Or a 10" netbook. Dosbox games look pretty good on those too. Playing Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis right now.Nah, I feel you. Try getting a 13" monitor for the 320x240 games, they look great on those.
Or a 10" netbook. Dosbox games look pretty good on those too. Playing Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis right now.Nah, I feel you. Try getting a 13" monitor for the 320x240 games, they look great on those.
Get ready! Apparently it's coming out for the 360 and Playstation 3 in February!!!!!!
even work
You missed one, the (I absolutely kid you not) Blade of Destiny GOLD Edition:
This is JoWood all over again.
Die erfolgreichste deutsche Pen und Paper Rollenspielreihe ist zurück - in noch nie zuvor gesehener Pracht! Die neue Nordlandtrilogie startet mit dem fulminanten Auftakt "Die Schicksalsklinge". In prächtiger 3D Grafik und mit zahlreichen spielerischen Verbesserungen versehen bietet dieses RPG alles, was das Herz eines Rollenspielers höher schlagen lässt: Dutzende Talente und Zaubersprüche, unterschiedlichste Rassen und Klassen, taktisch anspruchsvolle Rundenkämpfe sowie liebevoll gestaltete Charaktere und spannende Quests im interessantesten und liebenswürdigsten Rollenspielsetting der Welt - nämlich jenem des Schwarzen Auges. Stellen Sie eine eigenwillige Abenteurergruppe aus den verschiedensten Völkern Aventuriens zusammen, bieten sie der Bedrohung durch die Orks die Stirn und werden Sie zum Retter Thorwals und legendären Helden! **FEATURES: *- Neu erstellte, hochdetaillierte 3D Welt *- DLCs und Add Ons mit zusätzlichen Spielinhalt *- Rundenbasiertes Kampfsystem mit taktischem Tiefgang *- Überarbeitetes und verbessertes Regelwerk *- Neue Quests und Begegnungen *- Umfangreiches Bonusmaterial und einzigartige Start-Helden
I'm guessing "GOLD" means "complete" now.![]()
I'm guessing "GOLD" means "complete" now.![]()
"Now"? It has been that way since DLCs were first introduced. GOTY Edition - now working out of the box and with all the content cut for day 1 DLC being put back in place.
Is the game in a playable state yet?
Still, funnily enough they completely fail to mention what's so "gold" about that edition exactly anyway.
There was never a truer sense of the word. They finally have a gold master.
Infinitron, somebody on the Steam forums commented that amazon.de has listings for PS3 and 360, but I glanced there and didn't see them.
Infinitron, somebody on the Steam forums commented that amazon.de has listings for PS3 and 360, but I glanced there and didn't see them.
Scroll up bro
This is like some Uwe Boll thing, right? There's some tax loophole thing going on here so that the game doesn't actually have to earn money.
Please let it be that.
Patch 1.29, September 26th, 2013, 12pm (GMT+2)
Patch 1.30, 8th of October 2013, 3 p.m. (GMT+2)
- Battlearenas completely redone, for more compact battles
- Special Locations for specific fights (Gorah, Spidercave, Ship of the dead, Temple of the nameless god, Daspota Treasure Cave)
- Quest for Old Bailey lower levels added
- New Scene for Blacksmith (making him “visible”)
- New Scene and Handling for “simple House”
- Skillcheck Logging improved
- Introduced Scene for Boar Hunting
- Daspota Dialogs can be restarted until a fight was provoked
- Introduced Scene for Brothel
- “Tabbing out” of Fullscreen automatically switches to window mode to enable getting back into the game
- Added Building Decals (work in progress)
- Removed Body Control check to avoid damage
- Fight Target choice now possible via field, not only via Character
- Fastness of Body nerfed (max level reduced, no casting outside of Battle)
- Introduced “Spell failed, try again?” for Spells outside of combat, e.g. Light in the Darkness
- Dullskull infection fixed and reduced to 24 hour “incubation” time
- Paralysis fixed
- Permanent wonders are only possible once per character (instead of “as long as godgrace and money last”)
- Fixed Staff Enchantment removed when losing the staff in battle
- Fixed Swafnildsson-Quest, he now is correctly at home even without the letter of recommendation by Sevenstone, but asks for it in order to give the piece of the map he possesses
- Characters now drink on their own if there is something to drink available (careful, alcohol is liquid as well)
- Message “<charactername> drank his/her last bit” now appears correctly
- Fixed some texting bugs
- Added Golden Shield to Temple of the Nameless loot (only if not entered so far)
- Temple of the Nameless rescue from the hole only possible once
- Temple of the Nameless Blocking Stone Door fixed after loading
- Run-Footsteps only triggered on forward running (as there is no backward running)
- Assignment and Exchaning of Ring and Arm Slots fixed
- "Strange appartus" in Abandoned Hostel Dungeon fixed
- Direct Entering of Numbers at the Marketplace fixed
- "Identical Sortiment" bug in Marketplaces fixed
- Old Bailey Phex Altar can be sacked after first time saying no
- House-Decals updated
- Leaving Buildings makes the party “turn the back to the door”
- City-Triggers (Doors, Hetman) now react to “running into them”, therefore hopefully making some spots like the hetman easier to access
- Made Armory Credit variable depending on “opening” at the hetman and visit to Jadra (thanks to Fujak Logansson)
- Fixed Battlecharacters "falling" at exactly 5 LE, where they should fall below 5 LE only
- Black Magicians Ruin collisions improved
- Texts not displaying in battle fixed
- Attack- and Parry base values are now rounded instead of floored
- Broken Weapons sometimes don’t show up at the Blacksmith fixed
- New Spells
- Calm Body (Healing Spell for Camps)
- Eye of Eagle (improve Perception)
- Penetrizzel (improve Minimap uncovering distance in Dungeons)
- Be my Friend effect (works now)
- Evil Eye effect (just rechecked)
- Paralyze effect fixed
- Witch’s Spit effect (chance to heal Sickness and Poison)
- Skelettarius (summon Skeleton)
- Summon Spirits (summon ghost)
- Master of Animals (Be my Friend for Animals only)
- Meek you be (Calm animal)
- Odem Arcanum (show all unidentified magic items of the party)
- Analys (Identify a single magical item)
- Rats bite effect fixed in Dragon Cave
- Fixed House of Captains in Daspota can be opened unlimited times
- Fixed Daspota Hook Hugo won’t start a battle
- Fixed Arena Grids
- made the "Secret Forest path" between Skelellen and Peilinby actually "secret" and position according events there
- included more Travel-Hunting-Events
- Included Mountain Pass events
- Fixed Old Bailey lower levels
- Partly reworked temple flags
- Fixed Wolfcave climbing (carefull, it can be quite deadly now)
- Fixed "dying" too fast
- Fixed State and Staff Enchantment getting lost on losing the weapon in battle
- Fixed Dullskull infection always hitting whole party despite of successful checks
- Fixed Black Magicians ruin crashing through the floor in Level 1
- Fixed several texting bugs
- Introduced Whetstone usage
- Improved Flyovers on items
- Made special states of items (magical, broken) visible in inventory
- Fixed buggy loot after fighting Gorah
- Fixed early arrival on Ship Journeys "before the red Line arrived in the harbor"
I don't get it. Does the game have a consolized interface? How would it even work?
Oh wait, just remembered what thread I was posting in
craftyfirefox said:Die Optimierung und "Verthorwalung" der Gebäude hat begonnen. Parallel arbeiten wir an einer komplett überarbeiteten GUI, den Öffnungszeiten und Markttagen sowie den NPCs. Ein paar Kleinigkeiten wie ingame änderbare Charnamen und die Gesundsanzeige der Gegner im Kampf sind bereits umgesetzt.