
But if you are not a locksmith,then that shit sells for a tenth of its value,which could pay its cost at best. With average of 15 coins profit with selling loot,you will need nearly 150 people to pick pocket to return your investment. Most people have like 5 gold and a shitty health potion or cig. People with actual loot are very rare.Pickpocket definitely adds up moneywise, especially if you are also the locksmith apprentice. Because he pays you for gold/silver jewelry, and basically every rich person you pickpocket has a gold/silver ring or something. Over the course of the game it's probably 6-8k gold. Still not worth the LP + gold cost to learn it, agreed that it was stupid to remove the xp.Yeah that was it,which is pretty bad trade,also he wants 25 lp for that.while adanos takes the most important,the lp,and a lot of them for......i don't remember,it was some useless shit.....maybe a bit of mana.
Adanos gives you +2 to all protection stats per 10 lp.
Fair enough,but in me book mages are meh because they are dependant on the mana they have. Prefer hunter,just go around and hunt shit. For the lock pick apprentice,i am not sure if you make least money than meat guy or smith. To me it looks like there is like around 10k in loot. The most useless skill i found was the pickpocket,because they removed the exp from it,pretty retarded move. Also the money you make out of it is insignificant,doubt that you could even cover the price of buying it,let alone the lp loss.For a mage maximizing mana there's no bonus too small for me. Finished the game with almost 600. And the unique reward at the end of the alchemy questline is a quintuple-strength permapotion.Not really,by the end 5-10 more dex or str is not much of a boon. A lot of money allows you to get a lot more good shit,later on skill books that give you bonuses open up,also expensive rings and amulets that give good bonuses that are pretty expensive.Alchemy apprenticeship gives you extra permapotion rewards which is tough to beat
Did anyone found the praying to beliar and adanos is pretty useless,even handicapping you? Also inos is pretty op,you get the option of spending 100 gold for 10 hp once a day,which means that as long as you have gibs you could become immortal in a way. Should have been restricted to once per statue,and made beliar and adanos more useful. Beliar just takes your hp for gibs while adanos takes the most important,the lp,and a lot of them for......i don't remember,it was some useless shit.....maybe a bit of mana.
Doing alchemist -> locksmith, probably the two least lucrative apprenticeships, I still had enough gold to buy up all the stoneskin potions for sale in the game just for something extra to round out my character.