T'is probably the reason the lighting got revised, but my message was not about that, it was about how the whole level design still carries the marks of a radically different gameplay.
Can someone ban this cunt and put spoiler tags on his posts?
T'is probably the reason the lighting got revised, but my message was not about that, it was about how the whole level design still carries the marks of a radically different gameplay.
Yup. Many places in DS2 are like that. Lost Sinner boss fight is the most revealing one as it is one of the most easy boss fights in DS games despite him/her being one of the main bosses of the game.
Can someone ban this cunt and put spoiler tags on his posts?
JarlFrank Crooked Bee Whisky
Can you ban WhatAreYou?ACasul?
He is really retarded. Please ban him from this thread at least until DaS3 is released. Thanks.
T'is probably the reason the lighting got revised, but my message was not about that, it was about how the whole level design still carries the marks of a radically different gameplay.
Yup. Many places in DS2 are like that. Lost Sinner boss fight is the most revealing one as it is one of the most easy boss fights in DS games despite him/her being one of the main bosses of the game.
it's harder than anything in DeS except maybe Flamelurker. it's harder than anything in DaS1 except O&S, Manus, maybe Kalameet, maybe Gargoyles, maybe 4Kings. similarly, in DaS2 there's only a handful of fights (and almost all in the DLCs) which are more difficult.
the lore implications of fighting Ornstein for a 3rd goddamn game in a row.
Lost Sinner is literally one of the easiest bosses in all DS games ... Covetus demon even is harder ...
Lost Sinner is literally one of the easiest bosses in all DS games ... Covetus demon even is harder ...
What the fuck?
Wtf? He's not shitposting, he's argumentative and full of righteous indignation at some nip asshole ruining the best RPG series since Baldur's Gate. Give the whiny bitches a safe space tag. And give yourself one too, pidoraha poehavshaia.If he continues shitposting I'll consier a ding dong bannu.
pidoraha poehavshaia.If he continues shitposting I'll consier a ding dong bannu.
Wtf? He's not shitposting, he's argumentative and full of righteous indignation at some nip asshole ruining the best RPG series since Baldur's Gate. Give the whiny bitches a safe space tag. And give yourself one too, pidoraha poehavshaia.If he continues shitposting I'll consier a ding dong bannu.
At least Perkel has avatar from DS2 :D
Wtf? He's not shitposting, he's argumentative and full of righteous indignation at some nip asshole ruining the best RPG series since Baldur's Gate. Give the whiny bitches a safe space tag. And give yourself one too, pidoraha poehavshaia.If he continues shitposting I'll consier a ding dong bannu.
Ok, I can ding dong bannu the whiny bitches instead, if that's a better solution.
Wtf? He's not shitposting, he's argumentative and full of righteous indignation at some nip asshole ruining the best RPG series since Baldur's Gate. Give the whiny bitches a safe space tag. And give yourself one too, pidoraha poehavshaia.If he continues shitposting I'll consier a ding dong bannu.
Ok, I can ding dong bannu the whiny bitches instead, if that's a better solution.