The loot from the first phase was underwhelming, to say the least. But they did leave us a plasma scorcher, which I meant to bring a couple of but forgot. We'll take it along.
Hmm, fairly standard base entrance room. Sounds good to me.
Aww, what the fuck is this shit? I assumed 'split up' meant two parties. We've got... 5. Bottom right:
Top right:
Top left:
Bottom left. And at different elevations. And the map is huge on all axis. Fuck.
Probably the most interesting spawn point. I'll definitely try breaching that wall. Doesn't seem to be any obvious exits. Better hunker down for turn one though.
The fanciest of rooms. Would rather know what's beyond these doors.
Oh. Hi. I'm not interrupting am I?
Well, we found a source of photon blades. Probably a bad idea to have run towards these guys. Oops.
Damn, I'm suddenly filled with an overwhelming desire to capture these guys. I wonder if they'd have spawned in a silver tower ship?
Welp, not that overwhelming an urge apparently. Watching him swivel the chair while failing to shoot me was funny. Shuck and jive!
And the proper entrance runs immediately into turrets. Great.
Well, I'm happy there's a bunch of cool new units though. New to me anyways. I'm guessing at least half this shit is from previous games.
Damn these are tanky, that was a full auto and it didn't go down.
Took some counter fire trying to finish it off, and of all people Belle was the one with TUs to spare for using the space medipack.
Respectable stats, but nothing overwhelming. Bet they have good resists and health regen though.
Seems these mostly rely on incredibly strong shields.
The guys on the right side have these obnoxiously long corridors to go through, which make me fight between wasting turns doing one door at a time, and risking walking into a barracks with no TUs left.
Reinforcements right off the bat.
...and offscreen fighting? And death? What the flying fuck? Do we have allies? Is Saya in there fucking shit up? Sounds like melee.
Well that's not a good place for a melee merc to be. Guess I should have guarded our rear.
Oh wait, I did, but they spawned into the room with full TUs and overwhelmed us.
Well, the good news is, this difficulty is more in line with the other HQ missions.
Lost Andjnord and a Bugeye.
That's not a good teammate to allow under mind control. At least he didn't fire at us point blank.
Was almost about to take him out with the death ray, but I managed to put him to sleep with a toxi-lance I brought along mostly to bypass blue shields. Lucky.
More lasers eventually takes out a turret or two. This would have been much, much easier with 3 XECs instead of 1.
Weirdly, this guy didn't attack us on their turn. Easy pickings.
And a nice upgrade!
Really really long hallwayathon finally ends. Or rather, it changes and has an elevator now. We'll regroup in the room before it.
And behind the tempting blue panel is... a BRAND NEW SPACESHIP!!!
Featuring state of the art plasma cannons, this space ship has everything you need to repel rebel pirates and suppress Earth for thousands of years in comfort and style!
Bet that hurts. Lets try to not get hit by those.
Seems like the bridge? Can't see anyone inside though, so no sniping the governor from here, sadly.
And another new breed of star god. This time with golden shields! Again I ask myself: could I have encountered one of these earlier? Could we have arrived with even better tech?
We also get a sense of the whole map layout now. The ship takes up the vast bulk of it.
Seems lightly guarded aside from the turrets, which aren't facing us. May as well take out a guard or two before returning to our hidey hole.
That's not in the plan.
Oh shit. More well guarded than thought, apparently. At least the tank didn't see us.
And we have a problem. We dropped down 2 floors when we went through the wall. Shit.
Luckily there's a nearby door. This is fine. Everything is fine.
Luka takes some potshots without walking outside.
Golden shields are a great counter for us, honestly. I thought about bringing gauss guns to bypass some, but having never seen them on anything but the church, figured it wouldn't be necessary. The shredder does stabbing, which is halved, but it gets the job done.
The turrets have blue shields. We take some pot shots, trusting that ship turrets will have shit reactions and won't turn to face us. We can probably whittle them down over time if we need to, as long as we don't let them turn to us. Turrets never seem to turn without a target to fire on.
Seems it might be a good plan to make holes here too for a nice crossfire. Though the room is so big, we won't really be able to crossfire on much.
The command centre or whatever Lenneth's squad cut through doesn't have any obvious spot to cut it's way into the main room, sadly.
Are these going to be every turn? Could get sketchy if so.
More random fighting/death. Very baffling.
...and I forgot to move Manatee out of the room she killed the mercs in. She's now getting lit up by multiple mercs, including one with an elite plasma gun. Fuckfuckfuckfuck.
Thankfully they don't all go after her, and she survives the turn.
At least we've got that infinite freshness thing still going. Wish I'd known to expect that, could be heavily abused.
Manatee got fucked up a fair bit, but still has plenty of health. Lack of armour will suck going forward, but we're still in good shape overall.
Pressing a head a bit, we find six more turrets. Fucking hell. They definitely expected this squad to have more tanks.
Lenneth's team pops down the big elevator from the command room and finds a yellow area? Suspicious. Multiple doors too, and could fit a tank. Better be careful.
Above the corridors we find some nice sniper nests, with no enemies to be found. Would be great, except none of our blaster launchers are here. Hell, I'd take a nuke launcher; there's enough room in there to fire it, surprisingly enough.
Scientists are flimsy, as expected. Lot of voodoo power though, and more seem to be showing up.
Also spotted one of these boys. This is what I was expecting for the final mission. Gonna be rough taking these out.
These seem to be more like grunts. Still, they've got heavy plasma. Even the shitty grunts are potentially deadly.
Strangely, they don't seem interested in following Orcinator into the side room he's hiding in. The cave has a hole that drops down into it, so we can probably abuse them pretty hard.
No extra enemies this turn, thankfully. It's a real pain trying to deal with them spawning in your midst like that. At least it only seems to be in the one room. Well, probably a bunch of other places too, but nowhere else behind our teams.
Le fuck? We're nowhere near there. Our mysterious allies?
Seems to be a scripted event? Our ship attacking? Nekomimi allies?
Found this guy in another elevator in the long hallways.
He's got a very nice gun. Seems we have a blaster launcher to use from a sniper nest after all. Better secure the area first though.
Dead bodies? Are our allies over here? The explosions came from up ahead...
Well fuck, that's certainly not an ally.
Something hit us with melee while walking in here. Invisible enemy? But we've got tons of spot and are right here... it's in fact the blue tiles. They're trapped and slice whatever walks on them. Good thing red shields shrug that shit off.
Big ol' pile of mercs. I decide to look through the bodies for nice weapons, but don't find much. If anything, I should grab some of our own guns from this room. Not a lot of carrying space right now though.
But blaster bombs will work a treat at these turrets, if we don't fuck up the shots.
Jaedar doesn't have a launcher, but the scorcher is arguable even better at this end of the room, we're able to rain death down on the tanks here.
Turrets indeed have shit reactions, but a lot of health.
Tanks have less health but way more armour. Which is easier to kill is mostly a wash. We honestly might be better off making a run for it to get inside the ship instead. But anything could be in there, including a bunch more turrets or a firing squad.
Fuck, was worried about the sectopod walking in to kill us, but infantry showed up instead. It goes down instantly to the photon blade reaction but-
Now we're exposed.
This is quite bad though, Lenneth's team is too small to be losing members, especially with fucking sectopods in the way.
To help us out, this tank hovers up into line of sight of our cave team and eats shit for it.
And instead of us getting wiped out by the sectopod here, the enemy suicides some guys onto the blue tiles and the sectopod wanders off. Maybe it's too smart to walk onto the traps?
More mercs spawn in, but we've got a killbox on them now. Death rays tear them apart effortlessly. Turkish Ronin is going to have quite the kill count from this mission.
The sectopod apparently came back. Seems like a good chance to take it out with everyone here at full TUs.
Elite plasma takes down the shields, and Lenneth unloads with the hammer 3 times... no dice. Fuck. It even reaction fired and kill part of our cover.
I try this in a desperate bid to finish it, but no dice.
Meanwhile over here scientists seem to be popping out of thin air. Orcinator picks off the one on the right.
Some scorcher support softens the rest up, but no kills.
At the end of the north hallway, we find another long ass hallway, mercifully empty of enemies. And a strange patch of wall.
A bit further down is the room that blew up. No idea what happened here. We could have gotten close enough to watch it if we sprinted here, I think.
Belatedly, it occurs to me to mind orb the sectopod and see how fucked up it is. We came close to killing it, but it's still got a good chunk of armour.
We also spied what must have been under the explosions from before? As the sectopod leaves instead of killing us. Another lucky break.
We follow a different elevator down to the ground floor of this room and get a better picture of this side of the ship. Another sectopod here, and mercs instead of star gods.
Also this guy. I want that spear!
I'm not sure whether to complain about the reinforcements or praise the difficulty. I can't say they don't make sense.
Gandalf fails to take out a turret and pays for it. This room is rough, but we can't really spare the XEC to handle it for us. At least 2 turrets are facing away.
Another well placed blaster shot. They'd be better spent on the tanks and ship turrets though, I think.
Oh great, another, BIGGER turret. At least it's facing away.
Manatee is recovering. Not full yet, but enoguh to take a shot or two. No real way to help with the turrets though.
I managed to spot this door over here, which would have been inaccessible if not for the turrets (or maybe the XEC?) blasting a hole in the barricade. Seems like a route to bypass the turret room! Not enough room for the XEC though. Well, unless we can MAKE some room...
Gandalf nearly died from the two mini turret shots, but armour is still mostly okay. After a few turns, will be fine.
Turkish Ronin has been doing great, but freshness has run out, sadly. Holding the mercs off now will be rough. Maybe I dedicate Manatee to the task? I think she could kill the whole spawn of them each turn solo...
Orcinator got a lttile overzealous and ate a shot from the ship cannons. Managed to survive though!
We slash the wall and find a secret passage? And in the burnt out room we spot a merc captain, who dies easily to the chaos dagger bypassing his red shields.
The secret room has... whatever this is? I've no idea what this is meant to be. Maybe an alternate spawn point for the other ship or some other mission? It can't have been an enemy spawn room because it was sealed up.
A full auto from above manages to delete a hovertank. Really should have brought a scorcher or two.
Crazy that this is only turn seven. I've had base invasions where we're still at the spawn point on turn seven, and ones where we've had fewer kills by turn 30. I guess this is what you get from a 36 slot ship invasion across 5 access points.
Robroy manages to find another path to the ground. Again, hallway is empty, thankfully. Once we've got the area mostly mapped out we can spend turns dumping all our TUs instead of leaving people on overwatch all over the place.
Up above we find another connection, to the same hall from the other side. There's a 3 tile wide tunnel entering over here though... fishy. Still, if we can connect the squads, we'll be much better off. We can abandon the north side I think, pull everyone to the south, and make a push to get into the ship from there.
Our herder staff catgirl sadly hasn't found any targets yet. If we can get her into a room with mercs or even mutons or eridians, probably, she'll be incredibly valuable I think. Also, I've no idea why that one single pod is yellow.
Lenneth's team pushes ahead trying to catch the sectopod but finds this at the bottom of an elevator. Shit. I'd love to kill it while it's back is turned, but I don't want all those doors to open and have soldiers flood out while we have no TUs.
Orcinator gets rescued by the local catgirl and brought to safety to be healed. Still going to be very badly injured I think. Maybe we can give Luka's vampire sword to her so she can heal up?
Manatee spots a merc engineer in an unexplored room below. It's got another blaster multilauncher. Getting that would be very, very helpful.
The nubiran guardians seem to have decent stats, but are fairly fragile. Definitely a high target priority. High reactions too.
Sectopod gets a plasma shower, but survives. Still, stripping the shields and taking potshots from the cave room should have left it wounded.
The bridge has been pretty well exposed by now, and no sign of the captain this whole time. Still, I'm getting mroe tempted to rush inside this thing the longer this goes on. Reinforcements don't seem to be slowing much, if at all, and we're losing people as we gain ground. I doubt whatever is in there will be worse than all the tanks and turrets outside. Might need to make some big sacrifice play with the slower members drawing fire while the faster ones run ahead. I'm also not sure if the various coloured tiles around the ship are actually relevant or just decorative.
I need a breather. Many hours of both fighting and writing have left my brain a bit fried. Best not to try finish this now, lest we risk failure.