Perfidious Pole
I am honestly impressed at the ability to talk about something for 12 straight hours. If I were to give a very detailed account on my life, with tangents and rants on any topic, even if it's just barely related and I had a month to prepare for my speech I still would be surprised If I manage to talk for more than max 5 hours.
Quality > Quantity
Some people have a gift for using a lot of words and time to say nothing. So I agree with you, but only if the time is well used and the material is substantial. Otherwise, I'd just recommend doing a proper editing pass and trying again.
"If I had more time, I would have written a shorter letter."
I agree when talking about essays, but in real life quality often trumps quantity. In social situations the ability to talk for 12 hours without problems, even if the talk is not the best, is like being a superman on the battlefield. It's the I win button.
You assume the entire 12 hour video has not been rehearsed and has been recorded in one piece. I don't think this is the case.