Chefe said:
Vaarna_Aarne said:
I'm buying it just for the DC characters. And it looks reasonably good. Also, it's Kollector's Edition has the aforementioned bestest evar cover by Alex Ross
That is a nice cover.
Since DC is involved, it might not actually be complete ass when it comes to the fighting part. I don't know if DC has any experience in this area, but any other input other than from the MK team is a good thing. Hopefully, DC took over most of the production, with the MK team just working on the engine basics and janitorial duties. We might also not be seeing those fucking horrible "extra modes" that MK has been injecting to over the past several titles.
As far as I know, no extra modes are there (though Chess Kombat was fun). The main story mode is a bit different from usual it seems though. If I've understood right, you only pick either DC or MK and then go.
Writing was taken over by DC. The bad news is that they put Palmiotti on the job. I'd kill for having Johns, Morrison, Rucka, Ross or Waid writing this. But, the story went through DC. Hopefully picked some LSD fumes from Morrison (btw, Final Crisis seems to be shaping up to be BETTER THAN WATCHMEN).
Gameplay itself seems to be the PS2 era MKs on steroids. Heavy steroids. The most EXTREME I've heard is someone saying it's easily his second favourite fighting game (the bad news is that the favourite is Capcom vs Marvel 2, which doesn't say good about taste). Nonetheless, the gameplay looks good. Only the fact that the animations have a lot of the same ones from the previous MKs is a letdown, since a lot of them don't fit DC characters at all. But the new fighting mechanics are very good it seems. Finally some good grapple mechanics.
Not to mention they've promised more characters as DLC (LOBO LOBO LOBO LOBO LOBO!!!), which will help with getting a lot of good DC characters missing in there. Particularly Martian Manhunter, Animal Man, Killer Croc, Sivana, Black Adam and more Green Lanterns (and of course, Lobo).
But a game that has Captain Marvel in it can't possibly be less than good or great.