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In Progress X-Piratez! Ironman! No spoilers! Oldschool X-COM Total Conversion with mutant amazon pirates. Death to the star gods!


Extremely WEIRD damage scaling at that.
Yeah, sadly its not nice on ubers. Should be modified to shine on early gnomes with 200 sta.

Notably your best weapon for skilled gals is probably rapier or saber ignoring exotic damage types.
The game severely lacks armor resists variety early and midgame. Damage type doesnt matter, accuracy does ...technically.
Once a gal hits 111 melee, you can give her anything that cuts stabs concusses - 2 hits at most and everyone dies.
Whats 40 side armor from Osiron Sec gonna do when the 100$ cutlass rolls 110 cut for 8 TU on him?
And then there is big gulf of nothing in enemy variety from 50 to 100 armor. Where Spiked Mace kills everyone.

It would be interesting if Ubers gained stats depending on initial roll - rolled low STR? its gonna gone super slow and maybe even be capped.
Would force you to look for different shit.
Jan 7, 2012
120 melee/80 strength gal has 95 damage with saber, but that can roll as low as 47.5. Then saber multiplies enemy armor by 1.2 before dealing damage. So there's a decent chance to deal low damage, especially if they have another 20-40% slashing resistance.

Same girl with Cutlass only has 66 damage (min 33), and enemy armor is multiplied by 1.25. Definitely inferior


Aug 5, 2009
Project: Eternity Shadorwun: Hong Kong Divinity: Original Sin 2 Pathfinder: Kingmaker
finite amounts of them with girls are superior
I clearly can't (yet). Unless you mean glamour recruitment ?

I had a really bad month.

Just got no missions for most of the month (just endless swarms of necropirate ships I can't touch), and so many -infamy events. Thankfully I had a lot of shit to sell so managed to afford workshop, personal labs, and the massive deficit. Still feels bad!

Edit: I bought a hoverbike interceptor and put my spike launcher on it (just finished the research). I thought I was shooting down a necroplane but I think I accidentally shot down some cops. Oops. Hope I still have enough ammo to shoot down and loot at least one necrothing.
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Jan 7, 2012
I clearly can't (yet). Unless you mean glamour recruitment ?
If you researched "?Gals Are Superior?" you should be able to buy them.


First option. Make sure to convert castaways to brainers since they cost 200k rather than 50k.

Just got no missions for most of the month (just endless swarms of necropirate ships I can't touch), and so many -infamy events. Thankfully I had a lot of shit to sell so managed to afford workshop, personal labs, and the massive deficit. Still feels bad!

Here's a bit of a protip techdump on how to unlock missions:

All of these will start spawning missions on the next month, so prioritize finishing the research before before months end. It's free missions, you aren't punished for ignoring them or bugging out (sometimes a small score penalty if you bug out and civilians die but its rare and practically inconsequential compared to the upsides.

Violence->!Bounty Hunting!
Should definitely get first month, super easy missions with less than normal enemies and extra bonuses for finishing them.

Interrogate people->Who is Who? + Our Culture -> !Warehouse Wars!
Possible to get first month if you invest into brainers immediately or beeline hard. Tends to be easy but there's often a lot of light on the map. Good number of foes with nothing too tough.

Survival->Animal Skinning->!Monster Hunt!
Also possible to get first month, though getting all 3 of these could be challenging. Absolute shit ton of free XP, and especially nice if you get that juicy +armor title for killing lots of monsters in melee (best of all, do it with reaction melee). There can be 25-50 spawns of scorpions or rats.

Contacts: Merchants + Expeditions + Ruffian interrogation + Experiment Victim + Money Purse + Jewelry + Ol' Coins -> !Bandit Camps!
Who is Who? + Drifter Interrogation + Highwayman Interrogation + Ratman Interrogation-> !Bandit Business!
Both of these are very easy to miss since they require specific interrogations but otherwise can be researched before the end of Feb. Especially if you are avoiding ratmen since they kind of suck at night, one of the few fights you should be taking during the day, and clearing the whole map can be painful so if need be just stun one and get out. Tend to be easy missions with decent loot though captures aren't worth much. It's just those bandits clustered around a fire but massively scaled up, if you throw a bunch of grenades on turns 1-3 they all suffer morale failure immediately.

We Need Craft Weapons! + Who is Who? + Highwayman interrogation + Ratman Mob Lieutenant interrogation-> !Highway House!
Also easy to get by the end of March or so if you can happen to get a Ratman Lieutenant in your first encounter with them. Missions tend to be pretty hard though with a guaranteed sniper turret. The intent of them is to find craft weapons which you probably can't even put on anything for several more months. But might as well turn on the missions if you can, sometimes you land in a nice cozy dark corner with nothing around and can slaughter enemies clustered around lights. Or you can just nip in for a few captures and get out.

Who is Who? + Hi-Res Radar->Communications + learn about the church, academy, and traders guild through interrogations-> !Toppling Towers!
Can't remember exactly how hard it is, but you can get it in the first few months.

Get all of these and you WILL be drowning in missions, to the point where you'll sometimes want a faster craft just to get to them all and have double the crew to avoid loss of too much freshness.
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Damned Registrations

Furry Weeaboo Nazi Nihilist
Feb 24, 2007
Biggest update yet. Get comfy and grab your snacks.

Hoo boy. This session was a doozy.

So, we start off with a mission. A medium sized craft landed nearby, and we were just barely able to snag it after night fell but before it took off. I was actually fairly worried it'd get back up just as we reached it and blow our airbus out of the sky. Our first enemies sighted are the familiar altar boy, a church warmaiden, and... a thing.

The thing is a Fartbag. Technically they're Celatids, I believe, but Fartbag is easier to type anyways. These things are incredibly dangerous. They're tanky as fuck, have some crazy resistances, and that attack of theirs? It can melt a gal in chainmail into a puddle with a single turn. Oh, and they have like 20 NV and range to match. Fun! So why the fuck did I chase this ship down when it was risky to even reach? Because I was sure of what it was. And I was right.

This, boys and girls, is a goldship. It's way, way out of our league to shoot down, but they have a tendency to land and be vulnerable to ambushes like this. Although 'vulnerable' is a bit of a stretch. These things can have incredibly scary crew compliments we are NOT ready for. Frankly, I shouldn't have risked it, I should have waited for a larger landing vessel to jbe available. But fuck it, I really want what they have.


While the Fartbags are tanky, a pair of sniper rifle shots seems to do the trick. So we can handle those at least.

We can also handle these. With a massive volley of rockets if need be, but actually a single sniper shot can probably do the trick. What the fuck is this thing?

This is the zookeeper for the farbags. What is she in blue armour and not gold? Because that gold colour in the above screenshot is a pulsing golden aura that indicates these bitches have SHIELDS. Which is one of the reasons I want them. Alive. Which is difficult because their shields can absorb about 250 daze damage, they've got hefty armour beneath that, and the shields regenerate over time.

There are also these guys. I'd like to take him alive too, but that has problems of it's own, and we're already playing with fire here.

I opt to execute him with extreme prejudice. The golden shields have a pretty severe flaw: Bullets pass right through them. That makes them pretty shit vs us, as long as we use bullets and not lasers or plasma weapons like I did the first time I encountered them, expecting their vulnerabilities to be the exact opposite.

Also, while fire doesn't penetrate the shield, it does inflict 400% damage to it. The secondary ammo type our quad launcher arrived with courtesy of that initial gambling spree is a 16 shot napalm rocket cartridge. Ideally, I'd like to burn off the shields, and then run in and knock her out with Beatrix. Sadly, beatrix doesn't have chainmail (none was finished yet, unfortunately) so it'll be a significant risk. Also, I'm not even certain knocking her out this way is a real option. I've tried it before and failed. They have yet ANOTHER obnoxious mechanic I haven't quite figured out yet. But if I can catch one alive like that, I suspect it'd be a huge boon to research.

Oh yeah, remember the fartbag? There's more than one. And the shots can arc over cover. Luckily these two shots missed, and the trees actually provide pretty good cover here, as they take up more space in the branches than they do on the ground.

Another major concern is that these warmaidens aren't armed with wimpy sniper rifles, but high powered laser weapons. The equivalents of machineguns and cannons can be found here. Chainmail would shrug those off mostly, but chitin and especial night ops gear will provide little protection, and the lasers can start fires that will ruin our nightvision advantage.

Given the importance of this mission, I deploy out secret weapon: A (soon to be) dead parrot. It can't see anything, but it can eat an attack from something that might otherwise be aimed at a gal.

And this right here is why capturing these the way I wanted to is so fucking tricky. They can't fall down and be bleeding to death, their armour simply explodes after taking enough damage. I suspect it explodes even if they only take stun damage and capturing one with armour intact is outright impossible, but I'd still inclined to try. I want that fucking armour! Anyways, it does make capturing them AFTER their armour explodes fairly easy; they are basically naked gals at that point. Still resistant to really small arms fire and with crazy physical stats, but no weapons, no shields, and no heavy armour.

Kiddo proves up to the task, tossing in a grenade then making a run to pick up the body and bring it back before it gets burned up by napalm. Or, you know, in case we need to flee in terror.

We have another problem. Masochist Slut has gone insane. Luckily, she didn't go berserk and unload her rocket launcher on our crew instead. I'm kind of surprised her morale is this low considering how many kills we got at this point, but that low freshness really does a number on morale. Arguably one of the only weaknesses the gals have is their low freshness stats.

I decide to go back for the reverend's corpse as well. We can't interrogate it, but it might drop nice armour parts or something, and I want his fancy gun too.

This, as it turns out, was a BAD IDEA. A warmaiden opens the door, walks out, and promptly dies to sniper covering fire. But then ANOTHER one follows and unloads one of their heavy laser weapons into kiddo's back, many times.

Fuck. That was our only melee gal on this mission. At least it wasn't fatal.


We didn't even get a chance to try heal her. To be fair, it might have been hopeless even if we got a turn, as she probably died from fire damage, and the extinguisher isnt't something you can pick up, run around and fire in a single turn, and it causes enough stun to maybe cause overstun death too.

:salute: RIP Kiddo. We're down to just 2 perfect gals remaining, and only one of them we've woken up. I really hope we can get more in the future.

Eventually, we get the bug hunt reveal and find 3 enemies left, with 2 on the second floor of the ship. Which is terrifying, because entering the ship with night ops gear is a recipe for disaster. Luckily, we're able to just wait them out and after one more kill the other two surrender.

So, was the mission worth the insane price of losing a perfect gal? Arguably... yes. We're getting access to a plethora of new tech here, as well as a fuckton of wealth. 30 gold bars is nothing to sneeze at, not to mention all those ship parts.

Ship parts that include gauss cannon parts (another awesome ship weapon that is a pain to reload without wasting ammo) and a fuckton of really nice laser weapons and clips. Even simple laspistols are quite nice, and the Lasguns and heavy lasers are truly deadly.

We also get long range flamers, which have their own niche, and a bunch o other great stuff. The fartbag corpses can be turned into Celatid essence iirc, which I've never used but I suspect is a potent thrown bio weapon. We'll give it a try when I get the chance. The life support systems and stasis pods are really high value here as well.

God damn though, I'm really pissed we lost Kiddo. I invested a lot of time into training her into a melee killing machine, and we were so close to getting the chainmail that would have made her nearly unkillable.

Back to business. Heat Vision gets researched, revealing sniper and smoke ops gear. Sniper gear is basically daytime camo gear for snipers, which has some uses against nocturnal enemies but is generally inferior to night ops. Smoke-Ops, aside from obviously working well with smoke cover, has some very good chem and choking resistances. We'll want a full crew compliment of it for the organ harvester mission, which is full of chem weapons. Chem is different than bio, mind. Bio is poison, like spiders. Chem is acid.

This is shaping up to be an incredible month infamy wise. We get another huge haul from a farm mission.

Less lucrative is this assassination attempt. The 50k is no big deal but...

The pile of big rocks is annoying. We already had to sell a bunch of crap to make room for all those ship parts from the goldship. And we really don't have the labour to spare for smashing the big rocks into gems right now.

Finally, we finish establishing the prickly Nekomimi contact. However, it grants us no immediate benefit. We need a further research to recruit catgirls, and IIRC that won't be a proper recruitment, but an uber for catgirls exchange program, which requires a batch of 5 young ubers. Yeah. Good luck with that. Give me your space towels you stingy bastards!

Beastmaster interrogation goes off without a hitch.

Why yes, I WOULD like to have personal shields! Sadly, they'll be the shitty golden shields that do nothing vs bullets, but they are incredibly useful in certain situations, like underwater or the catacombs.

Monthly rating GET. The game won't skip ranks when we blow pasts our requirements like this, so it's actually a really good idea to do so and reap the big cash bonus whenever you do want to rank up, if it's an option.

Another first time interrogation.

Sadly, he gives us specs on a gun instead of telling us how to build a god damned ship, but at least it's a cool gun.

Another mad scribbling event! My gambling fetish is sated for another day.

This is definitely pretty late in the calendar to be hitting this rank, I'd have like to have done it about 4-5 months ago at least. OTOH, we've had enough struggles that it might be for the best we still had all those easy missions to do for so long. Also, from now on ranks have special requirements too. We've already got the bounty trophy mentioned here though, I'm pretty sure. Unless they want us to get a race trophy, in which case we're fucked.

And what does our improved rank get us? Contacts!


Boo! Lame result from the mad scribblings. Conjure me a gnome instead next time please.

Huh, I've never seen this before. Interesting to see it laid out like that. I've encoutered most of these before, but never seen Counselors, Provosts, or Pioneers. Maybe scientists either, not sure there.

God damn it. Whatever is landing we can definitely handle it, but I hate doing base defenses. Shuffling 30 units around every turn for a dozen turns or more is a huge pain in the ass, doubly so during a LP.


These fuckers again? Ugh. Piss off! I never even attacked you guys!

Aww fuck, it's one of their bigger parties too. These guys are annoying. And fireproof, which I learned one game when I thought my fire trap room would easily handle my base defenses for me.

Bastards are real triggerhappy wth those fireballs too. Thankfully the blast isn't extremely deadly, but fire damage does tend to linger and cause a lot of morale damage.

Pierre does some crazy work here, hosing the hallway down with that chain gun several rounds in a row. Must have gotten like 10 kills in 4 turns.

Oh yeah, another base defense mechanic that pisses me off. Any auxiliarries kept there will wake up over time during the base defense, and take one of their shitty, basically useless weapons and run directly into the line of fire to get themselves killed. Yay!

The imps are damned speedy too, able to get all the way from the access lift to a room 2 tiles over in a single go. Luckily we have good covering fire here to take it down before it eats someone or sets anyone else on fire.

Another reason to hate these fuckers: Pinkies. Like in Doom, they're really fast and tanky. Unlike in Doom, we'll almost certainly die to a single bite if they reach us. We've got some chainmail now but even with its crazy armour and cut resist, I don't really trust it here. It might hold off a bite or two but can it stop 4 or 5? Not something I want to test.

After like 20 somehting turns we find the last two enemies are these fucking pinkies that somehow got tapped down here. They can't leave that little box, which is helpful. On the other hand, half the people in the base are now going insane and berserk.

Even so, I decide to use this as a chance to capture these fuckers, which is normally incredibly difficult and dangerous to do. Here we can just toss in some grenades and choke them out. Right? We can also dance in and out of the corners to hit them with shields or ninja sticks. The sludge makes that really slow and tiring though.

God damnit Cleve, work on your aim.


Also, this has gone on so long I resort to a weird trick/bug/feature of the game; using medkits on an ally restores 10 morale to the user of the medkit. Even if the uses are completely pointless and the target has no wounds. Between that and the canteens we keep the madness under control for our melee gals until this is over.

Strange fellow ends up being really hellpful here actually. It turns out only like 3 people had any sort of gas or stun grenade on them, while strange fellow has about a dozen extra stun bolts, and the farm has this nice hole in the middle to allow shooting the demons with impunity. Still takes every stun bolt we have, these things are TANKS. Wish I had a brainer outfit.

One of the workers eventually makes their way down here and gets eaten, despite having no reason at all to get that close. Fucking idiots.

However, another proves to be actually helpful by firing a shotgun blast that knocks on of the pinkies out, owing to it's already massive stun buildup. Eventually the other goes down too after some shots from a desert eagle dropped by the idiot worker.

Another massive infamy bump. Not too shabby. Shame about the idiots, base defenses where all the workers survive is one of the easier ways to get the cavalier titles that improve fresheness.

I managed to let nearly everyone land a shot, so the total xp gains here were amazing, even if no single individual gained that much. Lots of Bravery raises too, owing to all the insanity and berserking. Everyone is so exhausted we won't be able to run a mission for several days though, maybe even a week in some cases.

The loot is... mostly crap. The UAC rocket launchers are nice actually, but not as nice as the quad launcher. The rest of their weapons are basically crappy knockoffs of the real UAC gear, so its generally pretty bad. Aside from those rifles, which can be very deadly, but also inaccurate so it's mostly the kind of thing only the AI would find useful.

Another problem is that all these demon and imp corpses stink, taking up massive amounts of vault space to store. We keep the bare minimum to get the research done.

A nice title that is fairly easy to get with weapons like SMGs and Pistols on base defeses or bandit missions with lots of soft targets. Pierre picked it up here with that chaingun in a single volley.

Speaking of titles, we earned pages of them! All these super size ones are nice too, as their requirements were met via training, so all these soldiers just needed to be let on a mission to actually trigger the check and get even more bonus stats. Also, Oasis is apparently our highest statted soldier as of this moment. Nice!

Oh, and I research a ruffian, which I had apparently not done tet, and unlocked this. Which is the ACTUAL easy milk run bandit massacre mission I thought we had already unlocked. Looking forward to running some of these to gather titles.


I finish this too, hoping maybe alien flight control tech would unlock a ship for me. Nope.

It does let me show you how utterly terrifying these are however. Basically the academy equivalent of those fartbags. Except these fly, and have large movement pools and fire like 4 times a turn and their plasma beams will instantly vapourize gals. Absolute bastards, they've killed people every time I've fought one.

Huzzah! We've got a new contact that is actually helpful!

These guys will basically sell us any mundane bullet shooty gun we can research. They also sell light sniper rifles, which don't hit quite as hard as the full size versions, but have a TU cost just low enough to let overwatching sentries fire two shots a turn, making them way more deadly vs lightly armoured targets like bandits. We'll be using a lot of those once we get a full sized ship.

Speaking of full sized ships: Car Thieves won't sell us any. Bastard. But they will at least sell us things like airbuses if we lose or sell the one we started with, and speedy aircars that can be used to win the aircar race events.

Oh, and the blowfish, which is a really shitty submarine, but submarine nonetheless. Might have to get one to do some underwater missions.

That is, if none of these are submersible. I've never seen these options before, but they resemble the researches for the shadowtech ships I unlocked in my best run, which were really, really fucking cool. One had a weird cockpit thing where someone could fire a voodoo powered ship cannon that was aimed like the blaster bomb, and my favourite had an awesome layout that had floodlights on the bottom and easy roof access that was kept dark as a perfect sniper nest. It was like arriving to every mission in a god damned fortress.

The ? symbol makes it seem like one of those diverging research choices, but they only end with it, unlike the recruitment options which had them at the beginning and end of the line. So I think we can research all 3 of these. That said, it's way more fun if I get you guys to blindly pick one of the options for our new awesome ship to replace the shitty airbus before we even see what the fuck the specs are. So vote for one and I'll research it first, and, provided we've got the parts, build it as well before researching the other 2. Remember, no spoilers!
Jan 7, 2012
Man it sucks being in the airbus for so long. Purple Turtle sounds nice, maybe tanky?

Have you considered doing missions like the Academy one during the day? Some long ranged sniping and hiding behind cover (mostly your own airbus) can do well.


Oct 9, 2012
up on the shore they work all day
out in the sun they slave away
while we devoting full time to floating
under the sea


Sep 24, 2014
Since you can't get the Shadowbat (the cool one with light at the bottom and easy access to the roof), I'll vote for the Scarab.


Nov 3, 2004
Copenhagen, Denmark
Codex 2012
So I spoilt myself with regards to this choice. But I'll not spoil the rest of you guys. I'm just looking forward to the next update. :avatard:
Jan 7, 2012
Useful hotkey: Ctrl 0-9 to save a loadout for a soldier and 0-9 to load it. Insanely useful considering it saves to your save file. You can have your stun/melee/smg/rifle/shotgun loadouts all ready to throw onto whoever needs it on any mission.

Also, few questions:

1. Is there any better general usage wall breaking weapon than the hammer? Ideally lighter weight and/or carryable in the quick slot.
2. How are spears as general usage in close quarters thanks to their 2 tile range and ability to lower the TUs of whatever they hit? Also how do melee calculations work with weapons like this which are technically ranged weapons? Like if you fire a shotgun from 2 tiles away the enemy's melee can't stop you, is it the same with the spear?
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Damned Registrations

Furry Weeaboo Nazi Nihilist
Feb 24, 2007
1. Is there any better general usage wall breaking weapon than the hammer? Ideally lighter weight and/or carryable in the quick slot.
Pretty sure the pickaxe is much better at demolition; lower TU cost, lighter weight and more damage. The Mr. Handy is another lightweight option, but probably won't break most walls and I don't think can fit in a quickslot, but might be one handed so could work with a shield? Other good options include various guns and the plasma torch. Uh, do not use the plasma torch at point blank range. That'll hurt.

2. How are spears as general usage in close quarters thanks to their 2 tile range and ability to lower the TUs of whatever they hit? Also how do melee calculations work with weapons like this which are technically ranged weapons? Like if you fire a shotgun from 2 tiles away the enemy's melee can't stop you, is it the same with the spear?
The melee interrupt thing doesn't care about the enemy actually having a melee attack AFAIK. You could be dual wielding sniper rifles you can't even fire and still deflect attacks at melee range. And yeah, if you're 2 tiles away there's no deflect chance. I will say that spears are pretty good generally in close quarters though at overwatch though, especially for covering things like elevators, ramps, cave passages and doors. Pistols work great for that too though, as do ninja stars. I find the TU lowering aspect is more useful vs melee targets, so spears are great for zombies or monster hunts. Generally speaking if a soldier has armour heavy enough to survive a throwing star, it also has melee and evasion scores low enough it doesn't have a chance in hell of hitting if you get into melee with it, as long as you've got evasion of your own and aren't wearing like, power armour.
Jan 7, 2012
Hammer is 60 damage +100% strength, Pickaxe is 20 damage + 50% strength and has a +100% terrain damage bonus. So I assumed the hammer was better in terms of damage. That said I don't really have problems with needing more damage if a gal is strong. I'm more interested in not needing to spend 20 TUs pulling a hammer out of a backpack, 24 attacking and another 10 putting it in. Pickaxe does fit on the belt so that's a lot faster and easier to use. Hard to plan who needs what so I tend to just hand out things like that to half my melee gals and there will be one nearby when I need it. Making your own doorways in buildings makes a lot of fights much easier, especially day fights.

My thought is using a rapier + spear combo, you cover yourself with your spear reaction if enemies are coming close and then utilize the rapier for offense. If enemies 2 tiles away can't dodge then that means you can even use the spear one handed since it has huge accuracy anyway. Often my problem with gals hiding next to doorways is an enemy fires through the door from the other side like this:

Which absolutely infuriates me because if they were in the doorway I'd get to dodge. Having a spear ready might solve it. And if I'm understanding the mechanic correctly you drain TUs from the enemy at a rate of 100% of the damage you do, which for a decent gal in melee is huge and should take all the remaining TUs off basically everything.

EDIT: Hmm, looking through weapons there's a bunch of other things that drain enemy TUs too. For example, I have an Electric Lasso with a range of 7 with 60 damage and 200% TU drain multiplier (also 400% energy drain). Seems like for a character on overwatch duty you'd 100% ensure nothing would be able to get a shot off at you.
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Feb 22, 2021
There's also dynamite and high explosive charges which fit in shoulder slots :Mthere's no perfect demolition option though afaik. Battle axes work well against ordinary buildings with a good gal but it's hard to beat a pick or hammer if you're trying to break into a guild warehouse.
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Damned Registrations

Furry Weeaboo Nazi Nihilist
Feb 24, 2007
And if you need something for a wimpy character, chainsaws can do in a pinch. Their damage doesn't look impressive, but they auto fire 5 times per attack, so one of the rolls is bound to be decent. It depends a lot on what you're trying to get through. If you're tunnelling through rock, you want a pickaxe. House walls can be chewed through with chain guns, crowbars and chainsaws easily enough. If you want to bust through the hull of a ship, you'll need some serious power.

Great clubs can be a decent option too since they have an extra tile of range, especially in the hands of an ogre.

Having a spear ready might solve it.
The 2 tile range of a spear won't reach there, because the game calculates diagonal distance properly. A pike would work though, they have range 3. Less good for point blank obviously, but I find knives are more than enough for melee against most targets, and swapping a knife in and out of the quickslot is practically free. Just put it away at the end of your turn for full pike/gun/bow accuracy.

Damned Registrations

Furry Weeaboo Nazi Nihilist
Feb 24, 2007
Behold our mighty vessel! It's, uh... it exists. It's certainly no Shadowbat. However, it does have a few advantages. The first is that it's a battery powered craft like our airbus, with immense range. So no more annoying shit where a mission is just out of reach, and we still don't have to pay for fuel, which is nice. Really fast ships can burn through chems or hellerium quite quickly. Another bonus is that it's submersible, so we can finally go on some underwater missions. Those have never been amazing in my experience, but they tend to be fairly easy and might have some unique loot, so I'm inclined to do them when possible. The toughness and 4x repair speed would seem to indicate this makes for a good combat ship but... it's got no dodge, it's too slow to catch or escape a lot of ships, and worst of all... it doesn't have any weapon slots. At least, not for weapons we possess right now. So that's a bust. It's also got 12 crew slots, which is pretty decent We can field proper teams now, maybe even through in a hyena rider or recon car. I've got gripes with the ship layout too, but we'll get into that later. It's certainly a huge step up from the airbus.

Also, researching this thing unlocked Shadowtech. Which is a big deal! I've normally unlocked shadowtech by interrogating gnomes, which can give access to some other nice ships much earlier, especially on the no drill route. Or, you know, if the RNG is nice and sends you a random gnome. The one we got for starting in blackmarch was sadly already recruited, so that wasn't an option.

Also, I kind of glossed over it in the last update, but we've got chainmail now, which totally changes how I can approach missions. Stuff like these wimpy traitors, bandits and the like basically can't hurt us any more. I can now spend way less IRL time doing these, just rushing forwards and bashing heads with impunity. Also great for training weak weapon skills. Doesn't matter if you accuracy is shit if you can get to point blank and spend 3 turns trading shots. AND eating a bunch of shotgun blasts will train our gal of steel titles, giving us even more armour. WIN WIN WIN. If you're playing your own campaign, I'd say this is the single biggest thing to try and get. It's like getting the power armour in the vanilla game.

Our turtle ship can't mount guns or most accessories, but being battery powered we can give it an overcharger for a bit more speed at the cost of range, which is nice.

Some research gleaned from a bandit. Apparently these turrets don't have spotter like I thought, only sniper. So as long as no enemy spotters are around, we can attack them with impunity being their shitty nightvision range. Also, damned things are very tanky.

Specs on the beastmasters. We'll get details on gold shields later, but even with that aside, this is nice armour and they have both spotter and sniper, making them terrifying to attack as not getting a killshot basically ensures a retaliation from them and every other beastmaster and high ranking church elites.

The Matrons at least don't have spotter or sniper, but they are fairly well armored as well, and 16 NV is pretty damned good.

Time to reveal another nice feature of the mod. Ship loudout previews!

Basically, we can set up how we want our soldiers to deploy at the start of a mission. So we can put snipers near windows or roof hatches, melee near the ramps and doors, medics stashed safely in the equipment closet, etc. The downside is this needs to be done every time you change the crew, which can get tedious quickly. Still a huge advantage, and arguably a necessity for the larger, more complex ships.

Went on a shambler hunt and realized the chainmail does have one major flaw: It's got 200% damage from environmental heat/cold, and doesn't even have a hat slot to compensate. Makes these pretty rough, especially the heat ones, which will compound the low energy regen in this heavy armour. Less energy per turn = more turns spent = more freshness lost to heat = even less energy per turn. It's a vicious cycle. Cold is a bit more managable at least.

Oh good, that's not ominous at all.

With these guys examined we can harvest their essence and hides, but I've got no use for them as of yet. Didn't even do anything in combat. Bah.

So aside from having windws and awkward assymetrical doors, this ship also has headlights. I hate headlights. At least there's a nice shadowy gap between them here, but if a spotter saw me walk through the light, that doesn't help much.

Speaking of spotters, this sniper has another wand. Turned out to be a wand of pain. Seems like zeppelins always have a dude with a wand? Pretty cool, but we need voodoo first to use them. Definitely wish I had shot more of these down, the swarm of wmpy bandits is basically a great xp and title farm, and the turrets can be managed by staying out of sight, not hitting highwaymen (those are the bandit spotters, along with b-boys) and eventually taking the turret down by sneaking around corners and bashing it with hammers or bombs.

Another one of the really weird titles. Never seen any others mention favour with the gods. Not sure if that's a real effect or just flavour.

Time for our first water mission!

We're pretty prepared, having researched the frogman suits. They're great underwater, with a built in oxygen tank that can recover stun damage both on themselves and adjacent allies. Also highly mobile and decent vision.

The brainer outfit has even better vision, along with a built in motion scanner, the usual brainer mind probe thing, and excellent vision stats that are great for spotting sneaky fish and fish men.

Though it turns out neither fish nor fishmen are to be had here. It's just a handful of zombies in a crashed UFO. These poor bastards can't even swim (some of our outfits, like the spacsuit, aren't able to swim either, and just walk along the floor) meaning they're just pincushions. Underwater weapons are fairly restricted, guns not working obviously nor a bunch of other stuff like first aid kits; but thrown weapons work great, and both harpoon guns and xbows are options for crew with only firing skill, even if they're fairly bad options.

Got in a scan on the zombie since it was such an easy run. As you can see, absolute shit TUs make their mobility crap, but they're bullet sponges.


Some underwhelming loot but I can imagine this being a nice option if you start in a place that unlocks these missions right away and specialize in them for a while.

Another foe researched. These guys are absolute bastards, and 30 NV makes them the rare enemy that can outdo even our night-ops vision. Well, match it anyways.

Hey, remember this mission? We've got peasants this time! And gear and a ship that can send more than 6 of the hapless sods.

Only 3 of these peasants is properly trained past 40 or so accuracy, however we've made up for a lack of skill with an abundance of firepower. Grenade launchers, shotguns both auto firing and with nuclear buckshot, and high quality SMGs all around. Even gave one of the trained peasants a UAC rocket launcher. Bring it on!

Oh wow, we even have this awesome roof to snipe from. This is looking pretty doable, as long as the enemy isn't a bunch of snipers with excellent nightvision. I'd have come in the day but was worried it would timeout, I already had to wait 2 days for some peasants to finish their basic gun training.


It turned out our foes were just some wimpy vanilla zombies. Not even a fat zombie in sight. Way, way easier than I was expecting.

There are some civillians too, so a perfect score isn't a complete foregone conclusion. We'll certainly lose a bunch to the zombies.

But all in all, it's pretty easy. Electro flares, explosives and nuclear buckshot start plenty of fires and creat lots of light. We've basically entered a massive shooting gallery, and only we brought guns.

In the end, we manage to save half of them Not bad!

Tons of xp, although it's mostly jus stuff we'd get rom training anyways. Belem Belle got a nice +6 though, despite already being highly trained. Must have scored a lot of kills.


I don't know what a Genius Loci is, but I want more of them!


Lets get this tech finished too, maybe it will...


Yes! THIS is the tech I needed earlier to get stuff like the WW2 era dogfighters we can build. Not much point now, but good to know for future reference, and I'm sure these will be useful techs down the line eventually.

Speaking of dogfighters, these have started patrolling around. At 420 speed, they're not a real threat to our airbus, and would be too fast for the little bird to catch. However, they're just food for our Pirahna!

They only carry a measely 2 crew as well, making for trivially easy cleanup missions. Even if the rewards aren't great, milk runs like that are great for running at night to build up that nightengale title for extra nightvision.

Finished this one up as well.

No useful unlocks yet, but I'm sure it's a worthwhile path.

These guys we rescued turned out to be useless. Low ransom, no intel, and take a long time to enslave with no loot. Awful.

Time for another underwater mission, and our first level C bounty hunt! Down to the cold deep below!


Aug 5, 2009
Project: Eternity Shadorwun: Hong Kong Divinity: Original Sin 2 Pathfinder: Kingmaker
FUUU my second base get a base assault, followed by another base assault 2 days later. Not even enough time to replace the dogs. First by academy, then by ratmen (they had some really sneaky git with a flame smg, and so many dogs and bloodhounds). My 8 peasants took out 14 of the ratmen invaders, including a suicide bombing of the one with the flame smg (didn't even see him, but he was blocking going up a ladder) and 2 bloodhounds, but that wasn't even half the invading complement.

Going for a second base before trap corridors / interceptors feels like it was a mistake. More of a liability than a benefit.

Daylight bandit missions are insane. 20+ enemies, everyone can see everything turn 1. I took so much frickin damage clearing a tower at night(that was mostly my bad, the lp made me think it was an easy mission and the enemies just kept clown-car-ing out of the tower), followed immediately by a downed zeppelin at day (it was in the arctic circle, so no nighttime remotely possible). Can confirm the 14mm turrets are tanky as fuck, I almost ran out of morale on every single gal before taking two of them out, because they soaked so many frickin bullets and lasers. Thankfully the map layout let me clear everything before even getting into their firing arcs, but had to take out one from long range with popamole tactics. Necroplane parts will hopefully be nice though, cause I'm down to 8 spikes on my only AIRSPEEDER compatible weapon.

I managed to scrape together enough mutant tokens for alliance favors, hello skyranger my old friend.

But I'm now down to 3 fighters, everyone else is stuck in sickbay. I really wish I had enough supplies for the hospital. Or weed for an onsen. At least my research is doing ok-ish otherwise.
Here's a bit of a protip techdump on how to unlock missions:
I have all of those, except the ones I can't get due to interrogations being missing (never encountered a ratman for example).
First option. Make sure to convert castaways to brainers since they cost 200k rather than 50k.
Lul, didn't even notice that. Makes a lot of sense, I've wasted so much money on brainers :(

Useful hotkey: Ctrl 0-9 to save a loadout for a soldier and 0-9 to load it. Insanely useful considering it saves to your save file. You can have your stun/melee/smg/rifle/shotgun loadouts all ready to throw onto whoever needs it on any mission.
That is really good. The autofill keeps giving melee weapons to my least melee capable gals, and just generally poor decisions.

That turtle ship would be so good if not for the lights. If it has lights it is a bad mode of transport.
Jan 7, 2012
Turtle looks pretty decent. 12 crew spots, doors to two angles, no windows (I think?), Amazing range too. I picked it because I figured with a name like that it wouldn't be one of those dumb multi-role combat ships with <6 troops. The way I'd play it is definitely a lot of turtling, only leaving the ship on hard missions after several turns of clearing whatever I could while still ending my turn inside the ship. Sniper/spotter doesn't matter if you're behind a wall... I hope.

12 soldiers will really accelerate your XP gains since best overall gain rate is to have everyone just do one or two things a mission rather than a few gals who wrack up 10 kills apiece. For those milk runs with only 2-4 easy enemies I'd recommend having a full stack of domestic/police shotguns with rubber bullets as a loadout saved. Set up a firing line and reap massive stat gains from 2-3 turns of firing.

Having a spear ready might solve it.
The 2 tile range of a spear won't reach there, because the game calculates diagonal distance properly. A pike would work though, they have range 3. Less good for point blank obviously, but I find knives are more than enough for melee against most targets, and swapping a knife in and out of the quickslot is practically free. Just put it away at the end of your turn for full pike/gun/bow accuracy.

It does work, just not represented well there since the door should have no height, it's a 1 x 2 attack which is valid. And you shouldn't need more accuracy I think, base spear accuracy is already 150% and since its not adjacent the enemy has no defense roll and even if you're slightly off you're firing an invisible bullet that will still likely "hit" the target. Even with starting gal stats one handed firing it is like shooting an 80% accuracy pistol from 2 tiles away, it's gonna hit. From what I've seen if you have both a gun and a melee weapon the melee weapon is preferred for point blank attacks so rapier + spear should be using the optimal weapon for both ranges.
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Damned Registrations

Furry Weeaboo Nazi Nihilist
Feb 24, 2007
Unlike our last water mission, this one has a lot of complex terrain, with buildings enemies could be hiding in. Having buildings this close to our vessel is actually a little sketchy, fortunately the gals all have swimsuits now, so they have the mobility to check them out.


Nothing was nearby, but something did take a potshot from the dark after our turn was over! I honestly wasn't expecting this; I've never encountered ranged enemies underwater thus far.

These guys are the weakest variety of deep ones, stats wise anyways, but they are smart enough to use crossbows. Fortunately, their aim is absolute dogshit. They do have a vision advantage on us though, except perhaps vs the brainer outfit, which isn't very mobile.

Our long range options are also pretty crap. We've only got a single coral crossbow and it's being researched at the moment. Normal crossbows and harpoon guns have short range and crap accuracy and damage.
On the bright side, most of these enemies (much easier to see in night vision mode where their colours don't blend in so well) only have melee weapons.

They also have frustratingly high bravery, so routing them isn't really an option. We'll need to hunt all the squirrely fuckers down in this terrain while risking very high damage crossbow bolts to our basically unarmored crew. At least the gals have the heath to take a hit. Probably.

A particularly sketchy moment here, had to swim very far to make this attack, if it failed to kill we'd have certainly eaten a bolt.

The stun damage buildup over time in the water missions sounds scary, but it's actually not that big a deal for the gals even without proper breathing gear. It certainly incentivizes going a bit faster, but that's a good idea anyways for the glamour and freshness bonuses. We finished this mission without ever using oxygen to recover the stun. It's also a bit safer in that something bringing you to half health will knock you out instead of attacking again and potentially killing you. We'd probably be better off in the long run if we always had like 20 baseline stun damage at all times.

A dozen enemies, no captives this time. Not a big deal, we can find more of these guys easily.

Loot is mostly unimpressive... except for the old money we were sent here for. That'll be a nice ~500 tokens with the goblin faction.

Oh, and everyone got the diver title! This is actually quite a nice one for how easy it is to get.

We unlock alchemy after researching a monster eyeball. Interesting. Might lead to one of the better restoratives, or interact with the green codex in some way. It goes onto the active research pile.

We finish this up too, but it merely unlocks the next step in shield research. That'll take a while to get fruitful results, so it goes back on the medium term list. The explanation of how shields work was very helpful my first time around, however.

Hmm, a medium ship landed nearby. I don't normally like daytime landings, but with our chainmail it's an option, and the ship might be some crappy mining vessel we can easily overwhelm and loot.

Well fuck, those aren't miners. It's a government ship, which means government enforces, lots of them. And we'll need to take the agents alive or suffer extra penalties on top of the ones we'll receive anyways for fucking with them. Still, I would like a crack at some enforcer interrogations...

But they've got some decent weaponry and too large numbers for a daylight brawl. We took relatively light damage for soaking 8 people's reactipon fire here, and could probably win the battle of attrition, but all the injuries won't be worth the rewards. We bail.

Amusingly, we do get some titles even for just that one potshot. Though the gal of steel is the only one of these I really wanted.

Another unexpected unlock! Patient outfit revealed this. I know what it does, and it's a great one. I'll go into more detail when it actually finishes.

I'm curious if these are entirely flavour text or reflect some actual mechanics running in the background that influence missions or events in some way. That would be impressive indeed if the system is that complicated, but given the rest of the mod I won't rule it out.

We've had time to research some of our better weapon options. First up are the laspistols, the weakest of the laser weapons. Even these are quite respectable. They're also very lightweight, making them great options for loknaars if we ever put a spelunking crew together. Getting the good advanced ammo is a bit annoying though. Enemies tend to carry them, but we can't buy or manufacture them.

The Blowpipe is an odd duck. It's one handed, and so tiny you can fit them even in single tile inventory slots. They're actually often easier to drop and replace than reload. The damage ignores a lot of armour and can be a decent chunk in the right hands at close range, but at that point it's usually better to just close the gap and use melee. Still, for the low oppurtinity cost, I end up carrying these around on a lot of people and they get used more than you'd expect. The damage scaling is very weired, theoretically going negative at high enough stamina numbers, not that those seem plausible aside from maybe a hyena rider. At 100 stamina, you're getting +26 damage, while at 200 it'd be +32 and 300 would end up at a measely +8. And the accuracy is basically perfect even with middling throwing, which makes it a good way to train that. Lastly, quad shock damage means this does about 1 part health and 2 parts stun damage, along with causing a lot of freshness loss, which is rarely relevant. It's a way of knocking out targets too armored to daze with a club and immune to gas grenades, but it's fairly likely to cause death too.

Though nowhere near as likely to cause death as these puppies, which we acquired from the goblin bounty prize pool. With the default ammo (all we have access to atm) these will dish out 36+ 20% of our firing skill, putting them on par with sniper rifle damage. While they lack range compared to rifles and take longer to fire than other pistols, I think they'll be an excellent option for our armoured shock troops, which have no firing bonuses and therefore could use the accuracy, and the damage will be reliable vs the tougher targets we're starting to face. They deal a bit more than usual stun damage too, so that will help with captures if only a little.

And besides, they're god damned stylish.


An easy crackhouse mission gives us a chance to play with some of our new toys. The blowdart isn't great damage for the TU cost here, but it'll be good throwing practice, which slut could use.


You can see here how much the damage drops off at longer range. It's basically useless beyond 5 tiles, and ideally only used within about 3, even though the accuracy is amazing even out to like 10 or something.

We also have this 'upgrade' to the basic spear. I don't usually use these. They take up less invetory space and hit harder, but are way less accurate, missing a flat +50 to the calculation the spear has, and eat up a ton more energy to swing. However, it works on a hyena rider, which I brought along to eat some bullets and give the gals a chance to practice their doctoring skills. Also, the pike is actually really good at piercing armour. If you need a primitive way to bust open a tank or turret, this'll do in a pinch.

Nice, finally another crack at catgirls!

We'll be bringing our new light sniper rifles along with the boys for this one, as we're likely to encounter a ton of weak foes. That's just how these missions tend to be. The lower accuracy and slightly lower damage on the light rifles is basically a non issue at high skill levels, since they'll one or two shot anything the rifle could have taken out in the same round anyways.

The main advantage of the heavy rifles is access to the AP ammo for taking down turrets or really heavy armour. Well, that and the awesome sounds they make. BOOM.

Another horde of B-Boys. Perfect. This is a radioactive ooze map too, which is great for our purposes.


The boys can use the light to pick off enemies from way beyond their nigtvision. And the light rifles are enough to one shot these little shits reliably.

Even Strange Fellow gets in on the action with his stun bolts, using the cockpit window. Craft windows are inherently a bad thing if you've got room to keep empty space behind them, as crouching next to one is generally safe (unless there's a building overlooking it) enabling some popamole tactics. However, you can also get eaten by spiders (or sliced to bits by a catgirl, if you recall) through the windows so I tend not to favour them, especially ground level windows.

The radioactive terrain here fucks up shields, which is a non-issue, and damage freshness, but that damage seems quite low.


Sadly, there were only 2 catgirls here, and one died on the first turn in the far corner of the map despite our efforts to draw fire to our invincible knights. At least we picked up some decent xp. Though the gals are basically capped in all their basic stats now.

Oasis also hit an interesting milestone: Legendary (rank 10) of the Supersize title, rewarded for having high stats. So just how high are these stats? Well here's the bonuses just from titles alone:

Still don't have any armour titles besides what she started with. We'll have to throw her in front of some shotguns to fix that. That +5 night vision is insane though. Almost tempted to put her in night-ops gear to witness the 25 tile night range. Though it's obviously a huge boon in the chainmail too.

And one last treat to cliffhang on- our (potentially) next ship has been researched. The speed is way better, making it viable as a gunship if we get some decent light guns or bombs. It's also submersible like the turtle, but carries a few less crew. 9 is still passable though, and hits a sweet spot for a certain mission type iirc. Nice radar coverage, but it uses actual (helerium or chem?) fuel I think. Lastly, the hallucinogen gas defenses sound very intriguring, I've never seen something like that on a ship. If it works like the firetrap rooms, it's a potent weapon, but potentially a double edged sword. Might be good with smoke-ops gear? We don't quite have the cash to be buying this on a lark though, so I think we'll look at the scarab before deciding...


Aug 5, 2009
Project: Eternity Shadorwun: Hong Kong Divinity: Original Sin 2 Pathfinder: Kingmaker
All those ship look damn fine. I think it's a bit hard to tell with the craft weapons what can be slotted onto where. I rush-built a gecko mount because there was a weird civilian ship I wanted to take a crack at (and I am out of ammo on my spike launcher), but it can't be mounted there.

Can someone remind me how damage rolls works? What weapons use 50-150% and which ones use 0-200%?
Jan 7, 2012
All explosive is 50-150% (makes sense how can someone standing on the grenade take no damage while someone on the edge does?). Ranged tends to be 0-200% and melee 50-150%. The ANAL button can tell you which is which, there's plenty of exceptions.

Worm looks interesting. I like the sound of TU drain. But giving up crew capacity is always a tough call. Can always be taking more soldiers to get more training.

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