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In Progress X-Piratez! Ironman! No spoilers! Oldschool X-COM Total Conversion with mutant amazon pirates. Death to the star gods!

Damned Registrations

Furry Weeaboo Nazi Nihilist
Feb 24, 2007
At the start of the enemy turn, we're already under rapid laser fire. Fortunately, they seem to be aiming for brother frank, who is crouched behind our window. Their hit chance is slim and they miss all the shots.


Our turn rolls around and we spot this monstrosity. Never killed one before, not sure what their deal is. I'm going to go with 'durable' based on the appearance though. At least his gun is shit.

This gun is not shit. It's also not a laser gun. So who the fuck has that?

We bust out the fire extinguisher to get back our night cover and add some smoke for good measure.

Disaster! Brother Frank is cut down by an enemy through the window. Melee is a bit jank, working perfectly fine through windows and often even closed doors. The fact that he went down in just a single hit also implies that whatever it was is god damned terrifying.

And it is indeed. That, gentlemen, is a catgirl in a motherfucking stealthsuit. We can only spot her from a ~4 tile radius. Combined with the fuso sword, she could easily wipe out our squad if we don't kill her ASAP.

We put some bullets in her but she miraculously remains standing. I try to knock her out with the fire extingusher spray but I think I didn't get close enough so it underperformed. We end up leaving it to Cleve to gun her down. A shame, catching that suit would have been amazing.

Meanwhile on the further edges of the map, Gandalf continues to light up the goon squad with fire arrows.

Cleave eats several laser rounds. It's obviously one of the lighter laser weapons or that would have finished him off. As it was, he loses a lot of health and armour.

Aha! Found the laser wielder, another stealthed catgirl. The laser trail actually gave away her position. We gun her down as well. Things are looking too dire to focus on captures at this point, even for such valuable targets.

I'd love to capture this guy too, but it seems in addition to being a god damned tank, his will is unbreakable. Even being set on fire fails to ruin his morale. A shame we didn't bring the brainer outfit.

The goons, on the other hand, have had enough of this shit. Fire arrows do a lot of morale damage and they've lost several teammates besides.

The bugbear reveals he had more than just a shitty gun- he throws a powerful explosive right on top of Gandalfina. Probably dynamite, since a satchel charge does insane damage.

Aside from the fuckton of damage, it actually formed a god damned crater, trapping our gal inside. We could maybe dig out with a pickaxe, but honestly, we'll just use the hole as cover, she's not in any shape to take another hit.

Luckily, our last gal is still in decent shape. Time for a rifle upgrade!

There seem to be few enemies left, so I move Jade up under the ramp, since they're likely inside the ship. NOPE. She earns an ass full of laser bolts.

Rather than flee though, we take the chance to lob a stasis grenade on top of where the shots came from. It's a bingo, and the catgirl taking the potshots gets knocked out!

We find this dashing fellow on the other side of the map. He's got fairly shit weapons, but we've got so many people on the edge of death I still won't risk it.


The key to shooting first, is to not miss and use a giant fucking gun. Captain never stood a chance.

Pierre puts our surgery kit to good use.

This has dragged on enough I'm getting worried, so we pull back to our stash to start grabbing the toys we can't replace. First up is the robo parrot to spot for us.


Next up is this proximity grenade. I armed it, intending to drop it and have cleve toss it onto the ramp. I then realized that walking onto an armed proximity grenade is a bad idea. Fortunately, apparently just standing around with an armed proxy grenade is totally fine, so we avoid turning our gal into chunky salsa.

We spot the last goon standing and take him out with another sniper round.

Not much infamy for such a brutal fight, but the loot was worth it!

30mm cannon parts and ammo, a hover suit, fuso sword, 2 laspistols, 4 assault rifles with AP rounds, 3 assault SMGs,

Combat drugs, tons of plastasteel and hellerium, a ship engine, 4 slave AI, a moonflower and smuggler strongbox (we can't research that without blowing it up, sadly, its trapped) 2 goons that might, if we're lucky, spill the beans on the box, and a hostile Catgirl. Not a bad haul! We got that sniper rifle too, not listed since it was equipped in the fight. That thing is easily the best prize here, being strong enough to kill people in power armour from across the map and potentially being accurate enough for 100% snapshots on unseen targets.

We in fact have so much loot (engines are large) that we ran out of space. Fortunately, there's a great QoL feature: hold down Ctrl while selecting an item category in the top left and it will sort things by unit size. Some other hotkeys allow for other sorting methods, like size of the combined stack, or sale values.

We also got some promotions! The gnome being our highest ranked memer is hilarious, she's been on like 3 missions. Pretty sure it's due to her crazy stats.

Also, RIP Brother Frank. You may have died on your first mission, but the sacrifice wasn't in vain. We got some awesome weaponry from it.

We now have our first repeatable method of recruiting a gal. Unfortunately, it's shit. We can trade 250 glamour in to recruit a veteran. However, we need that glamour for other things, and it's slow to acquire. Still might do this at some point if things remain this difficult.

I opt to unlock underwater missions too, thinking that might be Onsen related. I was wrong, but these missions have their own perks anyways, and we could handle some well enough once we get a way to reach them.

Which this tech will probably give us. Well, that's low priority too.

Ah, I think this is where that old earth voodoo leads. So its something like research a bunch of book objects > Old Earth Voodoo >

Onsens! This explains why I could get it early. Interrogating hoes can give you the above tech for free if I'm not mistaken, unlocking onsens incredibly soon.

Oh shit. This is an attack on our secondary base. It doesn't even have a radar yet.

Fuck! What moron put a crew quarters in the opposite corner of the map from the access lift?

Well, this is a bit dire. We do have about a dozen men here with carbines and sprayguns, which should be effective against the rats and dogs. But 40 vs 12 is some bad odds, especially since they're going to get all over the sewers and tunnels. We might have to pull back and hide in a room somewhere to deal with this, and will definitely take a lot of losses. I didn't even remember to buy bandages or armour.

Wish them luck!


May 5, 2012
Fuck! What moron put a crew quarters in the opposite corner of the map from the access lift?
Yeah I was wondering why you didn't build the crew quarters and the smaller rooms infront of the larger plots considering the sewer levels as well last update.

Damned Registrations

Furry Weeaboo Nazi Nihilist
Feb 24, 2007
Fuck! What moron put a crew quarters in the opposite corner of the map from the access lift?
Yeah I was wondering why you didn't build the crew quarters and the smaller rooms infront of the larger plots considering the sewer levels as well last update.
I think I just wasn't worried about an invasion, honestly. I expected to have better defenses by now, like uber bees or a flame trap or something.


Sep 24, 2014
It never fails to amuse me how Smuggler parties are led by Totally Not Han Solo™ flying in the Totally Not Millenium Falcon™ :lol:


power reduction with distance is only 3.
Gee, I thoght it worked like a sniper, no pwr reduction at all. This sucks. Dont even want to see it.
Dojo is built. We can now gradually accrue stats on a dozen of our hands, provided they aren't wounded
When I finished the game, freshness was just introduced so I didnt have to cycle but I found that dojos are pointless. The peasants had to spend the whole month in there and only get about 2 missions worth of stats (at b est!) and only in those particular stats. So I had it in the second base at first and the primary squad there was flying missions while the peasant-team sat in dojos. They were never a factor in base defense when I had 5 high level gals and a batallion of dogs with landmines.
So I moved it to a dedicated resort base where I shipped the injured gals to recover to and there it continued doing not much. When I needed that peasnt squad, I flew training missions and imo it took less irl time to get usable shit compared to all the clicking thinking assigning with dojos...

Apparently we're up against mercenaries
Not yet :>

Damned Registrations

Furry Weeaboo Nazi Nihilist
Feb 24, 2007
or something.
40 dogs with primed landmines...?
Oof. That'd be a -800 infamy hit. Assuming I could get landmines, which I can't. Or that they didn't chain react and blow up my own crew from some reaction fire. I do like the basic premise though, I might have to arrange for a couple of those.

I found that dojos are pointless.
I've found quite the opposite. I'll post a stat update so we can compare at the end of the month, but in my experience the dojo training is great both for topping off stats that are annoying to train (melee and throwing on my snipers) and getting new recruits started so they don't have to clog up a mission with their 40 TU 11 STR asses getting in everyone's way. I can see why they'd be a lot less valuable if you can just throw the same team back into every single mission though, you'd cap out very quickly that way and not have much incentive to train backup squads.

Onward to the LP!

So, our first dude runs out, and manages to kill a dog, after missing his first shot and accidentally killing a ratman. However, I miscounted the TUs available and he's now stuck like a fucking stump in the doorway, preventing everyone else from getting out to take shots. Fuck.

Not going to like, I figured our odds of success were maybe 50% tops and that was before I saw the second bloodhound. We are likely fucked.


Yeah... one bloodhound actually goes down to some lucky hits with one of our sprayguns (discount SMG) but the other one gets 5 guys killed in the first turn. Well, one of the 5 was shot by an ally when the melee direction flukily aimed the carbine at an ally.

Slave Soldiers usually have unshakable morale, not ticking down over time like everyone else. But after half the dozen got massacred, our morale is looking pretty shit. One of the remaing six in the far side drops his gun and flees. I can't find the fucking thing in the weedfarm where he fled from.


We do manage to gun down a few more dogs as they actually have to approach from a ways away in lit rooms. But both our guns and soldiers are shit. We're not toally hopeless- the enemies are also shit. Ratmen often kill their own allies with their shotguns and shit accuracy. If we can kill all the dogs and are clever, we might just manage to squeek on by.

NOPE. Too many fucking dogs. RIP weedfarm base.

Now, we have already extracted a fair bit of wealth back out of it, so it's not a total loss. But we're still in the hole probably half a million or so, not to mention the opportunity cost of the time it takes to build all this shit, since structures have to be built near other finished structures.

To make matters worse, I forgot to save some weed to get the next farm started. So we're back to one base with nearly 2 million monthly maintenance, only 400k to our name, and no weed to exploit. We do at least have wisdom canteens now, which will help us out on certain missions.

Another huge problem is that our roster is currently fucked. Those smugglers crippled nearly everyone on that mission. Half this month is going to be gone before we can even really do any more missions.

That said, I find a distress call and give it a shot, sending 3 boys and 3 dogs. We find one of these fuckers:

The mission is also in this mountainous terrain, making our snipers pretty useless. If we had melee gals, it'd be dangerous still, but more doable.


I get two dogs on top of him, but their teeth can't breach the armour. When his turn rolls around, he actually manages to shoot them both in melee. Pistols are better at that than other guns, but even so, pretty unlucky. Fuck this mission, not risking a wipe because they have a dude with a grenade launcher or some shit.

Not a great start.


On the flip side though, our tech is all coming together. Behold the mighty Onsen! Having this thing built will basically half the recovery time for both freshness and wounds on our elite hands. And it's 6 more dojo training slots!

Lore dump on the doctor that we escaped from.

We get a mission we can actually do: Blow up the farm. The briefing states not to attack the villagers, but it's actually fine as long as you don't knock them all out. I use a dog to cover one flank with barking to stall if he gets through there, and we circle around the other side to do the dirty work.

A small haul, but those apples are worth 23k each once we turn them into wine. We'd just run out of them too, so this kinda saved us fincanically. Otherwise we'd have had to start selling things I'd rather keep.

A rare mission type. I'm leery of this but also curious. I attempted it once and got utterly steamrolled, being shot from all sides and wiped out within a couple turns. However, that was probably with a completely shit crew. I think it rewards some kind of base stealth tech, which would be a godsend, but we've got no prayer of winning this mission right now and taking a peek and fleeing isn't an option. Hard pass.

We finally unlock worshop research. Flintlocks and Bombs was the last piece, which I hadn't suspected. Regardless, getting one up and running is top priority.

Some good luck at last!


2 hands to replace the once we lost is a fine blessing. Like the tourists, we can actually repeatedly interrogate castaways without using them up. But I opt to recruit them ASAP instead. We simply need the bodies right now.

Questioning the catgirl reveals to us the concept of interstellar travel. A bit lofty for us at the moment, but it will lead to smuggler contacts later that can sell us high tech wares.

It turns out the workshop wasn't needed for this step after all, which is good, because there's a bit of delay between using the drill and reaping it's benefits, which will include a second step that DOES need a workshop.

Behold the fresh meat. Better than a young uber, but still with pitiful stats compared to their predecessors. Ah well, they're still going to be immensely helpful.

We begin construction immediately, despite the high cost. Workshops will change everything.

Starting with this: Both of these pieces of gear will make our lives much, much easier.


We interrogate the goons too. Mayhaps we get a design for a high tech gun?

Nope, just some nightmare fuel. Thanks for that.

Oh great, I always wanted a huge vibrating black sphere.

A bit of a sketchy mission with our diminished crew, but we need the money. Infamy converts to money at the end of the month, so getting a big pile here will be just the thing.

We get a pretty decent layout, landing in a corner. The first ruffian we shoot down reveal another directly behind him. Easy training for our newest hires.

Or so I thought. Killing the second reveals a third, whose reaction fired SMG blasts turn Oasis790 into a corpse on the very first turn she got deployed. RIP. May 791 have better luck.

We also lose our fucking robo parrot, sniped out of the sky in the night, which seemed pretty fucking impossible to me.

It was this fucker, I later realize. These guys have the sniper trait. A dog has enough night vision to have spotted the bird for him, letting him take the shot. Bastard!

At the end of the day, we win without much more fuss though. These enemies are fairly weak, the main threat being the sketchy layout. We very carefully picked them off one after another from sniper nests until it was over. The apples should keep us going to another month, and the other food and infamry will let us end this month with a surplus, maybe even enough to get another base started.

Good stat training too after all those kills.


RIP Robo-Parrot. We'll probably never see one again in this playthouh, they're rare as fuck.

Behold, the best fucking armour in the game. We can't make it yet, since that requires a finished workshop, but the parts required aren't onerous so we'll get a full set once it is. This provides 5 armour over the rogue outfit, while giving + EIGHT nightvision, and 5 night camo. Meaning even a fresh swabbie has a 16 tile vision advantage over bandits as long as we stay in the dark. It's not foolproof, as some enemies are also night experts, and it has shit evasion and a hefty reactions penalty, but for abusing vision at night, this stuff is broken. It's even got respectable climate stats so we can bring it to jungles and tundras. AND it's low stress, meaning freshness won't degrade as fast. I want like 6 gals with this gear and sniper rifles ASAP.

Ah. It's finally time to start doing some of these spooky monster hunts. Why? Because the smugglers dropped us one more secret weapon we haven't revealed yet.

A motherfucking hover suit. Provided there are, in fact, nothing but spiders here and not a rival team of assholes with guns, a single person could solo this entire mission with a fucking spear. Hell, I could even use a dagger if I was careful where I landed, but that'd be really tedious. We haven't researched the suit yet so I can't show it's specs, but suffice to say, it has a bunch of drawbacks.

Crikey, that's a lot of spiders! Which is exactly what I wanted to see. It means we've got no rivals. Let the harvest begin!

Miraculously, Steve Irwin over here managed to not get his ass destroyed by spiders. Mostly because the bushes made a mostly safe little pocket for him and we killed the spider he was in there with.

Masochist Slut is along for the ride too. Why? Because with 100 reactions and _141_ melee...

Scale mail with a shield grants a staggering 90% melee evasion. I'm not sure spiders are even capable of hitting her from the front, and even from the sides and rear, she's very dodgey. The armour itself is also so thick that even after getting bit while running ahead a bit far, she took only a single point of damage.

Slut takes the right half of the map while Jade mops up the left, with the gunners staying behind after earning their training xp.

We even managed to save another bystander we never saw. An excellent result.

Slut is still somehow gaining melee points. I thought she was capped already, I just brought her for the titles.

And titles she got. That's a lot of bonus stats. It's a shame spears don't count as melee, Jade only got a few relatively weaker titles despite getting just as many kills.

Another title that you can get multiple variants off, potentially leading to just insane stats in the very long run. Here's hoping we get there!
Last edited:


Aug 5, 2009
Project: Eternity Shadorwun: Hong Kong Divinity: Original Sin 2 Pathfinder: Kingmaker
This lp made me start another run for myself, although I am way worse at the game. Got 2 fights against academy nurses so far, despite them being bad I still got 4 out of 6 starting ubers with long medbay times.


Nov 3, 2004
Copenhagen, Denmark
Codex 2012
If only I had the time. I really want to play this game, but between work and children, most of my time is spoken for. So I'm living vicariously through this thread.


"reaction fired SMG blasts turn Oasis790 into a corpse on the very first turn"

You arent skipping first turn?

Damned Registrations

Furry Weeaboo Nazi Nihilist
Feb 24, 2007
We kick things off here with a zombie hunt. We actually got a semi decent landing spot against a wall here, although the city ruins are a lot spookier than open fields. Nonetheless, we end up here on our second turn. Still scary as fuck, but, I think, manageable.

We've got some new zombie types here. These guys are fairly tanky, and their fists just destroy armor, apparently. Lets not get hit.

These guys have two traits. The first is that they instantly turn victims into zombies, like a chryssalid would. The second is that they are actually pretty mobile, unlike most zombie. Fortunately they're also relatively fragile for a zombie. Alas, no brainer was brought along to quantify this stuff, because our brainer outfit was destroyed when Oasis790 went down.

Another turn goes by and we're all still standing. Spears are amazing vs zombies, due to their low reactions it's easy to reaction fire a spear into one and steal all their remaining TUs. The only real problem is that you'll often burn most of your TUs on the first zombie to enter range, meaning a second might slip through. But we caught both bruisers as they rushed us and from here on out it's just cleanup duty. Another good reason to bring spears along is to stab the stunned zombies. Unlike humans, when zombies get back up after being stunned, they have their full TU alotment immediately, so an apparently safe soldier can get eaten by a sleeping zombie before you can react. Spears don't use ammo so they're good for finishing zombies off. Fire is another good option.

Lastly, we have a secret weapon that made this go a lot more smoothly: some /EP rounds for our RCF Carbines. EP rounds deal electrical damage. While they're normally pretty good for dealing stun damage and knocking people out in a fairly but not entirely lethal way at extreme ranges, they're also GREAT vs zombies, who have no electrical resistance but plenty of physical resistances. Sadly we can't buy or make these yet. We either looted these off guilders or got them from the slot machines, not sure.

Zombies give crazy amounts of infamy. Over 300k dollaros just from the infamy right here.

And tons of xp. XP scales somewhat with the threat level of the targets, and zombies, especilly fancy ones, are fairly high. Combined with needing a lot of bullets to go down and there being dozens of them, you get results like these:

Even the bodies are worth a fair bit, especially the bodies that are still moving. We do keep one of each for research purposes however.

Another type of research (we got this from some random interrogation) are VIP profiles. I've never had a direct encounter with a VIP, but I'd imagine there are some custom missions that involve them or ways to recruit some, which would be rad.

Our next run is a trader warehouse. I decide this is a good place to test the Savage outfit mentioned a few updates back. at close range here, we've got a 44-133 spread of daze damage with 100% accuracy. Not too shabby!

It does drop off with range, but even at fairly long range like here, it's still got a decent power for what it is. Even a very small amount of TU damage can be a lifesaver if it stops an enemy from using reaction fire on our troops while we take it out.

Jade witch is trying to train up as our secondary melee gal, but eats a lot of bullets here despite getting into melee range against a dude with a rifle. Those stats make a world of difference in how effective this strategy is.

All said and done, we finish up with only Jade being seriously injured. No noteworthy loot, but a win is a win.

XP is a lot lesser for this mission as well. Sadly Slut had to do the patching up, so we didn't even get bravery training in, since she's capped.


We used the howl about a dozen times I think? And that resulted in a 5 day recovery. Not terrible. Would be shorter if we had a sickbay, but longer without our Onsen. Honestly, the howl itself seems worthwhile to me, but I don't think it's worth the loss of body armour the scale mail provides. We probably won't see it again, as even for high priority captures, we've got other great tools like dart guns and stasis grenades.

At long last we break the 2k mark and indeed, blow right past it nearly to 4k. 1.2 million dollars from infamy this month buts us at a very healthy ballance going into the next month. Things are looking up despite the loss of a base!


We finished up the thermal exchange tech, which unlocks these. These going in the 'wear' slots on loudouts just like the scarves do, but provide heat resistance instead of cold. They also provide 3 energy per turn, which is quite nice!

As promised, an update on the training progress. I won't do a full beakdown for everyone, but lets take a couple examples who didn't go on any missions, like Azira (Zone Stalker) Echidna (Catgirl) and Belem Belle (Peasant)

Azira went from TU/ST/HP/AC/TH/ME/STR 52/40/56/75/54/47/45 to 57/59/65/80/61/54/47 for gains of 07/19/09/05/07/07/02 Echidna 81/81/35/60/54/61/26 to 84/88/35/71/58/71/28 Gains of 03/07/00/11/04/10/02 Belle had 50/69/36/36/36/35/17 to 52/78/36/53/42/48/29 Gains of 02/09/00/17/06/13/12

In my book, those are excellent gains for benchwarmers. Later we'll be able to field larger squads on missions to give more people mission xp, but even then, it can be helpful to concentrate the training on fewer people to amass titles and let the second string hands just gain stats mostly through passive training. Belle in particular got great gains here; 17 firing accuracy is very had to get safely on a peasant by doing missions, never mind melee.


Our infamry results in a captain promotion!

AFAICT the Infamy penalty here is a one time deal, not a recurring cost. So ranking up is generally a good thing, as long as we don't go crazy and start getting star gods showing up to fuck us over while we're throwing bits of metal at people.

Our new rank brings a new research option: Fuso Contacts! Sadly, Romanica isn't there yet. I suspect I need to find a jeweled cross to get that one.

Big success doesn't always mean nice events. Sometimes it's just another flavour of penalties. Thankfully, we've got plenty of cash to spare so this is trivial.

Our first underwater mission is availible!

Our armour options are pretty slim. There's a bigger issue though: We don't have any craft that can go underwater. We could build and send a hunting party to do this, but their overland speed is a paltry 75, so it'd take a month just to get there and back. Obviously not worth it, despite these missions generally being pretty easy and giving some decent rewards.

Hell yeah! Time to rake in the reward of.... really vile stuff? Err...

Personal Labs have been researched!

We start construction right away. Our main base is pretty cramped, but it's the only place we can put one for now. Eventually we'll offload a bunch of functions like prisons and animal storage to other bases to free up some room for more labs and workshops, since labs require the old earth lab we can't build elsewhere, and a lot of research and manufacture require specific buildings to be present. Hmm, perhaps that's why I never got the irradiator tower in a previous run, I might have not had an overcharged radar or extractor around when I unlocked the other tech prerequisites? That makes things even more complex trying to figure stuff out. No matter. Onwards!

Fuso GET.

Now, one of these four objects is absolutely critical to our progress. A shiny goldfist to the first person who can guess which one it is.

Nice! Time for some broken future tech.

Huh, didn't recall these having random production. That's interesting.

Not sure if our random roll was good or bad, but I won't turn my nose up at 10 medical supplies. But the real prizes are obviously that codex and the three stasis pods. I've never even heard of a Perfect Gal before. Sounds awesome!

Damned Registrations

Furry Weeaboo Nazi Nihilist
Feb 24, 2007
"reaction fired SMG blasts turn Oasis790 into a corpse on the very first turn"

You arent skipping first turn?
The craft has open windows on both sides, it's damned it you do damned if you don't.
On top of that, enemies can spawn so close to craft that it's entirely possible to skip the first turn and have someone lob a grenade inside, killing everyone or destroying all the extra gear brought along. As dangerous as it is walking outside while enemies have full TUs, skipping the turn is even worse imo, at least until we get much larger craft.


Sep 24, 2014
Yeah and don't forget the two front windows now, for a total of four holes into the bus.

Also I guess by critical tech involving Fuso you mean the fan.
To get air filtration


Aug 5, 2009
Project: Eternity Shadorwun: Hong Kong Divinity: Original Sin 2 Pathfinder: Kingmaker
You get so much information from middle mouse clicking research. Almost feels like cheating. But not quite. And even so I'm having a hard time figuring out how to get craft weapons so I can shoot down some of that juicy civilian traffic.

I picked Gals are superior and I seem to be getting quite a lot of brothel busting missions, which reward 1 castaway girl.
If only I had the time. I really want to play this game, but between work and children, most of my time is spoken for. So I'm living vicariously through this thread.
I know what you mean. I don't think I'll finish. But it'll probably be fun anyway.


As dangerous as it is walking outside while enemies have full TUs, skipping the turn is even worse imo, at least until we get much larger craft.
Start combat with primed smoke grenades? Its a hassle... I guess it depends on the enemy, I tangled alot with the Academy supply ships and I would never act on first turn...

"That'd be a -800 infamy hit. Assuming I could get landmines, which I can't. Or that they didn't chain react and blow up my own crew from some reaction fire."

You dont have to kill every dogo... Can you buy not named dogs? Or is everyone now in crew quarters?
Explosives are like grenades, they dont chain trigger... I think...

We used the howl about a dozen times I think?
Did anyone even panic?

gains of 07/19/09/05/07/07/02
It cerainly looks much better than what I remember. I had like +7 in ACC max. Which is strange cause looking at the code, nothing has changed... It also seems to roll every day, so you can pull people out, which I dont remember...

Mechanics spoiler: it seems you have a 50% chance to +1 per day if your stat is at half the training cap. So if your THROW is below 33 and the cap is 66, every day your chance is above 50%. Thats +15 in a month. Great way to avoid the THROW grind.
But at 60, the chance is 10%. +3 per month. Less great...


17 firing accuracy is very had to get safely on a peasant by doing missions, never mind melee.
I mean freshness changed the amount of grind you can do per mission/month. 1 melee gal knocks the whole map out and then you safely train lol.


which I dont remember
i just remembered why i might think that dojos suck:
i started using peasants when i requiered them and at that point i bought them in packages of 20 and walked the plank on everyone but the specific ones
Jan 7, 2012
While on the topic of training, how useful is the Sailor outfit? Says it improves XP gains (5). Have no idea what that means, but I've always used it extensively until I get camo/heavy armor, and keep using it for characters who don't need that. Assumption being that over a few missions the increased stat gains from Sailor will outweigh the stat bonuses of most other uniforms. But for all I know its actually only adding +5% stat gain rate or something.


While on the topic of training, how useful is the Sailor outfit? Says it improves XP gains (5). Have no idea what that means, but I've always used it extensively until I get camo/heavy armor, and keep using it for characters who don't need that. Assumption being that over a few missions the increased stat gains from Sailor will outweigh the stat bonuses of most other uniforms. But for all I know its actually only adding +5% stat gain rate or something.
# If a unit gains experience during the mission, its armor is checked for the tag
# ARMOR_GAINS_EXTRA_SECONDARY_STATS_PERCENT. If set, then for each of time units,
# stamina, health, and strength, the difference between the unit's current stats
# and the max for the soldier type is checked. If below the cap, then a RNG roll
# between 0 and the difference between current and the cap, modified by the
# percent value of the tag, capped at a minimum of 1, is made and added to the
# unit's stats.


sailor is at 5%...
say you have 10 str and max is 50
roll rand(0, 50-10) and *0.05?
max would be 40*0.05==2? min is always 1
thats not worth the risk (if you play risky...) for tu sta hp str
Jan 7, 2012
Hmm, so you always gain at least 1 more TU/Stamina/Health/Strength as long as you do something during a mission?

Seems pretty good to me actually. Sailor already gives +5 TUs/+10 Stamina, which is pretty good early game pre-real armor. Esp to keep for snipers or people with throwing weapons that use static TU amounts, max those TUs quick.

EDIT: Although I just did a mission now where I got +0 TU/+9 STA/+5 HP/+1 ACC/+1 MEL/+2STR/+4 FRS during a mission wearing sailor outfit, so it doesn't seem to actually give you a minimum of 1. If its not doing that then its pretty awful.

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