This is a game you shouldn't really mod. The devs are balance freaks(of the good sort, not soyer-esque) and any random mod adding shit breaks the perfectly balanced and challenged mix the germoids implemented patch after patch. It is one of the things which make this game a masterpiece.
Only mods I would consider would be ones about aesthetics, but no competent 2d illustrator seems to have ever taken interest in it - point taken most of the art assets in mods like legends stick out like a sore thumb in the middle of the nicely drawn vanilla assets.
On the subject, there were talks a while ago about the devs releasing another surprise free update to this in order to promote their new game. Is that still in the cards? Or was it just a rumor? Saw nothing new about it despite all the new promotional material for the new game.
I strongly disagree, the only way te replay the game is with different mods.
Legends is still alive and kicking and there is some new game changer mods compatible, i didn't check recently but everything is available from the Legends discord channel.
The game is way better with Legends and some QoL mods.
Vanilla versus Legends is the exact same as vanilla ToEE and ToEE + Temple+