I have been, not that I should have to as I get most of my RPG news from here - it's by far the best place Ive found to do so.
GIving you the benefit of the doubt however and I can find nothing but generic androgynous face? Chuck me the link with the example pics though trust me I would love to be wrong. Im not talking about the same plastic mannequin face we have been seeing in all the pics Ive found. A dude that looks like a dude or a lass that looks like a lass would be fine.
This is the best place to know about new or old RPGs.
But one of the worst when it comes to true, honest and deep opinions about a game.
It's 90% a continous whining or "The combat system is good/bad".
There is nothing more than combat system or useless, stupid and mentally disturbed arguments about how real life goes. A real life a lot of them doesn't experience.
Then, fortunately, there are good people.