I would, so you can give the key to me. Please?Someone gave me their extra copy of their BETA! Wooo now I can give constructive criticism like sensuki and get hired by Obsidian.
Except I would never leave my day job.
it's one of the earliest dungeons made for the game, IIRC.Is it just me, or does this whole area seem really inconsistent with how the rest of the game looks? They were likely still experimenting since I think it was said this was of the first area's they made as part of the vertical slice/prototype.
Using companion to talk shows up as PC talking in dialogue.
Brofisting Zed for effort, even if I do not agree with some of his points.
Yeah even if I don't agree with a lot of your mechanical perspectives Zed you should post your impressions (particularly the art stuff and bugs) over on the OE forums.
nah. they will read the codex if they want codex impressions.Brofisting Zed for effort, even if I do not agree with some of his points.
ah. well yes, then the bug is that the follower walks up to the NPC to talk.Using companion to talk shows up as PC talking in dialogue.
BTW this is intentional. That is, your companion isn't supposed to be able to initiate dialogue. What it should do though is make the main character run up to the NPC and talk instead of the companion, like in PS:T.
out of curiosity, what don't you agree with?
These three, basically (different preferences):out of curiosity, what don't you agree with?
Weapon Focuses feel too broad. I much prefer the IE game way of specializing, in combination with racial and class limitations.
Remove skill points and make class, race and background define them. Background and race feels completely meaningless (largely because attributes feel meaningless).
Percentage bonuses from attributes are SUPER boring. Attributes should be super-defining of a character, and higher values should give specialized bonuses. There should be a bigger leap between 18 and 19, than between 11 and 12. Really, D&D does this much better.
1. I would be more receptive of the "weapon specialization packs" if they would be more visible as weapon specs on the character sheet, or maybe inventory sheet. But in general, this is not too big of a deal for me.These three, basically (different preferences):out of curiosity, what don't you agree with?
Weapon Focuses feel too broad. I much prefer the IE game way of specializing, in combination with racial and class limitations.
Remove skill points and make class, race and background define them. Background and race feels completely meaningless (largely because attributes feel meaningless).
Percentage bonuses from attributes are SUPER boring. Attributes should be super-defining of a character, and higher values should give specialized bonuses. There should be a bigger leap between 18 and 19, than between 11 and 12. Really, D&D does this much better.
1. I prefer broad categories with smaller bonuses (personally I would love a system that allows either broad specialization with smaller bonuses, or narrow with larger bonuses, but whatever).
2. I prefer to be able to manually distribute my skill point, but I do agree character background/class/race should affect them too.
3. IMO ideally main atributes should be the most defining aspect of a character (mechanics-wise) and affect many secondary stats, but since that is some unattainable Holy Grail for some reason, linear bonus progression is just fine.
3. I guess we are on the same page here then, except I don't really think the linear progression is fine.
First impression=not good because it's the kind of system I just can't seem to like. PoE has a very passive, percentage based stat and skill system. At least Larian did something different with the cool environment/spell interactions. In this game,however, the majority of skills are passive, and stats just grant a percentage boost. Mechanics-wise, you'll be doing the same thing at level 20, that you were doing at level 5, just with a higher probability of succeeding. I need more active feats. I need more to do in combat than just watch numbers and probabilities interact.
Since attributes are obviously not as balanced as they were hyped to be, further imbalancing them is probably out of the question.3. I guess we are on the same page here then, except I don't really think the linear progression is fine.
Linear progession of attribute bonuses?
If they're going to use point buy, perhaps a weighted system would actually be better to make the race and cultural bonuses valuable.
On top of that they could stagger the bonuses exponentially or something, but I don't know if that would be balanced, and maybe that would create real shitty attribute point combos - which is against the design goals
Same. I don't mind having to push more buttons (especially since I just replayed BG1/2 and most fights were resolved through select all -> attack -> watch the AI mop up), but the current state of combat is way past the line of "tedious busywork" for me.Currently waiting for first update with Auto Attack fix before playing again.
Is that Disneyland in the background?
Jesus Christ, are you american by any chance? /facepalm
O.k., installed the backer beta...
Black screen of several minutes...
Character creation, O.K.
Level up character. Worst banal shit boring I've had for years (fighter)
Tried combat... Absolutely and utterly horrible cluster fuck. Worse than IE by miles.
LOL Roguey, this the best your god can do?
Seriously unimpressed. Maybe with a ton of polish it will be better, but I hold very little hope for the combat.
out of curiosity, what don't you agree with?
XP for kills - don't have anything against XP for kills overall, but the design in PE is being done without it and that's something I accepted a long time ago
Selection circles - I think they're too thick and should be exactly the same as the BG/IWD ones
Stamina/Health - System is fine, but the Stamina/Health ratio is wrong, I think they should reduce the amount of health damage so that the adventuring day is longer
Skills - Don't really agree here, the skills in this game are pretty thin overall, and the combat bonuses from Lore and Athletics are shit, but whatevs. The funny thing is if you didn't get to choose skills at level up you'd have nothing to choose
Talents will become better as they add more, there's currently like literally the barebone minimum, they will be added in based on backer feedback and play testing
Don't really care about the weapon groups as there's no proficiency
I don't think there's anything wrong with percentile bonuses. There is however something wrong with the entire attribute skill point selection. Currently race and culture bonuses are completely meaningless. Perception and Resolve are shitty as I predicted, too.
I'm also not phased about their "Fine" and all that stuff, we haven't even seen different metal types, unique items and all that shit yet