I sometimes wonder if EUNE is easier to get into gold...
For example, let me detail my jungling style which so far I am very confident will get me to gold (my normal elo being gold already). The enemy jungler picks Hecarim, I decide to counterpick with Nocturne. I know that Nocturne isn't exactly the best ganker compared to Hecarim but I pick him because the best thing to beat Hecarim IMO is to "out-carry" Hecarim, get yourself more fed than he is and then you can handle his force on the map. So the game starts, I tell my team not to feed Hecarim by buying wards. Obvious I know, but I've come to realize how critical communication for a jungler is. Mid and top give out some quick deaths because YOLO, no need to buy wards. Classic Hecarim ganks, not much to do and he shoots up to 2-0. I gank mid and blow my flash to kill their laner, a really good gank to get my weaker mid laner back in the lane. Now I could've tried to counter jungle him but except an early missed opportunity by me it wasn't really an option, Hecarim is very fast and does good damage not to mention he's now fed.
Alright, we're both level 6, I waste my ult on nothing while Hecarim uses his for a double kill bot and he gets to 3-0. Top and bot are losing to ganks and just natural lane matchups, bot lane cries that I haven't ganked once. This is by design because as my overall strategy dictates, I need to outscale Hecarim and can't really be babysitting lanes. Their bot lane goes back after the successful gank and I see Hecarim goes mid to farm but doesn't push, he probably backed too! I ping like crazy the dragon just as my bot lane gets back to lane and we take it in full view, I was just a lowly lvl 7 Nocturne with nothing but a Health Crystal. No one died for that dragon, we didn't win any teamfights, we had no pinks, just straight up map awareness and quick decision making. Score is 1-4, Hecarim's contribution is 4 kills, mine is 1 kill and a dragon. Then I just hang around the map and try to countergank Hecarim. Again bot lane is pressured as the tower is about to go down and I show up and get 1 kill on the support. The ADC cries that I "only gank when tower is at 200 hp". Then top is crying that he's losing, I give him a pity gank (my first gank top too) because there was no way their top was going to die but a great play gives us a kill. Hecarim still at only 4 kills contributed. A skirmish now breaks top, I countergank Hecarim, our mid comes we wipe them and I get a shutdown on Hecarim. GG, final score for me 7-1-11 and final score for Hecarim 3-4-3.
Was it an easy win? I had to go against Hecarim, one of the best gankers and snowballers in the game and my successful strategy called for quite an unorthodox pick. I had to give up the early game to his ganks, I had to let all 3 of my lanes live with their unfavorable matchups (though nothing too bad) but I stuck to my strategy and as soon as I gained my ultimate and I started to outscale him, his contribution fell to 0 and we won. That Hecarim is 6-1 for the week, with practically all his games hard carries. The game before that I faced off a Shyvana, which we lost but not necessarily to her, the game before that I faced off an Eve and had to be equally creative to win (I crushed her). If you really want to win while jungling, you have to get creative. "Lol, pick an OP ganker and get mobos" just doesn't cut it.