Which chests have a chance to contain worthwhile loot in the OC? I'm over checking all of them, and I thought the really big, square chests where the ones most likely to contain good loot, but now I'm not so sure.
IIRC, all chests have a random loot table. I think you can cheese it by saving before opening the chest, and if you didn't get a good item, simply reload the save and see if it contained something better this time.Which chests have a chance to contain worthwhile loot in the OC? I'm over checking all of them, and I thought the really big, square chests where the ones most likely to contain good loot, but now I'm not so sure.
IIRC, all chests have a random loot table. I think you can cheese it by saving before opening the chest, and if you didn't get a good item, simply reload the save and see if it contained something better this time.Which chests have a chance to contain worthwhile loot in the OC? I'm over checking all of them, and I thought the really big, square chests where the ones most likely to contain good loot, but now I'm not so sure.
…which you suggested because of balancing, not bugginess
The entire beginning is an invention of the author's, it isn't in the original PnP module, and it's the weakest part by far. It's not bad per se, just not as good as what comes after you get to Orlane (even immediately after the initial forest), so just push through it if you find it a bit underwhelming.Lacrymas I'm playing Against the Cult of the Reptile God right now, liking the small scope and humble beginnings / low-magic.
I can think of two reasons right off the bat to use the one I linked instead, either of which could be a false impression on my part (so please correct me):Shouldn’t use that. Should use the community version: https://neverwintervault.org/projec...l-hakpak/beamdogs-hd-art-pack-community-fixes
Bruh I think it's because you're playing a woman.wots dis
Intelligence and skills lowered but I have no active effects, and healing at the Temple of Tyr does nothing?
The entire beginning is an invention of the author's, it isn't in the original PnP module, and it's the weakest part by far. It's not bad per se, just not as good as what comes after you get to Orlane (even immediately after the initial forest), so just push through it if you find it a bit underwhelming.Lacrymas I'm playing Against the Cult of the Reptile God right now, liking the small scope and humble beginnings / low-magic.
I can think of two reasons right off the bat to use the one I linked instead, either of which could be a false impression on my part (so please correct me):Shouldn’t use that. Should use the community version: https://neverwintervault.org/projec...l-hakpak/beamdogs-hd-art-pack-community-fixes
1. There are certain objects in the HD pack you listed that look *horrible*, namely, the long sword model for a plain long sword +1. I mean it's wtf action with that thing.
2. I *think* there might be an exacerbation of the imfamous EE NPC stuttering problem when using the pack you linked.
Which chests have a chance to contain worthwhile loot in the OC? I'm over checking all of them, and I thought the really big, square chests where the ones most likely to contain good loot, but now I'm not so sure.
Eh, those quests solve themselves as you go through the zones, zero ass effort.and don't do the stupid companion quests
Which chests have a chance to contain worthwhile loot in the OC? I'm over checking all of them, and I thought the really big, square chests where the ones most likely to contain good loot, but now I'm not so sure.
If you want to enjoy the game more, don't open any chests/barrels/drawers, don't pick up any trash mob loot, and don't do the stupid companion quests.
The underground abbey is great, I was mostly referring to the forest and Fae Realm stuff before that.
The underground abbey dungeon is actually more fun (exploring/puzzles/combat/reading lore) than I had whilst playing Pillars and Pathfinder games
Reminds me of Creator Ruins, the classic dungeon from OC
Looting is pain. But if you want one type of chest to watch out for, it's DD. Sorry, I meant this one:Which chests have a chance to contain worthwhile loot in the OC? I'm over checking all of them, and I thought the really big, square chests where the ones most likely to contain good loot, but now I'm not so sure.
If you want to enjoy the game more, don't open any chests/barrels/drawers, don't pick up any trash mob loot, and don't do the stupid companion quests.
I’m basically not opening anything at this point, but how do you get items, then? Even if you’re just buying, gold mainly seems to come from selling trash, so I’ve been opening the odd one now and again
Like ERYFKRAD said, I’ve basically solved the companion quests automatically so far. Whenever Sharwyn progressed to be ready to hand me the quest, I’ve already had the item.
Looting is pain. But if you want one type of chest to watch out for, it's DD. Sorry, I meant this one:Which chests have a chance to contain worthwhile loot in the OC? I'm over checking all of them, and I thought the really big, square chests where the ones most likely to contain good loot, but now I'm not so sure.
If you want to enjoy the game more, don't open any chests/barrels/drawers, don't pick up any trash mob loot, and don't do the stupid companion quests.
I’m basically not opening anything at this point, but how do you get items, then? Even if you’re just buying, gold mainly seems to come from selling trash, so I’ve been opening the odd one now and again
Like ERYFKRAD said, I’ve basically solved the companion quests automatically so far. Whenever Sharwyn progressed to be ready to hand me the quest, I’ve already had the item.
These fuckers are usually trapped and have a decent chance to have something good in them. The one on the right in this picture is the third best, and there's also a small light square box that's second place. The rest - don't even bother looting.
Eh, those quests solve themselves as you go through the zones, zero ass effort.
I’m basically not opening anything at this point, but how do you get items, then? Even if you’re just buying, gold mainly seems to come from selling trash, so I’ve been opening the odd one now and again
Why not embrace a low int playthrough, imagine you're just an average codexerThat was potentially a quick kill for a playthrough lol.