shihonage said:
Surf Solar said:
I'm on some creative dead end at the moment
staring at an empty design document all day isn't really funny
Chances are, you get overwhelmed by all the possibilities of what you COULD DO, and find yourself lost trying to find what you SHOULD DO right now. It seems that you can go wrong in so many ways, so you get stuck trying to theorize the right way, and then the fear comes in.
Yup, apart that real life strucks me hard lately, this is pretty much the case. I don't have so much time at the moment thanks to the latter sentence and if I have time on the PC, I think I "MUST" create something RIGHT NOW - this mostly ends in the things you described. There's much stuff to do, and I don't know where to start. This is why I've looked for a bit help lately (namely on the fleshing out of locations, dialogs and how the main story arch ties into smaller locations etc).
Let's say you create a maze full of tight corridors and a premise that's entirely underwhelming. It's not just "a lot better" than nothing, it's MONUMENTALLY better.
It's funny, because I actually did exactly the same thing last week. :D (creating maps without anything in mind in opposition to the " I now do a map for location XY") Did it just for fun, without anything particular in mind. Then, after some time, I got ideas where to use it, how to improve it, how to connect it with other maps etc. Sometimes, just working a bit into the blue really helps, yeah.
For example, you want an assassin to teleport behind a door when you do a dialogue option, and you document this and several similar occurrences as part of a whole quest chain, until you actually do it, and realize that Teleport() function in the engine was conceived with a different purpose in mind, and upon doing a Teleport(), the NPCs' home faction is set to the faction of the place he gets teleported to, so you can't make him attack anyone!
I know, yours is just an example, but atleast for teleporting in the engine it's pretty straightforward ( void r_TeleportToMap (int mappid, int entid) ) and doesn't do weird stuff like changing the critters proto (or flags set there, what faction he's in etc). But I get what you mean. Mostly I try to keep everything grounded, I look at Fallout 1/2 and see if idea xy could be done in there aswell, if yes, cool, if no, look if something can be improved to make it work or if it's a trainwreck, then write it in the doc. I guess it really helps that I worked quite a long time already with the engine before I started my own game, to know what the engine can and what not and so on.
Don't start a mountain of theoretical documentation, because you will have trouble connecting it to gameplay. You can't tell in advance how it will work, whether the engine has the right tools to do a quest that way, etc etc. Update the document, update the script, update the document in every place that your new discovery affects... You will get lost in a constant feedback loop between theory and practice.
You're ofcourse right, but as said above, I planned to get 1-2 more people on boat, atleast some small documentation is needed, else everyone just says "wtf am I supposed to do here?" I mostly have problems with the main story arch, there are bits I want to improve, but regardless what I come up with, I am not satisfied with, hence the "staring at empty design doc".
P.S. never make quests tied to other quests. If you have:
quest 1: bring NPC some petrol
quest 2: bring him matches so he sets himself on fire
I do quite the contrary, because there's lots of branching and each quest has atleast a bit to do with the other. As long as the creator is aware how many variables are available and there always more than 3 ways to do thing XY, I think it is ok.
As for your post: Thanks.
It's nice to see that I'm probably not the only one having these kinds of symptoms every now and then.