout the game - here is a sneak peek at one such incarnation.
Updated effects for the weapons, like the Plasma Rifle, provide a final level of polish.
As you know dismemberment has been a high priority for us and every enemy is receiving a completely custom dismemberment model - there are a lot of enemies and the amount of effort being spent on this is staggering. Here’s a look at how the Avian Mutant will perish.
Until next time -
The System Shock Team
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See you next time!
It was bright in the Unity demo, but it's been darker ever since they switched to UE4.Is it only me, or did they really tone down the initial, ever-present, overly bright lightning?