As some don't give a fuck of you may have noticed, i am (for entirely different reasons) also an MMORPG fan;
/people throw eggs at me
I can tell you that all fanboyism aside, the more i think about it, the more this whole 'expanding' the co-op deal and comments thereof is beginning to worry me.. Multiplaying brings its own necessities, conventions, and therefore rules to the table. Rules that are often constricting and incompatible with those found in a 'true' single RPG. There must be a line drawn to all this before we get to really really bad outcomes here. I am sincerely hoping they are fully aware of this. Yes they have even joked about MMOs and how mainstream they are, but no, this is not enough for me to feel assuaged. Just look at all the talk within the last two pages here, look again at the backer comments in the KS..warning signs :s
/people throw eggs at me
I can tell you that all fanboyism aside, the more i think about it, the more this whole 'expanding' the co-op deal and comments thereof is beginning to worry me.. Multiplaying brings its own necessities, conventions, and therefore rules to the table. Rules that are often constricting and incompatible with those found in a 'true' single RPG. There must be a line drawn to all this before we get to really really bad outcomes here. I am sincerely hoping they are fully aware of this. Yes they have even joked about MMOs and how mainstream they are, but no, this is not enough for me to feel assuaged. Just look at all the talk within the last two pages here, look again at the backer comments in the KS..warning signs :s