Im talking about what is in the game. Watch the video again.
Let me try!
What youre gonna try?
You can try to bash every door in the game.
So what? If you dont have enough strength or if the door is too strong or impenetrable, you wont make it.
Youll be forced to use other skills.
You won't succeed every time,
You wont succeed any time the pop up shows - impossible, dumbass. Any time your rangers do not have enough strength to do it.
Any time the devs decide that particular door wont be available for bashing.
but you won't run out of leg. Leg is not a limited resource.
WoW! My mind is blown! BLOWN I SAY!
You might not be able to try to explode every door in the game, because there are probably not as many explosives as doors. Explosives are a limited resource.
Who would have thunk it? eh?
The different methods will have different results on different doors, and may or may not work.
That doesn't make them limited resources.
Why... i never! Are you SURE?
What if rangers keep breaking their legs on the hard doors? HUH????
This seems like the prototypical case of "I can explain it to you, but I can't understand it for you?"
No, this is reverse of that - It is you who cannot understand what i said several times already, it is you who cannot understand what the video is showing - due to your idiotic arrogance.
And it is also insulting me (again) by just stupidly and arrogantly assuming i am not capable of understanding that legs and kicks are not limited resources.
Because that makes you feel good. You are that idiotic.
And i didnt even force you to go into this. You did it all by yourself.
I guess you got inspired by that marvelous ingenious assertion that bashing is not a limited resource the genius infinitron discovered!?
Anyone else wanna try? Anyone who manages to make hiver understand this pretty basic concept gets $5.
Oh wow....
It doesnt fucking matter if bashing is not limited resource. Of course it isnt! It -edit- (its success) is limited by mechanics you fucking imbecile.