DamnedRegistrations said:
Except I can't just be shitting out 200 mana every time ashe walks forward to peg me with a single arrow (Which apparently has more range than my fucking nuke). And you use the nuke to farm AP. If you're not... why even play Veigar? Aside from that, you got the AoE nuke, but unless you land a stun it's not going to hit, and even then not for enough damage to matter before you're level 9 or so.
I just don't get why you'd put someone like that in a solo lane when you could put... pretty much any other ranged hero there, who can use their mana to spam nukes on the enemy hero or heals on themselves, and screw their early game to hell. Sending Veigar solo mid is like sending a melee carry solo mid. They're going to have no lane presence and have shit farm. I suppose it's different when you've got a pile of runes so you have arbitrary amounts of mana to spam shit with.
This is going to sound awfully arrogant, but are you really arguing that AP Carries mid are a bad idea against the current meta of some of the best players in the world?
That said, your points:
Playing Veigar defensively is no sweat. Ashe moves towards you? Stun + Meteor and run your ass away. Do it enough, she walks away. She doesn't, she's dead. Doran's Ring will help keep your mana up.
Veigar needs a lane with farm. His abilities require it. As said before, solo top is a terrible idea. It's basically mid but ganking you is easier. And if they don't have a jungler you'll be facing two champs, something veigar is ill-equipped to handle. Bot? Well, if he goes bot he's gonna hock the team's support and that lane loses it's aggression, plus your ranged AD carry will be mid facing off some beasty AP Carry. Veigar is mid for these reasons.
BUT, Veigar is not a Tier 1 champ. He is mana-intensive and gives very little to the team compared to champs like Annie (who does the same as him but better) or Brand (who deals more damage and is vicious in a lane).
In short, you're right about one thing; playing Veigar mid is tough, because he is not an excellent champ in low or high tiers. It is possible however, and at level 6 you should be able to take down most people in your lane no sweat with a full round of nuking + Ignite. Especially if you farmed well. And it is sweet satisfaction to play a fed and farmed Veigar.
That said, if you don't feel like going mid with Veigar, why do so? At your current level a LARGE range of stuff is possible. Just go into another lane and give the mid to someone else. As I recall people pretty much fight to go mid.