Rev 2 had the best combat of the whole franchise.
lul rat fuck border crosser Luis and simp Leon
Is it me or facial animations only got worse since RE2 remake?
Of course, when your parents said the same thing about the media and remakes you liked when you were younger, they were objectively wrong.This really puts into perspective how much graphics/presentation 'improvements' in games made after the mid-2000's have just been diminishing returns, if that. Not only do the new music, dialogue and voice acting sound lousy, but the characters in the remake look blander and less expressive than the ones from the original. It's like one of those modern remakes of an 80's movie that saps out all the fun of the original.
I am totally behind the notion that:I haven't watched much RE4 gameplay. Was just informed the game has crouch stealth. After I said about Callisto Protocol only yesterday,
"I'm in that place where the Last of Us clicker-like enemies start to appear. This place looks so good. Funny there's that whole setup with him trying to be super quiet while hanging upside-down and then when I actually get to playing again, I give them an easy beating and later sneakily stab them in the back of the head one by one. This is horror? Game's rather easy. Glad Resident Evil never adopted the stupid crouch makes quiet shit. But I never played Village and barely played 7.
"Stealth is exceptionally bad. Just this very boring circle-crouching around the blind enemies, loudly one-shot killing their buddies within two feet of the other, and repeat, and repeat."
Getting so tiresome how everyone wants to make the same games. Crouch makes quiet sucks almost every time. Guess I can count on crouching behind raptors if Dino Crisis ever comes back.
Are we only talking about 3D games? Metal Gear Solid didn't do it either until number 4 when Kojima decided he had to copy one of the crappy parts of Splinter Cell. It hurt Snake so bad he had to take painkillers and stretch his back every twenty minutes or so. Zelda is in the same genre as most of those movie games, action-adventure, and doesn't do it around guards who will instantly capture Link.I am totally behind the notion that:I haven't watched much RE4 gameplay. Was just informed the game has crouch stealth. After I said about Callisto Protocol only yesterday,
"I'm in that place where the Last of Us clicker-like enemies start to appear. This place looks so good. Funny there's that whole setup with him trying to be super quiet while hanging upside-down and then when I actually get to playing again, I give them an easy beating and later sneakily stab them in the back of the head one by one. This is horror? Game's rather easy. Glad Resident Evil never adopted the stupid crouch makes quiet shit. But I never played Village and barely played 7.
"Stealth is exceptionally bad. Just this very boring circle-crouching around the blind enemies, loudly one-shot killing their buddies within two feet of the other, and repeat, and repeat."
Getting so tiresome how everyone wants to make the same games. Crouch makes quiet sucks almost every time. Guess I can count on crouching behind raptors if Dino Crisis ever comes back.
1. this game having stealth is retarded. The original was action all the way, with a slight survival horror base. It excelled at this. Why dilute that?
2. AAA devs are making the same dumb game over and over at this point (barebones stealth is added strictly as an option to not exclude any type of player, with intent to optimize sales and provide illusion of meaningful choice/depth).
But what I don't get is why crouch to stealth is allegedly so bad? Isn't there literally only one game that does not do this (Thief)? Ergo by your metric every other stealth game is garbage?
Tenchu (the very first 3D stealth game ?) was the opposite direction, you ran with ninja grace (silent running by default) and I love that game. Deus Ex has crouch to silence footsteps and reduce visibility. It makes sense - trade movement speed for better sneaking. Not some grave game design crime. But still, fuck aAA modern stealth. It is trash. With real stealth design crimes such as unlimited see through walls and just about every other hand-holder imaginable. Crouch to stealth is the least of my concerns with modern stealth. But that all said, I would like to reiterate that it has absolutely no place in any well-meaning Resident Evil 4 remake. Stealth does not, period.
First, the fact that Thief lets you walk quietly is an indicator that good stealth games should let you walk quietly.But what I don't get is why crouch to stealth is allegedly so bad? Isn't there literally only one game that does not do this (Thief)? Ergo by your metric every other stealth game is garbage?
Suspension of disbelief is for times when an unrealistic thing is necessary for the story or medium to work. If you want to create a believable world, you don't just throw in unbelievable things for no reason.Everything else you guys said was a variation of "muh realism" and an inability to suspend disbelief in a video game.
There were actual gameplay reasons for all of this; none of it was "just be wacky because who cares".I STRONGLY disagree. Rules of reality should absolutely not dictate rules of game design that heavily. e.g it was never absolutely necessary for RE4 to feature a merchant with infinitely deep pockets, that followed you wherever you went (or was even ahead of you always, rather), and would even come back to life next encounter if you killed him.
Which walk quietly also would, so this argument is irrelevant. Stop saying it.It acts as a solid trade-off (movement speed for stealth).
FINALLY we get to the only valid reason for crouch-only stealth: "too many buttons makes a game teh hard". It's valid, but STILL STUPID. Man up and learn to press another button.It's simple and convenient and doubles with crouching
Predator:Well, to that I respond with a similar non-answer by bringing up the Arnie mention: if Arnie did the crouch-walk in all his best movies, then it is also good.![]()
Yes .. well firstly, I touched on this above with the clucking chickens. Just because it's a thing people recognize doesn't make it make sense or the best option. There are other, less silly ways to make it readable.Devs prefer to use crouch stealth as opposed to sneaking while standing because it's easier to read. You press the button, your character crouches, and it is immediately clear that you're now in a 'stealth mode'.
counterpoint - analogue stick that differentiates between 'hard push' and 'light push'.With the advent of consoles and fewer buttons, everything had to be made into a toggle because controllers aren't built to allow for held modifiers, and suddenly cross platform games no longer allowed you to hold a key down to modify behavior.
crouch stealth is basically streamlining. Why have two different ways to sneak, when you can have just one, catch-all sneak ability that covers both 'move slow but quietly' and 'reduce your hitbox so you can hide behind waist-high props'?I would like to see a game where crouch is implemented, but you don't have to crouch to stealth. As long as you walk slowly, you will make little noise, but the function of the crouch is more based in reality , like getting behind short cover or under objects like tables or counters. So the crouch button function like how you would crouch in real life playing hide and seek. Crouching in plain sight would be useless and you walk slower, but crouching behind a box is necessary.
Unrelated, but I dislike that about some of Sony's ports. Horizon and I think Days Gone have no hold to walk button on keyboards. Only a toggle.For those who might not think this is a big deal, disable your Shift keys and only use Caps Lock from now on. See how long it takes before it's irritating.
Fun (?) fact, I played Sinking City on controller beginning to end. Didn't want to but analog stick was the only way I could walkcounterpoint - analogue stick that differentiates between 'hard push' and 'light push'.
what will you guys come up with next? Hold/toggle options have been a thing on consoles relatively standard since the 90s.Yes .. well firstly, I touched on this above with the clucking chickens. Just because it's a thing people recognize doesn't make it make sense or the best option. There are other, less silly ways to make it readable.Devs prefer to use crouch stealth as opposed to sneaking while standing because it's easier to read. You press the button, your character crouches, and it is immediately clear that you're now in a 'stealth mode'.
Secondly .. this is a gripe I have with the evolution of PC UI to console controls. Hear me out.
lul rat fuck border crosser Luis and simp Leon
Is it me or facial animations only got worse since RE2 remake?
The music doesn't even match the scene itself. It feels like music for an ongoing chase, not a moment where the characters can catch a breath and get into any dialogue. At least movies and TV shows had the sense to Mickey Mouse their soundtracks in the middle of their circlejerking over quantity over quality and not wanting a single second of silence. Hopefully there'll be more scrutiny thanks to the original RE4's popularity.Constant music seems to be a trend in all audiovisual mediums, be it movies, television, or video games. Compare the constant stock music of a Law & Order episode to the quietness of a Columbo episode. Who knows why this became such a trend? Even an energetic, blockbuster-style action game like Resident Evil 4 seems thoughtful and contemplative compared to modern games. I haven't played RE4 in a long while but I still remember the thick atmosphere of the village at night after rescuing Ashley from the cathedral. You can bet a million bucks that the remake will fail to recreate such moments.
lul rat fuck border crosser Luis and simp Leon
Is it me or facial animations only got worse since RE2 remake?
I love that to write for a "modern audience", you can't even have a character be "sexist". It's such a joke. In the future, every character will be bland and the same, not to offend anyone.