TCAN (TC Coloured Automatic Naming) is one of the most sophisticated mods I've ever seen, although obnoxious and time-consuming to learn. It can automatically tag ships with a plethora of "aspects" using customizable strings of expressions based on the ship's class, model name, intended purpose, constructing faction, armament, cargo, type of AI pilot and related skill level, shield and hull levels, homebase, wing, etc. Tags can be customized, colored, bracketed, spaced, and rearranged nearly at will; groups of ships can be sequentially named automatically; and random proper unique names can be generated also, either individually or with a random name for each ship in a group.
It was too much for me, as I'm only midway through the game (entire universe explored, most race ranks maxed [enemies with Argon, Xenon, and pirates], 190m credits in the bank, small fleet including a TL, M7C, several M6s, several TP/TMs, and various fighters and scouts; plot finished, Xenon Hub and PHQ acquired). I installed the less-powerful but still versatile RSwE instead, mainly so that I can color-code ships by purpose:
Command (important/personal ships) |
Navy |
Police (not shown) |
Scout |
Logistics |
Industry | Station
I also found a mod that restores Kha'ak ships to UFJD sectors in AP, so that I can capture them and their weapons and missiles. None of them can be reverse-engineered, manufactured, or purchased.