One of SOTFS goals seems to be reducing the "bum rush" effect. Seems to be working, from what I've seen so far.
Yes, rolling into attacks to make better use of iframes is definitely a DS2 exclusive thing. Holy shit, have you even played these games? It's even much easier to do so in DeS and DaS. I'm half convinced the whole Agility idea in DaS2 was an attempt to make this less ubiquitous.
No... it forces people to actually invest in agi because otherwise the game is barely playableIf anything, Dark Souls 2 nerfed i-frames, forcing people to actually invest on them in order to reap some benefits.
No... it forces people to actually invest in agi because otherwise the game is barely playable
No leveling, therefore no AGI investment, no deaths, no bonfires.
It does, actually. Because if the mechanics were unreliable, only insane amounts of luck would allow one to what these people do consistently. AGI mechanics made dodging harder, sure, but don't even try to pretend that it's "broken", unreliable, barely playable or anything like that. It works fine. You think DaS1 did it better? Oukay, you're entitled to your opinion. But that's just it: your opinion. You're free to say "I don't like how they changed the roll", but I'll call bullshit whenever someone says "the new mechanics don't work, muh hitboxesss!!!"Yeah and there are people beating the game with a fucking guitar controller or voice recognition software, doesn't make my point any less valid.
One shit thing about DaS2 combat was that there were definitely WAY more enemies with super high/unreachable levels of poise. All those fucking lion dudes, the giant knights, the mastodon knights, the dwarves, Ruin Sentinels, etc. Pretty much the only enemies with 'low' poise that weren't in the tutorial were the royal sword knights. I suppose maybe the varangian guys too, maybe some mages or some shit?
but you can't stunlock peasant derpwads in Brightstone Cove.
What DS1 builds are you talking about exactly?Almost any build is viable while the same cannot be said about DaS.
I use the Logitech F310 and it does everything I need it to. My one complaint is that the chord occasionally gets in the way, but it's not a big deal and it's better than buying batteries.
What DS1 builds are you talking about exactly?
Fast Travel
Players can expect to use fast travel from the very beginning of the game, much like Dark Souls II. Miyazaki wants to keep the convenience aspects from previous titles, unless they interfere with game design.