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Let's Play VtM: Night Empire


Perfidious Pole
Feb 17, 2011
Stealth Orbital Nuke Control Centre
HOWEVER, come to think of it, I've always imagined Anthony as more :obviously: version of that main Cullen vampire.

How dare you insult the diablerist extraordinaire, seeker of the vase?

It's just because of his hairstyle :smug:

Also, wait for the Quality Improvements(tm) I have in mind for my own LP. Let's just say Esquilax was most inspiring :smug:


Dec 7, 2010
Also, wait for the Quality Improvements(tm) I have in mind for my own LP. Let's just say Esquilax was most inspiring :smug:

Goddamnit man, what did I fuck up this time?! One of my crazy schemes doesn't pan out, then you keep fucking me over like this. Fuck, Storyfag, I thought we were bros here! This is bullshit. Maybe after I've killed Richard off, we can finally have an EXTREME Gangrel bro.

Anywho, so are we going with Random Word's idea to suggest that Eddie would be even better as an investigator? Or are we handing him to the Archon?


Perfidious Pole
Feb 17, 2011
Stealth Orbital Nuke Control Centre
Also, wait for the Quality Improvements(tm) I have in mind for my own LP. Let's just say Esquilax was most inspiring :smug:

Goddamnit man, what did I fuck up this time?!

Lemme see... oh, yeah:

What I'm really asking is: will there be a Warsaw by Night/Night Empire crossover? Featuring the inevitable encounter between Richard Morris and Anthony Sommers: parted by Sect alliegances, but drawn by an unquenchable desire for one another. BioWare fans will call it the greatest thing ever written. Make it happen boys. Sommers/Morris slashfic time.

Trolling aside, I'm :incline:d to support Random Word's idea.


I just...

I just wanted... I just... Man I just wanted to come. to this thread. to get away from shit like this.

Y'know? I come here, like the rest of you-I come here for some monocle shit and this...


This. is. what. I. get.

Seriously, bros? Seriously?

I just...





I'll just.. I'm out.


Apr 22, 2007
Danzig, Potato-Hitman Commonwealth
Bros, focus on making sure Anthony doesn't become Venice's scapegoat not on pointless derp. Leave that shit in GD.

If we keep Eddie close to the Archon as a bodyguard we will know *exactly* what is going on behind the scenes. If somebody fucks up more than Anthony, Eddie will most likely tell us that. If Turcov does something to gain or fall out of favor with Iacomo we will know. The only risk here is if Eddie wants to betray us (unlikely IMO) or if Turcov will want to perform some tasteful mind-rape.

This situation is a *lot* more beneficial to Anthony than sending Eddie to investigate huntards. Honestly if you ask me, we should visit the editor of that newspaper, dominate him to tell us what is going on and mindwipe the necessary details from his brain. Mindwipe them for two reasons, one to preserve the masquerade and hide our involvement, two to prevent anyone else from getting potentially critical information on the subject. That way Anthony ensures he is the only one who can help Iacomo with finding the fuckers. Turcov's investigation will end up at a dead end while we will have the upper hand. That is assuming Mandrake is related to huntards, it could have been a plot setup by Turcov for all we know. But we must take that risk IMO.

EDIT: Oh and if something "unexpected" has delayed the Pell-mell queen's arrival and Iacomo inquires into that we will also know.


Dec 7, 2010
Sorry guys, it was just a random, thoughtless throwaway post. I was just being silly, wasn't my intention to put any GD crap here.

Back on point: it was a good idea that we decided to work toward our Kine contacts this update, it'll definitely allow us to develop an information contact to close in on the Hunters now that Iacomo's been attacked in his home. (P) William Horn for help on the matter is another good step. However, even if we succeed in rounding the Hunters up and Iacomo is impressed, there remains the question of credit. I firmly believe that our success in the upcoming nights is sort of like a threesome: the best place to be is in the middle. If we're useless, the Archon will make an example of us; if we're too effective, the Barons will all unite to take us down a notch or three. If the Angelos situation taught us anything, it's that it's not wise to outshine your colleagues.

It was because of that I thought it would be ideal to let Vogler take credit for our successes, because doing so would subtly communicate to the Archon that we had a large part in it that we didn't reveal for political reasons. Obviously, when it comes to sharing credit with the other Barons, this is a bit tricky, because unlike with Vogler where we have a common goal, all of our "friends" are out for themselves. I wouldn't mind sharing credit with another Baron like say, Biggs, when we catch up to the Hunters if it means that it'll arouse less envy among our colleagues.

This situation is a *lot* more beneficial to Anthony than sending Eddie to investigate huntards. Honestly if you ask me, we should visit the editor of that newspaper, dominate him to tell us what is going on and mindwipe the necessary details from his brain. Mindwipe them for two reasons, one to preserve the masquerade and hide our involvement, two to prevent anyone else from getting potentially critical information on the subject. That way Anthony ensures he is the only one who can help Iacomo with finding the fuckers. Turcov's investigation will end up at a dead end while we will have the upper hand. That is assuming Mandrake is related to huntards, it could have been a plot setup by Turcov for all we know. But we must take that risk IMO.

You know, the info regarding Turcov did say that he had Kine ties to a few Russian oligarchs, who in turn typically have ties to either natural gas... or mass media. It is possible that he cooked something up, which would explain his convenient appearance here and the little powerplay he just attempted, but that's purely speculation. It does seem curious that these people knew exactly where the Archon lived, as well.

Mandrake his been on our agenda since the beginning, so I am pretty sure that this isn't on Turcov. I'm not sure if it'll be like you describe, however - if Hunters have managed to coerce the editor into releasing this article about us, getting at this guy isn't going to be as simple as finding him and Dominating him. They know we have government connections and they know we will eventually be tracking down the source of the article, so having Cripps and our ghouls handy will be mandatory.

EDIT: Oh and if something "unexpected" has delayed the Pell-mell queen's arrival and Iacomo inquires into that we will also know.

Perhaps we can have Eddie insinuate to Iacomo that it's a matter that he ought to look into. Certainly would be far easier and less time-consuming than doing it ourselves. Eddie can say that we were disappointed by Vogler's lack of assertiveness during the meeting and that we were looking into other Princely candidates to support, yet we've heard from the Pellmell Queen so far.


Apr 22, 2007
Danzig, Potato-Hitman Commonwealth
Yes, I actually wanted to suggest that if we go after the editor our phlegm-snorting bro should be with us. Just in case huntards (or somebody else) wanted to lure us there. They may be kine but we should *not* underestimate them.

BTW couldn't we lure the editor for a chat? Say have one of our "important" kine puppets contacts arrange an interview with him in a nice secure, but not suspicious, location during the night. We would just happen to drop by, swiftly mind-rape him and be off on our way while the editor would remain entirely convinced that all he did was interview the kine. He would have no reasons to believe anything else happened after some tasteful mindwiping.

I'm voting (P) William Horn about the hunters.


In My Safe Space
Feb 3, 2009
Shadorwun: Hong Kong
Editors don't interview, they are censors for the controlling interests of the paper.


Apr 22, 2007
Danzig, Potato-Hitman Commonwealth
Crap, anyone got any other idea about how we can lure him out? And who *owns* that paper? Because our loyal kine puppet gave us two hypotheses, that either the editor wrote it himself or that someone higher up (meaning whoever runs the media megacorp the paper belongs to) supplied him with it. In any case the editor should *know* who is behind this.

My paranoia sense is tingling, telling me that if it was sent by the owners of the paper, who just happen to be Russian oligarchs, then this is Turcov's plot.


Jan 10, 2007
Searching for my kidnapped sister
The first step toward flush him and his backer out is electronic surveillance by Nosferatus, specifically Oscar. Other Nos works fine but we have an existing relationship with him, we can get him to work directly and quickly.

It's actually advisable not to have a direct confrontation with the editor before we watch him Caine-damned carefully. I have a feeling his backer is using him as bait to lure us out.

EDIT: I think there's slight chance of Turcov in Mandrake equation. There's only one article about us so far. If he's the one behind Mandrake, he would have enough data to set forth a media campaign to force us take a direct hand in this. As it is, I dont think Turcov meddle directly there. And that ancient bugger is old-fashioned, not modern like Anthony. He doesnt seem a gadget guy like Soreley. If he's Toreador I can agree, but an ancient Ventrue like him? No way~


Apr 22, 2007
Danzig, Potato-Hitman Commonwealth
Yeah but if there were more articles, that would be a serious breach of the masquerade which would no doubt require the other primogens' attention. After all they would like to know *how* kine ended up with so much knowledge. One "political gossip" article isn't threatening enough to get them involved but it does force Anthony to act.


Jan 10, 2007
Searching for my kidnapped sister
But it does not scare all of us enough to push Anthony into investigating more vigorously, yes. Not that I disagree with you, since there's a slight chance of Turcov after all. I like that possibility much better than my conservative pessimistic estimate, a Scotland Yard detective informally ally with media to flush Anthony out. Since life sucks, I fear it's the SY after all.


Apr 22, 2007
Danzig, Potato-Hitman Commonwealth
Why would the SY be spying on government officials and using the media to expose us? If anything they would try to remain more under the radar.

I mean honestly, if it's just one guy, a conspiracy nut, doing this after working hours I could understand. But the institution that is the Scotland Yard? Don't we have that shit bloodbonded or something?

Also if the cops "encouraged" the editor to publish that piece, wouldn't the parent media company expose the whole thing?


derp, Lac.

Oscar was working for Samantha Earnes and he unequivocally disowned Tony after an earlier incident. Why the fuck would he help us? We don't even know if he's still alive (un-alive), or if he's not even working against us.

Tony did a fine job alienating his 'allies', all except for Fellowes.


Jan 10, 2007
Searching for my kidnapped sister
Oi~ Oscar didnt "unequivocally" disown us. That is too strong a term for his action. Man scared shitless so he accepted to spy on us for a little security. If anything, he owed us. So if we call him (which we still can), we have leverage to negotiate. Possible he moved from his old place (unsure) but we definitely have his number.

And it's not free help I am after. It's business, same as last month when he check stuffs for us through electronic means. You do the job, we pay you handsomely. Last month we are just a Kindred, patrician of Whitehall. This month we are The Patrician, Baron of Whitehall.


Dec 7, 2010
Lac, Oscar is gone, we don't have his contact. We couldn't reach him if we wanted to in the first place, so forget about him. I can guarantee you that Mandrake isn't in Scotland Yard for two reasons, (1) because Tony would have known about someone in government trying to reveal him given his many contacts there, and (2) because it is a ridiculous theory that you invented on the spot and have no proof for. But mostly because of (2).

As far as our first move with this Mandrake thing, I'd suggest getting chummy with Turcov. If we let him win, then ask him for assistance in finding the Hunters in front of the Archon, perhaps a little bit of help from his corporate/media contacts, then it's only fair, right? I mean, he offered Eddie to the Archon without bothering to ask us beforehand, so because we're such good friends, I'm sure he won't mind us nabbing a few of his Kine contacts so that we can "work together" and be better able to put a stop to these Hunters, right? Turnabout is fair play, and we can do so while appearing friendly. Passive-aggression is the way to go here.


Perfidious Pole
Feb 17, 2011
Stealth Orbital Nuke Control Centre
As far as our first move with this Mandrake thing, I'd suggest getting chummy with Turcov. If we let him win, then ask him for assistance in finding the Hunters in front of the Archon, perhaps a little bit of help from his corporate/media contacts, then it's only fair, right? I mean, he offered Eddie to the Archon without bothering to ask us beforehand, so because we're such good friends, I'm sure he won't mind us nabbing a few of his Kine contacts so that we can "work together" and be better able to put a stop to these Hunters, right? Turnabout is fair play, and we can do so while appearing friendly. Passive-aggression is the way to go here.


On that note, I uphold my vote of A, with the following amendments: ask Turcov in front of Iacomo to jointly search for the hunters, and move Team Wistman to a different location (possibly but not necesserily Witanhurst itself).

a cut of domestic sheep prime

What if Turkov agrees and then immediately asks for some of our own contacts - like Trentbridge? He could find out about the squad through him...


Dec 7, 2010
What if Turkov agrees and then immediately asks for some of our own contacts - like Trentbridge? He could find out about the squad through him...

That's why we offer up Eddie, so that we can disguise our move. We've already offered up our MVP Kindred at Turcov's insistence, so asking for the phone numbers of a few measly Kine journalists to track down the Hunters that tried to kill the Archon is downright generous. Turcov would of course want our government contacts, but he's not really in the position to ask for that in front of the Archon. We'd effectively be doing the exact same thing he tried to do to us just now. We just enthusiastically agreed to hand Eddie off to the Archon and told Turcov what a great idea it was - what's he going to do, start haggling with us in front of the guy? He'll look like an asshole.

Of course... this is all assuming that Turcov has interests in mass media conglomerates to begin with. It's an educated guess, but I'm still making a guess. Remember that @grotsnik's description mentioned he knew oligarchs and Saudi businessmen - it's just as likely that he has interests in oil companies. However, considering his position in the Camarilla and the need to keep the Masquerade, mass media seems logical.

a cut of domestic sheep prime

That's why we offer up Eddie, so that we can disguise our move. We've already offered up our MVP Kindred at Turcov's insistence, so asking for the phone numbers of a few measly Kine journalists to track down the Hunters that tried to kill the Archon is downright generous. Turcov would of course want our government contacts, but he's not really in the position to ask for that in front of the Archon. We'd effectively be doing the exact same thing he tried to do to us just now. We just enthusiastically agreed to hand Eddie off to the Archon and told Turcov what a great idea it was - what's he going to do, start haggling with us in front of the guy? He'll look like an asshole.
Would he?
Turkov: "Very well, Anthony. And so long as we're sharing kine contacts, why don't you give me the number of that former high up? 'Mr. Trentbridge', if I remeber correctly?
Archon: "Blah, blah, blah! Just give him the frick'n number already, Tony!"
grotsnik: "MWUAHAHAHA!"

Remember that all our contacts are common knowledge thanks to Mandrake - who is probably Turkov anyway.
Of course... this is all assuming that Turcov has interests in mass media conglomerates to begin with. It's an educated guess, but I'm still making a guess. Remember that @grotsnik's description mentioned he knew oligarchs and Saudi businessmen - it's just as likely that he has interests in oil companies. However, considering his position in the Camarilla and the need to keep the Masquerade, mass media seems logical.
And what's stopping Turkov from giving us a dead end nobody or a wrong number? Turkov has us by the balls because he knows all about Eddie. He even contacted him without us. We don't know jack about him or his connections.


Dec 7, 2010
You got me there, bro. Makes sense.

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