You know, I was sitting here thinking I'd be minority vote for 20-40hrs. Glad to see this is a popular stance.
I WANT to love Owlcat games, but Jesus Christ Rogue Trader could've left 20 hours on the cutting room floor EASILY.
Was thinking on giving it a whirl. Kingmaker went past the 80h mark for me. How long is Rogue Trader? Recommend?
Shit I don't know man. You'd be hard pressed to form a legitimate argument that it's a bad game, because it's certainly not.
But at the same time I tapped out after 30 hours and I've got zero desire to ever go back.
Maybe the setting just isn't for me. Maybe I don't like verbosity. Maybe I'm just a pleb. Actually that's probably it.
Ultimately, I got the feeling that the game was up it's own ass for how much content is crammed into it. Good on them for putting love into the game, but it's just too much - at least for me.