I'm not sure what they were thinking with limiting void trace capacity to 100, pretty annoying that you have to keep in mind how many you have not to waste more than necessary (you know gets in the way of having mindless fun). Would it kill them if they let people stockpile them like any other resource?
Anyway update was/is buggy as hell. You weren't getting extra void traces you were told you'll get from people selecting your reward (fixed now). The already mentioned problem with scanning targets (particularly annoying for me because I had to do 3 synthesis scans for mission, that actually went through couple of stages for fixing, initially they wouldn't even spawn in missions). One invasion was impossible to finish for me (I'm not sure if it's this update specific problem, didn't happen to me before though). Literally nothing but capture target spawned and then I couldn't even finish the mission because breach torpedo thing simply wouldn't work (no it wasn't one off issue, every single time exact same thing happened). Sortie reward table not displaying (and there was something with not getting credits?). Alerts saying you'll get R5 fusion only to get R3/4 after finishing mission (sure it's just one core so who cares, point is shit is broken).
As already mentioned survival mission for reactor was silly and not thought out at all. I soloed it with excalibur and covert lethality after 3 tries, changed absolutely nothing between runs. It all came down to getting lucky with life support drops because after initial 1-2 groups nothing would spawn and if you didn't get enough from it then tough luck. I find it funny they called it "Gift", no way in hell new player does this on their own, I happened to be lucky and had covert lethality and frame to go with it. I guess the rest was supposed to fork out cash for plat and buy their covert lethality from Blaine.
I played one archwing mission since update and I have no desire to play any more of it, new movement is shit. I have no idea how it was approved for release. I guess they just pushed out whatever because they promised it.
Yet another annoying thing in this new update for me is that you can't any longer pick what mission you want to do on a node. You'd like to finish your story mission? Well too bad, there is invasion on that node right now. New map in general is less readable.
I was actually disappointed they toned down spawns for fissures. I was getting pretty nice xp from shanking all those bombards.
Refining is for the times you run with a group where everyone has the same refined relic.
Too bad you can't check what kind of relic people are putting in and you just have to take their word for it.
Another thing I've learned is that always bring a Carrier for traces, those bastards are hard to see with all the filters and shit.
Ehh not really, they always drop from eximus enemies, whoever kills the bastard marks traces for everyone else.