Hey Guys,
Long time no chat. Things have been... interesting on the home/work front.
My baby daughter is due within the next 2 to 4 weeks which is very exciting and very scarey all at the same time.
Things in the family business, aka the Donut Kingdom, have been great on the business side, not so great on the family side. The business is doing great, up big time from where they were last year, but I continue to have conflict with my father. Now that there is plenty of help and the business is doing great, my wife and I are thinking of moving back to CA, after the baby is born of course.
Don't ask who I am going to work for in CA, you will find out soon enough with one of my stalkers. ;-)
In anticipation of that move, I have decided to drastically scale back my video game collection via ebay.
For example, this was given to me by Chris Jones (who I told to sell on his own). It is far too big and valuable to trust to a moving box. I will surprise Jones with money at a later date.
I have two questions for you guys and particularly the mods:
1) Should I post links here to games I am selling that might interest people here?
2) Should I sell my extensive Fallout Collection? I'm going to photograph to today so I will have pictures to show you. Before you all blurt out NO, let me remind you that I will not be able to hand transport my Fallout Collection this time as I will have a baby in the car this time and all the baby stuff. Movers in general are terrible and my experiences have been pretty routinely bad, even when they are super nice guys. If this collection gets stolen, lost, or destroyed I get NOTHING.
That's been on my mind a lot lately, and I imagine many collectors go through it. This stuff, any disaster can just take it all away, even something as simple as a clerical error with a moving company. Why not sell it to someone who is not moving who will appreciate it as much as I have.
What do you guys think?
Gentlemen, what are your thoughts on the above statements?