This originally started out as a stabby knife character, so there are quite a few wasted stat points, skill points and feats. However, throwers aren't all that expensive in terms of what skills and feats you need, so you have some leeway, and utilizing that leeway to go melee early on seems like a good idea to me, since throwing needs some time to come online.
- Spear
- Throwing glove
- Throwing knives
- Shock shuriken
Pretty simple, since the idea here was to throw stuff that isn't grenades. You'll need an absolute ton of knives and shuriken since you can easily go through an entire stack of 30 (20 in the case of shuriken) in just a single combat encounter. Basically, Foundry and its mountains of steel plates is your favourite holiday destination.
The throwing knives do decent damage since you can chuck so many of them per turn, but you need the spear for single target damage. And that damage is crazy. With maxed Throwing and a crafted spear with stabilization wings, you will oneshot most enemies in the base game, and even ridiculously tough things like Nagas in the DLC will only take a few throws. Having to go retrieve it again can be a pain, but it's also a fun added bit of challenge that makes spears stand out from other high-AP high-damage ranged attacks. There are Javelins in the game, which you can throw for next to nothing in terms of AP cost, but by the time I found one my regular spear was outdamaging it so heavily that it seemed pointless. The spear throw ability has a cooldown of one turn, so you can't even carry two spears and chuck them both in a single turn.
The final essential item is the throwing glove, which reduces the AP cost of knife throwing. I'm embarrassed to admit I only found out about this item through the wiki, by chance while I was looking up something else. It never occurred to me to look at gloves for sale, since as far as I know there isn't any other item that boosts something largely unrelated like that. Anyway, with the glove and 13 Dex my guy could throw knives for 8 AP, which is almost as many attacks per turn as a knife user - possibly even more when you factor in Fatal Throw.
Other than that, my main utility items were nets. They're really good with a high Throwing skill and can be crafted from leather scraps, so you'll never run out. I wish I'd thought of using caltrops, but I never tried them since they always looked pretty shit to me (I've later seen the light and now I love them).
Essential feats:
- Spear Throw
Obviously. I don't like the concept of this feat, as I feel it's nothing more than a feat tax that you pay for something that should be an innate spear ability. Absolutely required pick anyway. Very good specialisation too, with significantly reduced AP cost at full spec.
- Pinning
This thing is 90% of the reason why throwing knives are fun. 35% chance to immobilise the target, up to 45% if you spec it. When you can toss a billion knives per turn, you're all but guaranteed to root mutiple targets in place. What's more, there is no short-term immunity to pinning after it wears off, like stuns, so once you've pinned someone you can easily keep him pinned in perpetuity, which turns several big targets into complete jokes. There aren't many enemies that are immune to it either.
- Split Spare
Throw an extra knife at an adjacent enemy for free. Combines beautifully with Pinning, and means that for every attack you're more likely than not to pin at least one enemy. Also works with shuriken, for those enemies that are immune to immobilisation, or else highly resistant to physical damage. With this plus Pinning and the innate stun chance of shuriken, you're a walking god of single target CC.
- Fatal Throw
Guaranteed crits at under 25% health is amazing in itself, and then you get refunded AP on top. This is one of those feats that feels almost too good in comparison to other throwing feats. It could easily have been split in two, and both halves would still be worth picking up. This is the one to specialise. With fully specced Fatal Throw you get refunded 27 AP. For one 8 AP attack!
- Opportunist
Like Spear Throw this is an obvious and pretty boring one, but with the amount of CC you can dish out with knives and shuriken, it's easily the best feat to get at character creation.
Other handy stuff:
- Hit and Run
Since you need to run to get your spear a lot, and also run around corner to evade enemies that are pinned but still awake, you need lots of MP. Substitute to taste for Sprint, or that other one that gives you MP per hit.
- Remote Surgeon
Maybe this is essential, I don't know. My brian is too small to comprehend its impact. Moar throwing knife damage is never bad.
- Impale
Aimed Shot but for spear melee attacks. I got this mainly for Expedition and its tons of tanky enemies. Gives you another high-damage attack to perform per turn. Handy if you have points in melee, but I didn't use it for much beside stronkmen.
- Weaponsmith
5% extra crit chance on your spear is good. Not much else to say.
Then there are general utility feats that are good but not throwing specific, like Expose Weakness and Blitz, and stuff that I got while this character was still primarily a melee dude: Dirty Kick and Cheap Shots. Like I said, you're not starved for feats with a thrower. Increased Will was taken so I could take Ripper next, which seems very good for throwing knives, but I never got that far.
It's worth mentioning that the spear throw functions as a melee attack, so stuff like Cheap Shots can trigger. Amusing, but I haven't been able to think up a use for it. I don't think Cheap Shots is worth taking for a spear thrower, since it's more about overwhelming enemies with a flurry of attacks.
Grenadier and that feat that gives your grenades a chance to crit would probably be wild with 250 effective Throwing skill, but the point of this was not to rely on grenades so I didn't take them.
Mechanics (and electronics) for the spear is basically all you need. Maybe you really want electronics for the energy edge or elecroshock attachments - I don't really know, as most things died from the physical damage alone. You'll be crafting an absolute mountain of throwing knives and shock shuriken (which can't be bought in shops at all) but that's not a skill investment.