I had one incident where two goons walked into the same tile. Once the first one was down, the second wasn't targetable anymore. I could walk my guys into the same tile.
I seem to have found a bug.
It seems like the game isn't taking into account the bonus -1AP from the Firing Position perk when it comes to make a Overwatch action:
This happens every time I try to Overwatch when the shot cost is reduced by the perk, and I have the exact amount needed to shoot.
They aren't crafted normally.But I just found (I think) something critical: WHERE ARE THE TIER 2-4 ARMORS!? There is a Steam achievement for them, but no crafting option, unlike the Mk1. Is anyone using armor that is better than the very first one you can craft?
They aren't crafted normally.But I just found (I think) something critical: WHERE ARE THE TIER 2-4 ARMORS!? There is a Steam achievement for them, but no crafting option, unlike the Mk1. Is anyone using armor that is better than the very first one you can craft?
Fully upgrade your level 1 armour and it will get a gear icon with an arrow that allows you to upgrade it to the next level.
Nah, the AP counter is correctly updated (I force it to update by placing the cursor over a different enemy, that updates it).Probably a visual bug. As in: the AP counter doesn't update properly and it's best to do the math on your head. There are MANY UI related bugs in the current version.
Is this formula in the tooltips or hints section? I like to know the formulas for stuff. Can you explain more of how leadership bonus works? I saw earlier in this thread or the other thread where you said the person with the highest presence is the leader, but does leadership stat do anything for it besides adding to presence? How much do you have to add to presence to get 1% chance-to-hit modifier? Does the leader also get the benefit of their own leadership? I see they get the icon, but thematically, I'm not sure it make sense, so I wanted to double check.Oukay, but what about bypass? I'm getting the feeling that Bypass + Surveillance are simply mandatory for the main character, correct?
Surveillance is useful, and you'll gain it by using it, but you can also interrogate for info on districts. Wouldn't really invest many points in it (if any). Bypass is a good one to have, as Taka-Haradin puolipeikko pointed out, to allow your team to reposition a greater distance before combat starts. The formula is 20 for initial tile + 12 per additional tile.
I see somebody already answered this question for you, but it'd be nice if the game made it more obvious. I managed to figure it out on my own, but it was just before fighting the final boss when I was just upgrading equipment for the lulz. I was waiting to use my components to upgrade better armor and didn't realize there wasn't better armor.But I just found (I think) something critical: WHERE ARE THE TIER 2-4 ARMORS!? There is a Steam achievement for them, but no crafting option, unlike the Mk1. Is anyone using armor that is better than the very first one you can craft?
Congrats with the release of your game, i hope it does well.
With the insane amount of tactical games releasing now or very soon it will be hard to find the time for a proper playthrough..
Yeah, as you have no issues to shoot normally, would guess that overwatch check just doesn't take into account the Firing Position perk. As the perk was added in one of the latest big content updates before the release and is higher requirements, not many people have taken it yet.Nah, the AP counter is correctly updated (I force it to update by placing the cursor over a different enemy, that updates it).Probably a visual bug. As in: the AP counter doesn't update properly and it's best to do the math on your head. There are MANY UI related bugs in the current version.
And I do make the math in my head too. I know I can shoot twice if I don't move, but it still won't allow me to Overwatch the shot.
The thing is, in the past the armour upgrade progression was linear. Then the crafting system got a whole overhaul. This is what one gets for giving us more options, hehe. Agreed, it's somehow nonintutive.Nah, but srsly tho, COME ON. It's a gear at the bottom of the armor that only shows up when you FULLY upgrade it. Come on...
regarding wall shooting:
enemy marked with an arrow shot at my warrior in red aeveral turns in a row from that position, and connected a couple of times.
Also it seems that screenshot is with grain effect even though i switched it off in game.
I seem to have found a bug.
It seems like the game isn't taking into account the bonus -1AP from the Firing Position perk when it comes to make a Overwatch action:
This happens every time I try to Overwatch when the shot cost is reduced by the perk, and I have the exact amount needed to shoot.
I had one incident where two goons walked into the same tile. Once the first one was down, the second wasn't targetable anymore. I could walk my guys into the same tile.
Bought it yesterday and already 12 hours played.
Having a lot of fun just fannying around, playing on vigilante and making lots of mistakes.
The red ninja and fireman sam have saved my sorry arse a good few times.
Yeah, as you have no issues to shoot normally, would guess that overwatch check just doesn't take into account the Firing Position perk. As the perk was added in one of the latest big content updates before the release and is higher requirements, not many people have taken it yet.
The thing is, in the past the armour upgrade progression was linear. Then the crafting system got a whole overhaul. This is what one gets for giving us more options, hehe. Agreed, it's somehow nonintutive.
Edit - lol, sorry for stepping in, Timeslip, didn't know you're already here *quickly runs away*
You know, some of the perks would be pretty neat spammable. For example, can imagine having a backseat leader who spends the first few combat rounds' APs just Tagging and Insulting all the enemies.You have this feat that gives you 15% to hit this turn and -20% to hit next turn, why does it have a cooldown? whats wrong with spamming it, the player would be fucking themselves anyway if they did.
Been playing it for a couple hours, and i like it, but it feels too barebones.
Its definitely worth the asking price, but it could be so much more.
For the main gameplay thing. The attacks you mount lack context, you should get a text blurb about what you are doing, and it shouldnt be on demand, you should have to do some leg work and investigation to find these. Gameplay feels aimless.
Perks feel underwhelming, nothing to really look forward to, nothing to change the gameplay there. And some dont make any sense.
You have this feat that gives you 15% to hit this turn and -20% to hit next turn, why does it have a cooldown? whats wrong with spamming it, the player would be fucking themselves anyway if they did. Also itd be a fun feat if it was for melee, because you could plan around it in a more organic way.
You know, some of the perks would be pretty neat spammable. For example, can imagine having a backseat leader who spends the first few combat rounds' APs just Tagging and Insulting all the enemies.
But in the case of Controlled Breathing, if it can used at will, what stops me from spamming it next turn to mitigate debuff? Plus if one can just pile up +15% CTH then skill itself doesn't matter anymore. Two turns cooldown is here because the perk has two turns effect. And you can combine this with weapon modes. Also it's handy in combination with Adrenaline perk (+50% AP this turn, skip next turn).
Hm, for the strategical layer you could use more depth.Hey Lhynn. Appreciate the candid feedback. I guess based on the levels of funding and team size, there's only so much you can do, no matter how hard you work. I'd say we had 0.1% as much funding as something like XCom. Even compared to the majority of other indies making similar games, Vigilantes was incredibly under funded. I agree Vigilantes could be more, but the same is true for any game really, even if there are millions behind it. That said, I'm not done yet. It would misleading to suggest there will be vast mechanical changes or big new features, but there will be improvements and additional content.
Sure, why are you attacking them? what is it that you hope to accomplish? other than gaining some XP and interrogating people for the 50th time this week.Can you give me a bit more on this. I don't understand.
Not arguing that all the feats put together amount to something good, just saying, individual feats feel like crap.I'm not sure about perks being underwhelming. Give an unarmed character flurry, athletic, berserker charge, tough guy, taunt, dim mak, defuser, destroyer and behemoth, and you'll have a character which can burst cover 5 tiles without AP cost, absorb considerably more damage, hit harder, get free attacks, draw fire away from allies and take reduced damage, paralyse enemies, and catch grenades. To me, it seems that perks have vastly changed how that character functions. Perks is one of the areas I'll be focusing on, so if you want to pitch in any interesting ones, I'm all ears (or eyes).
Have you played with those perks (i.e. Flurry for hth and Fastest Gun for handguns)? In the past I've also argued against (and higher % esp. for Flurry, or have Flurry II, won't be bad), but not anymore, because those aren't as much important for overall damage increase (many other options for that) as for situational effect. When it happens, and I have 2AP remaining plus 3-4AP saved I can also throw a grenade, use one more Dim Mak etc...flurry is basically a 10% chance of getting a 50% or 33% increase in your damage while unarmed, which you probably should avoid if you have a good weapon, but at the end of the day its effectively a 3-5% increase in damage and thats pathetic, and it feels pathetic.
I thought cooldowns were pulled from some of those perks, could be wrong though. If they aren't I'd be willing to.
Some unofficial info:Can you explain more of how leadership bonus works? I saw earlier in this thread or the other thread where you said the person with the highest presence is the leader, but does leadership stat do anything for it besides adding to presence? How much do you have to add to presence to get 1% chance-to-hit modifier? Does the leader also get the benefit of their own leadership? I see they get the icon, but thematically, I'm not sure it make sense, so I wanted to double check
The first reload in a battle is supposed to be for free. Works for me for a shotgun. Well, it's probably the most handy for rifles or shotguns.Also, does the speed loader only work with revolvers, since that would make sense? I don't recall that being in the description, but it didn't seem to work for me on other guns.