And we're back.
To hell with that result.
The kick is very short, and lands neatly to a line rat that catches it easily. But that's ok, because it's within striking range of our front liners. Yes, we're playing the 'short kick game' in this one. The plan is to stop them from scoring and counter-score off our kicking round.
Line of scrimmage skirmish is underway, LundB, Hellraiser and eklektyk will have to brave those alone.
eklektyk goes down, but LundB didn't make it past the first turn unscathed, injured. What a shitty lineman.
Hellraiser got lucky and didn't get his troll-knuckle sandwich.
But eats a blitz anyway as the rats build a cage in the middle of the field.
Our turn.
Gondolin, just managed to push a gobbo.
Really need to pressure them, make them drop the ball. So no, we're not even going for safety. All in. In my defense, we're not playing against gutter runner here. Their top MA is 7. There's the Troll Gobbo Throw option, but it's never a primary option.
It's Whitewolf's turn to start the blitz...
Score. One badly hurt stunty. That's for LundB, you bastard.
stabby stretches those legs.
I like this, we sorta have the man to man advantage, and 8 Eyes didn't hire any superstar - instead they bought 2 kegs of beer for KO recovery and a Wizard scroll. A good start IMO.