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So, anyone playing League of Legends?


Oct 12, 2006
Oh hai Tank Girl.
What I find odd is that they release two ADC Marksmen in a row, shouldn't there be a tanky dps inbetween?

Wow, I just had the most amazing game in a long time. Our J4 starts the game by feeding Riven and Lee Sin, I kill Malzahar and Lee Sin as Rengar with the assistance of Brand. J4 continues feeding, I start dying because I run into these fed motherfuckers everywhere (I mean Riven is bot at before our second blue even spawned) and Malzahar is committed to using every ult on me for the rest of the game, suffice to say Rengar can't actually escape anyone in the jungle. Our bot also loses and feeds, I didn't see why but I'd guess it's because of the Blitz that later on would only grab minions. We lose all towers save three including nexus towers, lose two inhibs and all drakes and a baron or was it two barons. Then they just start throwing. I initiate if they don't, because I'm brave and it's lost, usually provoking every possible ult and ignite and whatever (like I said, every malzahar ultimate) so while I and sometimes Jarvan are derping around tanking (dying really fast is another word for it) the rest of our guys are killing off Riven and then the rest after that (usually Malzahar wasn't there or died at some random point). I had Randuins, Phage, Zeal, Zekes, Mobis and a Giant's Belt (at some point I just decided fuck the triforce I'm building giant's belts and that long sword is as good as zekes). Well winning something like three teamfights - and we were some 15 kills behind too - was required just so that we could get our very first tover, their mid, and to get our damn inhibs to spawn, which were still undefended by anything. I still continued this "jump onto Graves and die" routine, I felt silly just tanking his DPS with no chance of actually killing him while my team was killing off the other guys. After a couple more Aces, they finally lost their nexus, with most of their towers still intact, only mid towers and one bot (which was pushed by minions) gone. Lol.
Just look at the builds though. What the fuck?

I guess it helps if the enemy adc builds no defenses, the fed riven is one of those players who hates armor penetration and their ap carry hates damage.

Why is it that in every single game you always have the most deaths on both teams? :D I reckon you would skyrocket in ELO if you just stopped throwing away your life so much.
And your build is the worst btw.
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Dec 19, 2007
New tranny is ugly and goofy as is every piltover champion 'cept Jayce the techmarine.

Well IDK, I die because I play melee champions that either wait or engage, and I don't have the patience to wait for the enemies to poke us down so we retreat and lose tower. Also because I don't have the good sense to stay the fuck away from fed lanes.

Matchmaking. They have Plat 4 (my counterpart, jungle Lee Sin, who fought me when he was level 2 and I level 4 as Noct, am I supposed to be really impressed here), Plat 5, 2x Gold 4, Silver 3. We had Gold 1, Gold 4 x 2 (inc. me), gold 5 and silver 2. What's up with that? So Fiddlesticks top collapses even while I donate him blue after we stole theirs, bot collapses because I'm guessing our Blitz was doing completely random things the entire game while they had Leona. I'm blaming myself mostly, I was much stronger than Lee so I should just have fucked him over then concentrated on helping Zed who was the only lane that had any potential, instead I ganked for everyone when it was clear that no amount of kills would make Fiddle win top or make the Blitz stop his random derping action.

I'm banning Leona every time now, I hate the fucking CC rape train more than anything and she can't be conceivably killed unless you're glass Darius or something.


Oct 12, 2006
Its not only about giving kills away, 12 deaths in a 40 minute game, thats what, 10 minutes you spend dead? You dont have the patience? But 1/4 of the game you are rolling your thumbs watching a grey screen while you could be alive and doing fun/important shit.
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Jun 5, 2011
I have less than 4 deaths per game on all my top 10 champions. Nasus jungle has 3.1 deaths. The thing is that you need to realize is that as a jungler, you're the most important person on your team. Mid dies like a moron? Don't trade 1 for 2, just be happy with a 0 for 1 and then protect mid and get his farm. A lot of junglers have wave clear, when others die you cover their lanes so that nothing bad comes out of it. Your team loses a big fight? Hang around the enemy so they don't baron, that smite is critical. You're supposed to initiate a teamfight? Initiate it but don't die. If you blow up instantly, your build is probably wrong. Survive the fight and then push objectives as the jungler because you're the only one that knows objectives are important. This applies to every role except maybe supports, they can die in a big teamfight without much happening. Or you could play Zyra support and act like a giant cockblock and instantly waveclear with your plants and deny any pushes if the enemy wins a fight.

And speaking of annoying supports, Leona, what an annoying champion, I agree with you. What I hate the most is that a 0-8 Leona will play just as aggressive as if she was ahead. I mean, bitch you got owned this game lay the fuck off of me. I had to deal with a Leona in my gold promo, man what a story. I won my 2nd gold promo but I'll have to post the games later because it was pure BS.
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Dec 19, 2007
I remember that game pretty well anyway. First wrong decision - go help J4, then think full health Rengar can take on half health Riven if she facechecks since you're on equal kills.

Second wrong decision - ambush Malzahar with Brand a bit too far away, should have ran and let Malz go kill our bot.

Third wrong decision - go into my own jungle because Rengar can't escape from Lee Sin and there's no possible path to ward the jungle without the chance of dying.

All this meant my choice of trying Trinity Force, because I was pretty ahead, had to be abandoned in favour of building tank items immediately.

After that, it's all just trying to desperately not lose, sometimes helping everybody kill Riven who would just murder me, sometimes forcing Graves to not kill everybody else with my Randuins, most often collecting every possible ultimate and ignite starting from every single Malzahar ultimate (they were 8 towers, ~20 kills maybe and every drake ahead so it was clearly lost - they threw it so stupidly).

Before they begun their throwing action, I would usually only fight their Riven in order to stop her from killing everybody, dying really really fast doing that of course. Later on I would use my stealth to jump on Graves because nobody else would do anything and we got a bunch of superwaves pushing to our base. Ordinarily you'd want Blitz to turn it into 4v5, but grabbing minions is a common Blitz playstyle like everybody knows.


Sep 5, 2010
Random find on FB


And the comment: A mid century depiction of Faker. It is said that the famous artist and sculpter Michelangelo made many artworks of the god, but only this one was found


Dec 6, 2002
Multikult Central South
Wasteland 2
My dear rustbucket has finally decided to kick it. Guess I needed a break from LoL anyway. A new computer isn't highest on my priority list right now, so probably will take some time before I'm back at it. Just as a heads-up to any guys used to play with me and lament my feeding.
Dec 19, 2007
Sucks, but now you can buy a new ass PC to play Fallout and WC3 graphics LoL. You'll try some newfangled game that uses your comp to the max, decide it sucks and turn back to the 90's.

What's a good counter to late game super carries Vayne Nasus etc? KILL THEM WITH COMMUNIST ROBOT VIKTOR! XAXAXAXA! (The new skin is cool as ice)

I don't know why people pick Annie against Viktor, or Ahri, I sure wouldn't. Especially Ahri seemed comically weak against laser poke and flash ult.

Nobody tell Roxor what I build on Viktor though, I'm sure he'd have to hire some Lithuanian Hitmen.
Dec 19, 2007
Yeah, though usually after there's nothing better to buy than upgrade Haunting Guise, which is really the point where the magic penetration build starts to fall off compared to rabadon's build in damage anyway.

Not a lot of time to get to plat anymore, time for extra tryhard. At least I gain huge LP every game and get matched with some plats and I have managed to finally identify some laners that work for me. Like Cho'Gath, just push/harass with Vorpal Spikes, ignore their feeble attacks and spam ctrl+4. Often when I have played against Cho I've wondered what the fuck can you even do other than farm under tower and have enough health that one random Q doesn't end your life in an all-in, after being annoyed often enough I just adopted it. If Darius or Zed (plat Zed too) can't manage to have any semblance of control over the lane because you just AA minions, I wonder who can.

Darth Roxor

Rattus Iratus
Staff Member
May 29, 2008
The key to playing Viktor:

start moran's ring +2.

Follow up with another moran's, yellow augment, sorc shoes.

Then rabadon's, rylai's, zhonya's, void staff.

Accept no substitutes!

Max E first, unless going against silly assassins who think they can try trading with you point blank, like Jizz, then you max Q.

Don't go full retardo with lazer spam or you'll go OOM. Make every hit count, tho, and hit them hard. A few well placed lazers are enough to kick a guy from the lane, make sure to abuse its OP range, too.

Explode people with combo when they get near. Explode people with combo when they bunch up.

And that's just about all there is to Viktor.
Apr 18, 2009
P. much what I've been doing. I'm amazed that some people just spam his laser like mongs instead of taking the calculated approach. Yellow augment though... I always go with red (like a mong, probably) so I'd appreciate hearing the reasoning behind yellow over red. I can hazard a guess why but I'd rather hear it from you.

Darth Roxor

Rattus Iratus
Staff Member
May 29, 2008
I used to scoff at the yellow augment in the past, thinking the red one is the only useful one, but after trying the yellow one for the lulz a few times, I've stuck with it permanently.

Its stats are shit, yeah, but it opens up a metric fuckton of new tacticool possibilities that the red one doesn't give. With red, you get more domogez, well, woopdedoo. The yellow one lets you do quick getaways or chases when using it on minions; allows you to much better position your gravity field because you can Q a guy, then chase him down as he flees and completely cut off his escape with the field; lets you kite like a motherfucker because of its short CD (5 sec cd, 3 sec speed boost), and other shit.

And well, not to mention how many times I've luckerfag'd out of sudden spike damage with only 50 hp remaining :M


Apr 22, 2007
Danzig, Potato-Hitman Commonwealth
Cho kind of gets fucked by champions with more mobility, can kite and/or have decent early game since he sucks if you can't land Q or don't have feast stacks. Riven comes to mind as a counter as she can E out of your Q and will just rape you if you try to last hit. Nid possibly since he can do little against her AAs and spears and those hurt, other mages mostly suck against Cho since he can soak burst due to stacks and cockblock with his W silence. Garen is a major bitch, you can't stop his passive without wasting mana on Q, you would probably miss it anyway unless the garen is bad. Jayce is a fucking cunt for cho, mobility+harass too strong. Gangplank should work as well, although he can't eat oranges to get out of your Q but he can paarley harass and take you down in melee pre-6 with ease.

You can also try to outscale him with Nasus, it's a farm lane for both of you but Nasus benefits more (but he sucks against strong disengage teams). I don't remember how Jax fares against him in lane but he needs just some HP, mres and levels to 1v1 cho.

Burst chanmpions like Darius and Zed suck against cho. Cho is an anti-caster, feast stacks give him the necessary bulk to survive burst, W allows him to render casters helpless, his built in sustain makes him an immovable object in lane unless you can outsustain him (which casters usually can't, bar swain or vlad I guess) or can 1v1 in relying on just AAs.

Also I prefer blue augment myself, that range on W is useful if you want to initiate. But I won't argue with Roxor since he plays the machine man more than I do. Yellows lets him disengage better and more HP ensures you don't die too soon to take advantage of that.
Dec 19, 2007
I just follow this : http://solomid.net/guides.php?g=62046-whatthemoose-viktor-build-guide

I did some calculations around it.
Viktor Level 11 total burst :

1065 379% ratio (68 + 26% shield)

MR = 100/ 100 + MR

Runes + Masteries + Hex Core : 8%/14 Mpen, 67 AP (+ 5% AP)

Void Staff (2295) + Sorcerers (1100) + Rabadons (3300) + Death (1000) = 7695
70 + 45 + 120 AP = 235 + 67 x 1,35 = 408 AP = 2610 Burst -31resist = 1992 burst

Void Staff (2295) + Sorcerers (1100) + Haunting Guise (1485) + Death (1000) + NR Rod (1600) = 7480
70 + 25 + 45 + 80 = 220 + 67 x 1,05 = 301 AP = 2207 Burst -16resist = 1902 burst

100 Resists cheapo builds :

Staff + Sorcs + Guise + Death = 1627 burst, 5880 gold
(1888 tru dmg)

Sorcs + Rabs + Death + Amp. Tome = 1444 burst

(2354 tru dmg)

60 Resists : Rabs = 1913 burst, Guise = 1888

150 Resists : Rabs = 1126 burst, Guise = 1293

200 Resists : Rabs = 923 burst, Guise = 1072

Unless I'm mistaken about something, purely in damage a deathcap voidstaff build generally beats a guise build when the gold levels are already high, but not by much. Neither does a guise build highly outdamage a rabs build early on. So I decided, if I can comfortably build a NLR at some point and then rabs, I build it. Mostly I have had to build smaller components though but I haven't felt like I don't have enough damage.

The most useful advice I got from that guide, though, was to forget all that mana crap I used to get.

Gold 2 qualifiers! And yes I died ten times like a bitch in the game that led to it with Amumu.


da Blitz master
Dec 31, 2002
Sthlm, Swe
Serpent in the Staglands Codex USB, 2014 Shadorwun: Hong Kong
Oh yea. Back in business. Last attempt for plat before reset, lets see how far i get in the coming week, rest of it I'll just troll normals with heimerdinger supp.

Anybody watched those subscriber wars, chaox vs qtpie were fun to watch. Bronze wars are epic, it even suprised me how bad are people playing.

Was playing those Van Helsing adventures(fun game), playing ranged in that game was like playing ad carry in LoL.


Jun 5, 2011
Honestly I like Roxor's Viktor build. I've been having a lot of Viktors on NA for some reason and most of them have failed. Viktor's biggest problem in my opinion is how high risk he is in teamfights, either he lands a 3+ Stun and follows that up with the AOE silence of doom and instantly wins the fight for you, or he misses both skills and just dies. Some tankyness is good to get a chance to cast a better Gravity Field or to even survive long enough to cast it twice. The blue augment might be nice too.

Personally I've been playing a lot of Shyvana jungle, had fun getting owned by a Gold 1 Amumu in his jungle, learned a lot. I thought her counterjungling style was a free win but it appears it's not. Once she falls behind and lanes lose, it's just GG. Maybe one reason she's not played more is that in the huge skill gaps normals have, you must have a ganking jungler to snowball or protect lanes. Everything about her is different, different runes, different masteries, different playstyle and item builds. She's... hard to learn.
Apr 18, 2009
Yup, that did it. That did it indeed. Had some dumbass Riven chase me all over the map whilst her base was getting raped and it was all thanks to mellow yellow.

Roxor, you lovable clump of dough, you've done it again.


RPG Codex Ghost
Oct 19, 2009
the lol-thread on rpg codex: claiming to have solved both the meta and bad champs one self-masturbatory post at a time

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