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Review RPG Codex Review: Darth Roxor on Disappointment, thy name is Pillars of Eternity



Dumbfuck Repressed Homosexual The Real Fanboy
Nov 24, 2012
Rio de Janeiro, Cidade Desespero
PC RPG Website of the Year, 2015 Divinity: Original Sin Torment: Tides of Numenera
PoE fans seem more butthurt about the review than critical Codexers are butthurt about the game.
The Codex is feared, it seems, even when fractioned.

No, you Obsidianhaters are way more butthurt about Obsidian creating a masterpiece 10/10 and you, like babies, don't want to acknowledge it. Now you got this retarded "review" which could have been "written" by a 12 yo and are feeling smug like the pathetic insecure manbabies you are.
I'm not an Obsidianhater. I don't even know who they are, apart from Sawyer, and that's just because of his retarded "enlightened evolved concepts" of gaming which he publicizes himself.
You on the other hand seem to be pretty invested on this thing, but good for you, we all have to live for something.

You sound butthurt.
You're rapidly becoming the most annoying poster in the Codex.
This right after converting to Sawyerism.
Pretty telling.

I'm actually becoming the most to the point poster in the Codex.
I'm also having fun playing PoE.
Deal with it.


May 3, 2012
For the Codex to have a healthy attitude towards developers two factions need to keep one another in check. The first are those who would grill a dev mercilessly about anything he has said or done, the second consists of "leave Britney alone" protectors. If the former gain upper hand, Codex is a place where devs are followed around by unhinged individuals shouting "shitslurper!". If the latter, it is a place of shills and apologists not unlike any official forum. The old Codex was of the former type, and DGaider has still not shaken of the trauma induced.

This balancing act was dealt a blow when Codex released its first ever piece of content essentially paid for by the publisher for MMX. It is only natural that at least some mods like the freebies and want to keep them coming. I'm speaking both of gifts of monetary value, and also interviews. And this review will largely put an end to this. Flying a guy to get the content written and then having your game called worse than DS3 is not a good deal at all.

tl;dr review was Unbalanced but it was needed to restore Balance to the Codex as a whole. DU curb the pro-shilling faction of the staff.


Possibly Retarded
Feb 26, 2015
Good things i did like about game: some very puzzling quest choices (like questgiver in Temple of Eothas OR hunter who killed his friend, in first villlage). Also first act was very solid: Eothas dungeon itself, starting sequence, talk with dead animancer (probably best convo in game).

It is the first act and its purpose is to promote the game!
After iterating Act1 over and over, it is possible that OE knew that the game actually needs more time...
:hmmm: :dead:
I'm gonna blow your mind and point out that the order you encounter game content in is not the order in which the developers made it, i.e. Raedric's Hold was one of the last things they made.

Well, that really fucks my mind! Seems like the management is pretty chaotic in OE if it is true what you write that is!
Communication is everything! Reading this thread I am convinced the codex should know! OE should work tight with the codex without trying to buy it :smug:


Cis-Het Oppressor
Oct 6, 2012
Roanoke, VA
Grab the Codex by the pussy
Iren causing butthurt to the people that thrive on butthurt.

So meta.

If five or six dozen iterations of "FUCK THIS SHITTY REVIEW, IT WAS WRITTEN BY A MORON, THIS GAME IS GREAT! GAME OF THE CENTURY!" doesn't strike you as the butthurt to end all butthurt in this... whatever's going on here, you might be somewhat biased.

I've only read about 1% of the comments, since this thread peaked on page 1:



Stop being a bitch. Either explain your assertions or sit the fuck down.

Its simple, Hiver has played tons of skyrim, ergo he is a consoletard who doesn't understand what makes a true rpg good. I haven't seen him make these comments that people allude to but he's the most ignored person on here, second being roguey, so many people apparently hold him in contempt.
Skyrim modded isnt a bad game, its hated mostly because bethesda.

The deal with hiver is that while he is insightful he often argues to win, not to clarify a point, so its largely pointless to talk to him. unless you happen to be a woman and he happens to like you, thats the reason for the white knight tag. A lot of people just rather ignore him with the forum function, or just not talk to him, because he literally turn threads into shit flinging contests, and thats mostly the reason for the dumbfuck tag, tho i cant recall what earned him that particular badge.

No, no... the deal with Hiver is that when a stupid fucktard like you goes on and make empty assertions he cannot prove in any way, just to satisfy his butthurt fucking ego and then repeats the same while being incapable to explain any of it, i bash his stupid brain in.

Juts like im going to do to you now.

Because you are a stupid shit who argues to win all the fucking time, and you do that not by facts or logic but by empty assertions of your fucking stupid opinions, only you think its very smart to accuse others of it. Because thats presumably makes you feel all right and righteous fuzzy.
While you are a simple pathetic dipshit. Maybe its a psychological projection you are not even capable of catching yourself, as it happens with all you stupid proclamation dishing morons around.
But that doesnt make you any less retarded and self-defeatingly idiotic.

There is a double reason for the whiteknight tag.

The first is because i told everyone who jumped onto opportunity to masturbate their ego by trying to ridicule and humiliate a girl who was gangraped that they are subhuman shit lickers.
Feeders on shit. Subhuman devolved scum not worth spitting on.

Fucking stupid subhuman turds on two feet who would best serve as mine clearing devices. (Clevian tm)
Or just manure.

The codex didnt like anyone telling them that.
There was a LOT of screaming. Because god forbid anyone telling stupid shit feeders what they are, no... they should be praised and called monocled gentlemen.

And the staff sure didnt like someone upsetting up the stupid shits like that, because they are cheap hypocrites.

All darkunderlord did was to write a post months later about how all that was like ...craaazy... and how some poeple are like what the fuck guys? While he and the staff watched and touched their little penises as it was happening.
Because the true rule of the codex is not to upset stupid shits.

And now and your delusions about your fucking grandeur think you can just claim something idiotic to cure your butthurt by throwing these insipid statements like a true dumbfuck not capable of thinking objectively but only in ways that satisfy your overblown ego.

The second is that i "hate whitekngihts form Songs of ice and fire", so the very smart darkunderlord and the rest of the fucking codexstaff who all tried to do the same thing you are doing now and lost those arguments, thought it would be make me butthurt.
Because thats the only level yours and their brains truly operate on. Causing butthurt and feeling butthurt, thats all that is there.

Of course the tags just make them stupid despicable shits and nothing else,

Just ike you are you fucking stupid turd.

There was several times you went on to claim some stupid illogical shit with that stupid arrogant posture of yours and you lost those arguments because you had nothing to support them except your idiotic proclamations,
Not because "i always argue to win" you stupid shit.

What did you expect, your Napoleon complex proclamations to be just accepted? An applause?
You are nothing but a cretin not capable of giving any evidence for random idiotic shit you proclaim just like some village idiot.

just like this case.

Hows the butthurt level you stupid shit?


Apr 24, 2015
I read this site every now and again to see what new RPGs are coming out.
Reading the review and comments about this game just made me think "jesus titty fucking christ, this forum is so damn negative, I don't think these guys like any game, ever". And then I typed it out.
I've put about 30 hours into Pillars of Eternity on Hard difficulty and I must say I'm having a great time with it. Yeah it has some problems. But it is better than the vast majority of what else comes out.
Looking forward to all the complaining on this site about minor things in the Witcher 3 which are "wrong" (even though the game is going to be AWESOME! Let's hear it for positivity!).

T. Reich

Apr 15, 2013
not even close

And that's exactly the reason why I opted to not ignore him after all.

Hiver's an acquired taste, but he's comedy gold once you get his whole shtick and stop treating him like a sane person.

Kinda like a rabid little dog throwing a fit - hilarious to look at, but you don't want to touch it, lest you contract the disease.
Jul 27, 2013
Iren causing butthurt to the people that thrive on butthurt.

So meta.

If five or six dozen iterations of "FUCK THIS SHITTY REVIEW, IT WAS WRITTEN BY A MORON, THIS GAME IS GREAT! GAME OF THE CENTURY!" doesn't strike you as the butthurt to end all butthurt in this... whatever's going on here, you might be somewhat biased.
Alternatively, one undeniably white guy who didn't even read the review making a bunch of one liner shitposts with dozens of regular posters replying and citing it as proof of all the great butthurt that's been wrought may also be a result of bias.


Mar 16, 2015
Stop being a bitch. Either explain your assertions or sit the fuck down.

Its simple, Hiver has played tons of skyrim, ergo he is a consoletard who doesn't understand what makes a true rpg good. I haven't seen him make these comments that people allude to but he's the most ignored person on here, second being roguey, so many people apparently hold him in contempt.
Skyrim modded isnt a bad game, its hated mostly because bethesda.

The deal with hiver is that while he is insightful he often argues to win, not to clarify a point, so its largely pointless to talk to him. unless you happen to be a woman and he happens to like you, thats the reason for the white knight tag. A lot of people just rather ignore him with the forum function, or just not talk to him, because he literally turn threads into shit flinging contests, and thats mostly the reason for the dumbfuck tag, tho i cant recall what earned him that particular badge.

Lots of Hiver gonna hiver crap
I bet only me and up to 5 people actually saw this post of his since everyone else has him on Ignore


Feb 20, 2015
Alternatively, one undeniably white guy who didn't even read the review making a bunch of one liner shitposts with dozens of regular posters replying and citing it as proof of all the great butthurt that's been wrought may also be a result of bias.

Reading the thread sure was a blast! But what the shit is the deal with the occasional racial comments? "Undeniably white guy"? Why would anyone care to mention that, unless you're supposed to be a negro to have an opinion on here, or something? Is that why i can't brofist yet?
Dec 14, 2012
Alternatively, one undeniably white guy who didn't even read the review making a bunch of one liner shitposts with dozens of regular posters replying and citing it as proof of all the great butthurt that's been wrought may also be a result of bias.

Reading the thread sure was a blast! But what the shit is the deal with the occasional racial comments? "Undeniably white guy"? Why would anyone care to mention that, unless you're supposed to be a negro to have an opinion on here, or something? Is that why i can't brofist yet?

When you've lurked for longer perhaps you'll get those in-jokes about one of our resident Brazilians and his views. When you get to a year you'll be able to brofist. But in a cruel twist of fate, the power to brofist arrives at the same time as General Discussion / Politics access, and if you can't handle the comments in this thread then probably best to quit while you're ahead.


Sep 17, 2012
That was a good old codex review if ever I saw one. Putting my delay of purchasing PoE on an indefinite time period.


I bet only me and up to 5 people actually saw this post of his since everyone else has him on Ignore
All that butthrut that you feel so strongly now was caused by you being a stupid incoherent retard who cannot prove any of his idiotic proclamations.
gee its happening again.


Mar 13, 2012
To those of you who like PoE I was wondering:

1) Do you regard Dragon Age: Origins as a classic old school cRPG with fun and challenging and strategic/tactical (take your pick) combat?
2) Do you enjoy MMORPGs?
3) Did you play and/or enjoy Ultima Underworld 1 at the time it was released?
4) What were your favorite computer games from the 1980s that you played and enjoyed at that time?

I can't help wondering if those of you who enjoy PoE combat tend to be a bit younger than old zombified geezers like me who started playing computer games in the (late) 1970s. It was so much easier for me to get enjoyment from computer games in general when I was a teen or tween. Now that I have a significant amount of gray hair it takes a lot to hold my interest. So psuedo-MMOGs like Dragon Age or PoE just cannot hold my interest very long. I'm guessing that if I could age regress myself to about the age of 10 -12 when I was actually enjoying games like Archon, Castle Wolfenstein, Crush Crumble and Chomp, Choplifter, and an occasional playthrough of Akalabeth or Adventure that I would be able to get more satisfaction out of games like PoE or DA:O. In fact they would probably have been my favorite games back then. They would have seemed utterly amazing I think compared to what was around at the time.

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